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Primary Supplementary Exams to be done earlier, says Hon. Walwyn

- Students who pass Primary 5 supplemental will now have opportunity to graduate
This time next year, students at the Primary 5 level who sit and pass the supplementary exams would be able to participate in their graduation exercises. Photo: Javon Liburd/ VINO
Hon. Walwyn told the principal, teachers, students, parents and friends the good news while attending the graduation ceremony of the Althea Scatliffe Primary School yesterday July 4, 2012. Photo: Javon Liburd/ VINO
Hon. Walwyn told the principal, teachers, students, parents and friends the good news while attending the graduation ceremony of the Althea Scatliffe Primary School yesterday July 4, 2012. Photo: Javon Liburd/ VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Students who fail their Primary Five examinations and having to sit supplementary examinations which is normally held in the summer, will now be allowed to do so earlier so that those passing their supplemental can be given the opportunity to graduate from next year.

This announcement was made by Minister for Education and Culture Hon. Myron Walwyn following a request made by Principal Marietta Flax-Headley at the Althea Scatliffe Primary School graduation held yesterday July 4, 2012 at the Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall.

While delivering the Principal’s Speech at the graduation, Principal Headley directed a comment to the Minister requesting that the Primary 5 Supplementary Exams be tested earlier to ensure that passing students can participate in their graduation.

“I would like to thank the Ministry and the Department of Education for providing the students who had D’s in their exams, the opportunity to do Supplementary Exams. However, I do believe the courtesy that is afforded to the secondary students of doing their Supplementary exams early so that they can participate in their graduation exercises, should also be extended to primary five students.”

This year 105 students sat the Primary 5 exams at the Althea Scatliffe Primary School with 94 students passing. Eleven students are scheduled to sit the supplementary exams.

In assurance, Hon. Walwyn, told Ms. Headley that prior to the graduation and her statement regarding the time the supplementary exams are given to the Primary 5 students, “directions have already been given to the acting Chief Education Officer to make sure that the supplementary exams are done earlier for the students who sit the primary five exams next year.”

7 Responses to “Primary Supplementary Exams to be done earlier, says Hon. Walwyn”

  • on the ball (05/07/2012, 09:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Congratulations to the might mighty might Scatliffe....
  • Kimbo (05/07/2012, 09:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    CONGRATS to my DonDon and my lil parda man Terrell.
  • taxpayer (05/07/2012, 10:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Minister Walwyn I must applaud you for your efforts to advance education in the BVI. However, there is need for a word of caution to you less you commit the same mistake as so many have as they clime the ladder of success. Please say after me; Lord, now that I am able to dine with Kings and Queens, help me to not to loose my common touch. Keep my two feet firmly on the ground. Amen. I listened to your opening remarks at the School for the disabled a few days ago. Be careful.
  • 1 (05/07/2012, 11:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Principal Marietta Flax-Headley what you have done here with this school over the years is simply wonderful. You have talent and you should use it to keep your school on top!!
  • WATS NEXT? FUSTRATED (05/07/2012, 13:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    mr.walwyn wat about the kidz wif special needs who r not attending the school for special and r attending primary school . WAT ABOUT THOSE KIDS? Is there a representtive frm ur office dat cud show sum interest . we parents visit the school asking wats nex the kids teacher nor principle cant give us an answer. SIGH> UR REPRESENTATIVES KEEPTELLING US _____WE'LL LOOK INTO IT ...PROMISES PROMISES. PLEASE MR. WALWYN CAN U TAKE SUM TIME TO MEET AT THE VARIOUS PRIMRY SCHOOL WHERE THOSE KIDZ R ATTENDING TALK TO THEIR TEACHERS AND PARENTS ESPECIALLY THOSE KIDZ WIF SPECAIL NEEDS WHO R 14YRS AND HVE NEVER BEEN EVALUATED ..... RIGHT NOW TO ME OUR KIDZ WIF SPECIAL NEEDS WHO R ATTENDING PRIMARY SCHOOL R PUT ON A BACK BURNER UNTIL ITS TIME TO SHIP THEM OUT ................................
  • ii (05/07/2012, 20:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    congratz to kala,tinesha and ivania and the whole crew luv yall
  • @@@@@@@ (05/07/2012, 23:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    this was one of the better graduation does far>

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