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President Trump's tariffs could affect shipping to the VI by Tropical

-Tropical Shipping CEO testifies before USTR of possible catastrophic effects on company & customers
President and Chief Executive Officer of Tropical Shipping, Mr Tim Martin testified before the U.S Trade Representative (USTR) on Monday, March 24, 2025. Photo: Tropical Shipping
Proposed tariffs include a flat one million dollar port fee on Chinese-built vessels entering U.S ports. Tropical Shipping has nine Chinese-built vessels. Photo: Tropical Shipping
Proposed tariffs include a flat one million dollar port fee on Chinese-built vessels entering U.S ports. Tropical Shipping has nine Chinese-built vessels. Photo: Tropical Shipping
About half of all goods imported to the Caribbean, Central and South America are transported by Tropical. These products range from poultry and agricultural products to medicine, building materials and hurricane relief supplies. Photo: Tropical Shipping
About half of all goods imported to the Caribbean, Central and South America are transported by Tropical. These products range from poultry and agricultural products to medicine, building materials and hurricane relief supplies. Photo: Tropical Shipping
WASHINGTON D.C., USA- The catastrophic effects that proposed tariffs by the United States could have on American-owned shipping companies and U.S exporters and Caribbean businesses that ship with Tropical Shipping has been documented through testimony made before the U.S Trade Representative (USTR) by President and Chief Executive Officer of Tropical Shipping, Mr Tim Martin.

Proposed tariffs include a flast one million dollar port fee on Chinese-built vessels entering U.S ports and Mr Martin in his testimony on Monday, March 24, 2025, said, “The U.S. shipping industry serving the Caribbean cannot absorb the additional costs of the proposed port fees, which would have significant economic consequences,” Martin testified. “Instead of strengthening American competitiveness, these port fees would push American-owned carriers like Tropical out of business.”

USTRA asked to exempt American-owned ships from fees

Through a public announcement on the shipping company’s website on March 26, 2025, the company revealed excerpts from Mr Martin’s testimony. 

Tropical Shipping operates out of the Port of Palm Beach in Florida; nine of the company’s nineteen vessels were built in China up to 25 years ago. Its vessels were built to serve shallow draft ports in the Caribbean.

Mr Martin asked for American-owned and headquartered vessel operators to be exempted from the proposed fees and apply the tariffs on future ships built in China but not on those already in service. 

This, he testified, will “ensure that American-owned shipping companies are not unfairly penalised for decisions made years before these tariffs; thereby ensuring a fair and equitable policy”. 

Proposed fees could force Tropical to double its freight

About half of all goods imported to the Caribbean, Central and South America are transported by Tropical. These products range from poultry and agricultural products to medicine, building materials and hurricane relief supplies. 

Some sixty-five per cent of goods shipped to the Virgin Islands (VI) are shipped via Tropical Shipping. 

If the fees proposed are put in place, it would force Tropical Shipping to double its freight rates hence causing Caribbean customers to buy at a higher cost from outside the U.S. 

Of concern is that the Caribbean Basin could potentially become China’s new Red River- a trading route dominated by Chinese carriers and vessels transporting goods from China and other supply sources outside the U.S. 

The Caribbean market, Tropical said, depends on its on-time, reliable shipping and its 60 years of expertise in the market. 

They also added that American-owned carriers like Tropical are the leading ocean carriers in the Caribbean, unlike most international maritime carriers, which are not American-owned.

Tropical Shipping reiterated its support of each of the 30 ports it serves through donations to education and youth development programs. 

The USTR was also reminded that Tropical Shipping’s vessels have participated in the U.S. Southern Command’s “Tradewinds” exercises, which have been described as “key to maintaining regional security, safety, and prosperity throughout the Caribbean Basin.”


6 Responses to “President Trump's tariffs could affect shipping to the VI by Tropical ”

  • Concerned (29/03/2025, 09:54) Like (11) Dislike (11) Reply
    Dont use tropical as they loose your pallets and accept zero responsibility. Bunch of crooks. The tarrifs will have zero effect on the price of Freight. The caribbean customers dont need to ship through the USA so there is no need to add the fees onto our freight. Most of our cargo goes through Trinadad. 60 years expertise in the market. You constantly ship to the wrong country, Charge double the other shippers. 60 years and still can not handle simple shipping tasks. THhs is a Joke.
    • @Concerned (30/03/2025, 14:15) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Besides the issues that you have mentioned above re Tropical Shipping, this article is also a forewarning to us as a territory to invest in wide scale, local farming, individually and collectively as well as align more with our regional counterparts re importation of food supply. Where there is smoke, there is more often than not, fire.
  • lord o. (29/03/2025, 10:22) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    The set up, the excuse to raise their cost. If their cost go up too high that we cant buy, we will have to forget about America turn to Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil, and inter Caribbean for our goods. So that might just be a good thing that forces us to do what we should be doing now. .
  • Yes (29/03/2025, 11:03) Like (4) Dislike (20) Reply
    Go team Trump!!!
  • LOL (29/03/2025, 14:30) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
  • Brokers (29/03/2025, 22:32) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now is the time to consider removing CIF.....remove that freight from duty.

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