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Private sector needs to ‘step up’ support for HLSCC- Dana Lewis-Ambrose

- says there is a need for more scholarship opportunities @ HLSCC
Head of the Business and Computer Studies Department at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC) Mrs Dana Lewis-Ambrose has echoed the call for more support from external entities. Photo: Facebook
The business community are the beneficiaries of the human resource product put out by the H. Lavity Stoutt Community Collge, Head of the college's Business and Computer Studies Department has said. Photo: Internet Source
The business community are the beneficiaries of the human resource product put out by the H. Lavity Stoutt Community Collge, Head of the college's Business and Computer Studies Department has said. Photo: Internet Source
The H. Lavity Stoutt Commuinty College is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. Photo: HLSCC
The H. Lavity Stoutt Commuinty College is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. Photo: HLSCC
The James Harris Scholarship Programme for accounting studies at H. Lavity Stoutt Community College was launched on March 18, 2025. Photo: Facebook
The James Harris Scholarship Programme for accounting studies at H. Lavity Stoutt Community College was launched on March 18, 2025. Photo: Facebook
PARAQUITA BAY, Tortola, VI- Head of the Business and Computer Studies Department at H. Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC) Mrs Dana Lewis-Ambrose has echoed the call for more support from external entities.

Mrs Lewis-Ambrose was addressing the launch of the James J. Harris Scholarship on March 18, 2025, for students currently enrolled in or accepted to pursue accounting studies at the college. 

The scholarship was created by the Rotary Club of Central Tortola in memory of the late James J. Harris, who was a Rotarian. 

Gov’t can’t be the only entity contributing to HLSCC

Mrs Lewis-Ambrose said the government cannot be the only entity that contributes the majority of the funding the college receives. 

She said after thirty-five years of operation, the college has produced graduates and human resources and now the Virgin Islands (VI) is reaping the “fruits from their labours”. 

The HLSCC requires resources in order to operate and therefore funding is essential, she added. 

“After 35 years, I believe at this juncture we should not be looking to the government of the day to be only pouring into this entity,” Mrs Lewis-Ambrose said. 

The private sector needs to step up- Mrs Lewis-Ambrose 

She added that while the college is grateful for the assistance received from additional partners over the years, more can be done and said that the Rotary Club of Central Tortola should not be the only one recognising the need for creating opportunities for students. 

“I believe that the private sector needs to step up and become more socially responsible,” she said. 

Mrs Lewis-Ambrose continued that the private sector needs to realise that they are the ones benefitting from the “product” put out by the college. 

“So we need for more scholarship opportunities to happen, not just in accounting but in other progressive areas such as computer science and technology, such as entrepreneurship, such as economics and finance, if we are truly to become a sustainable territory,” she stated.

4 Responses to “Private sector needs to ‘step up’ support for HLSCC- Dana Lewis-Ambrose”

  • UK (20/03/2025, 10:56) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    The government must stop wasting tax dollars on concerts and flying around the world. Put it where it’s needed.
  • Concern bvi isladers (20/03/2025, 12:52) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let the leader of the opposition pay for it and ndp they put it that way everthing is free
  • Really? (20/03/2025, 13:26) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Why is it the responsibility of private companies? Charity starts at home. How many BV Islanders put their hands in their own pocket to help their own schools and students? Not many, I bet!
  • @Really? (20/03/2025, 18:04) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    When the private companies give, aren't they doing so "at home". Even if they are not BVI companies, they are benefitting from being here otherwise, since profit is the name of the game, they would be gone.

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