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Probe launched into circumstances surrounding death of Revovion A. Sprauve

- Health Minister Hon Vincent O. Wheatley says he understands the public outcry over the death of 'Bucky'
Mr Revovion A. Sprauve aka 'Bucky' died after being taken to the Nurse Iris O'Neal (NIOC) on Friday, August 30, 2024 for medical attention; however, the clinic was closed. Photo: Facebook
Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) has called the death of Mr Revovion A. Sprauve aka 'Bucky' over the weekend as hurtful. Photo: YouTube/File
Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) has called the death of Mr Revovion A. Sprauve aka 'Bucky' over the weekend as hurtful. Photo: YouTube/File
FAT HOGS BAY, Tortola, VI- Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) has called the death of Mr Revovion A. Sprauve aka 'Bucky' over the weekend as hurtful.

Mr Sprauve died after being taken to the Nurse Iris O'Neal (NIOC) on Friday, August 30, 2024 for medical attention; however, the clinic was closed.

Mr Sprauve was a good friend- Hon Wheatley

Hon Wheatley said he personally reached out to the family of Mr Sprauve to offer his condolences and said he understands the public outcry that followed the death.

Speaking as a guest on the Morning Braff Show on Tola Radio VI on September 2, 2024, Hon Wheatley said it could have been anybody in that situation. “It’s very sad that he died this way, my heart is really, really broken. I’ve lost a good friend, I lost a really good friend…we have to fix this.”

Incident sent wrong message- Hon Wheatley

Hon Wheatley said the incident sends the wrong message about the island, especially as a “tourist island”.

The District Representative and Health Minister also said it could have been him as he too lives on Virgin Gorda.

BVIHSA offers apology

The BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) issued a statement confirming what was called the “unfortunate passing” of Mr Sprauve and offered condolences to his family.

“We understand that this is a profoundly difficult time for them, and we are committed to offering our full support in any way we can,” the statement said.

The statement continued that the BVIHSA is in the process of gathering all available information related to this incident to understand the full circumstances surrounding it to ensure it is addressed with the utmost seriousness.

BVIHSA said efforts were made in a previous bulletin informing of the reduced hours at the NIOC, in addition to providing contact numbers in case of emergencies.

24-hour operations resume

Following the incident on the weekend, 24-hour operations at the clinic have resumed.

An evaluation of clinic hours, emergency response procedures and communication strategies is being conducted in efforts to better serve the community.

The statement concluded with the BVIHSA assuring the public that “every possible step to address this situation with the gravity it deserves. Further information will be shared as soon as it becomes available, and we remain committed to transparency throughout this process.”

Hon Wheatley did confirm that an investigation into the weekend’s events did commence; however, was unable to indicate if that had been concluded and a report issued to his ministry.

“I just really want persons to know that it’s not something that we going to take sitting down or lying down or go through quietly, it’s not going to happen that way this time,” he said.

24 Responses to “Probe launched into circumstances surrounding death of Revovion A. Sprauve”

  • Really (04/09/2024, 09:26) Like (15) Dislike (18) Reply
    It's not normal for so many people to be dying on these islands. After the shot all clinics should be 24 hrs this death shot is in full death attacks. Death after death, all the dumb comments coming. Yes we're supposed to die but not this young. The human generation soon die out with all the sterilization methods and mRNA biotech weapon COVID vaccine and all vaccines now. Kids want to kill kids now. These kids now a days are bad and have no manners
  • investigate (04/09/2024, 09:37) Like (50) Dislike (0) Reply
    • @ investigate (04/09/2024, 11:04) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
      The last crooked so call independent investigator we had was bias one-sided hicikbotyom let's not go down that road ever again
  • Friend vs expats (04/09/2024, 09:46) Like (22) Dislike (2) Reply
    If it was an expat you would careless !
    • sad sad (04/09/2024, 14:00) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Unfortunately I can agree, I’ve never once seen any government official make any swift action or extend condolences to those that aren’t their “friend” much less be on the radio about it..when we going realize these ppl just don’t care about us in any which way..we are not seen as fellow humans or atleast treated as such
    • Blind Man (04/09/2024, 14:30) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Now look where you gone if it was a expat you would care less if you is an expat its people like you don't belong here because you always trying promote division a man die yes he was a friend of the minister but something when wrong some where which needs addressing and fixing so that the next person which could be you this won't affect you getting assistance from the neccasary health care system so stop the foolish childish talk and learn to understand and be grateful .
  • Agreeable One (04/09/2024, 09:47) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    Condolences to the family of Fari. In my opinion the leadership at HSA is weak and need to be urgently addressed. Whatever you see happening at the bottom of the organization is a reflection of what is happening at the top. While the buck stops with the minister, where is the PS in all of this? The long and short of all this though is the sister islands are treated like s**t that is why s**t like this will happen. If you call 911 on VG where will it be answered? ????
  • 1st thing first (04/09/2024, 10:15) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Start with the minister of health then go down the ladder until you reach to the bottom of it....We dont want you to start from the bottom upwards because you will never reach to the top
  • 2024 (04/09/2024, 10:18) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    the 13 busy fussing while our people suffering
  • smh (04/09/2024, 10:18) Like (23) Dislike (5) Reply
    Law suit

    listen if yall dont start busting some lawsuit in this government.

    we paying to tax to be treated like a 3rd world citizen.

    bust some lawsuit in them for poor medical facilities

    bust some class action lawsuit for these poor roads

    bust some lawsuit in them for everything that our tax money pays for.

    when them realize that the lawsuit costing them money and affecting their self enrichment then they will try to fix these things

    if this was other places like USA and other African countries people would be rioting the same day!

    this literally cause the a death and this ain the first nor last. Dont forget that during lockdown someone tried to get medical attention in Tortola for covid and died after being refused. if vg need more workers train the youths from school or just finished school! get them into a course that guarantees them a job in these vacant and important areas! instead you have 14yrs olds with AK 47!!

    this is absolute madness we as people putting up with.

    these are matters our government should be solving and discussing not no independence and uk this and that.

    if yall think this is normal now wait until these crook politicians get independence it will be pure chaos and you will suffer while they continue to grow and protect their circle

    and you have thaat joke of minister in vg i dont even know what to say anymore. this is pure craziness we paying in tax for.

    God forbid that was my family bcuz i not letting that slide!!
  • THINK ! (04/09/2024, 10:47) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just because you Mr. Health Minister reduced hours at the clinic that does not mean that the health incidences in the community are reduced. This incident is only a reflection of the holes in the public health fabric and many more have and will fall through. Many incidents have just gone unpublished.
  • Condolences this and condolences my @$$ (04/09/2024, 10:54) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    Do something!!!!!!!!!! Ayo politicians only like to get up in the house wid ayo condolences this and that.......People getting fed up of ayo wid ayo incompetence and retirement packages!!!!!!!!!!!
  • facts (04/09/2024, 11:05) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    All 13 hoa members must go they are a bunch of waste of time
  • Real Talk (04/09/2024, 11:10) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • J (04/09/2024, 11:29) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Not Myron he look out for people whither it his district or not,
  • Enough is enough now (04/09/2024, 11:49) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Firstly, my deepest condolences goes out to bucky family during these difficult times.
    What was the minister plan for medical services on the sister islands when coming into office, he would have seen and witnessed that nothing much was done on the Premier Oneal watch, therefore he should have made it his priority from the first day he entered office, to improve medical services on the island.

    More so he is aware of the untimely passing of Geoffrey Caines many decades ago and many more people who died because of lack of medical services and personnel on the island, therefore hearing of bucky untimely passing in a vehicle outside of the police station should not come as a surprise but a wake up call into action as never done before. The government emergency fund should be made available to address this menace once and for all. The security council should have an emergency hearing to address this life long problem. The Premier should delay his trip to London and implement measures immediately to calm the fears of the population.
  • Whose fault (04/09/2024, 12:07) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Clinic closed l!!!! Really,was an alternate clinic open ? Who authorize the clinic closed? Was the minister, as the D-9 rep , and minister of health, apprised that the clinic was going to be closed ? Was the clinic closed due lack of staff ? Is is the normal practice for the clinic to closed? Why did the clinic go off being manned 24 hours ? Gross inaction, inconsideration, etc., resulted perhaps in Mr. Sprauve’s death. Some poor actions, decisions can be corrected and come back from. There is no coming back from death. Mr. Sprsuve and family incurred, paid a high, priceless cost for this invaluable lesson/incident hopefully would never be repeated anywhere in the BVI. Mr. Sprauve paid to high a price for anything like it to be repeated. The knuckleheads whose action may have contributed to Mr. Sprauvr’s must be held accountable.
  • See (04/09/2024, 12:36) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Healthcare here is borderline prehistoric and it is well known outside of the territory
  • VG (04/09/2024, 12:42) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why is only now new coming to life about this man after how much days somebody need to be hold accountable for the hospital in vg to be close, is animal live on vg or human been vg people ride up
  • VG (04/09/2024, 13:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    If this was a visiting tourist I'll like to know what the Govt.of today was going to do.
  • Hum (04/09/2024, 14:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    we lost a new born in tortola because of incompetence.
    nothing as change
  • VIP the Worse Govt ever.. (04/09/2024, 14:22) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Its like 40 yrs or more V G suffering even though their representative was the Premier . Useless man... been in Power for 40 plus yrs...I always say to people and I know the BVI decline started under Ralph leaders. NDP tried with the Clinic on VG to make it a reality, but their in fighting and power struggle affected this country badly, NDP was working for this country.
  • smh (04/09/2024, 14:26) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Before this happened information was sent out saying the clinic was back to the usual place of business and fully operational. So who is at fault for not making sure staff was at the clinic that even/ night. I heard the generator was repaired they have partial cooling on the building. So with all that said the building shouldn’t have been lock down. BVIHSA needs to be sued they have the lady doctor up here calling all the shots but she don’t have the best interests for the organization. We the public need to stand on this cause it could have been anyone of us or a family member .
  • james (04/09/2024, 14:43) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Vincent Wheatley must go now now now now. He is just a user of people.

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