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Premier’s speech was about ‘licking old wounds’- BVICCHA Chairman

-said NDP lied extensively during last political campaign
Chairman of the British Virgin Islands Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association (BVICCHA) Mr Jamal S. Smith has heavily criticised the recent Territory update speech by Premier Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith. The BVICCHA Chairman said the speech was very political, licking old wounds and most importantly failed to present any policy designed to bring any re-dress to the damaged economy of the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO
Premier's Smith's recent Economy Update speech has received heavy criticisms in some quarters, including many business persons, politicians, Opposition Members and the man on the street. They have labelled the speech as lacking substance and no policy on how to stop the Virgin Islands economy from its current free fall. Photo: VINO/File
Premier's Smith's recent Economy Update speech has received heavy criticisms in some quarters, including many business persons, politicians, Opposition Members and the man on the street. They have labelled the speech as lacking substance and no policy on how to stop the Virgin Islands economy from its current free fall. Photo: VINO/File
According to the Chairman of the BVI Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association (BVICCHA), Jamal S. Smith, it was the harsh reality that the NDP politicians were not truthful to the people of the Territory their campaigning and that government is now forced to grapple with the facts that the reality of the society was not what they told the people it was back in 2011. Photo: VINO/File
According to the Chairman of the BVI Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association (BVICCHA), Jamal S. Smith, it was the harsh reality that the NDP politicians were not truthful to the people of the Territory their campaigning and that government is now forced to grapple with the facts that the reality of the society was not what they told the people it was back in 2011. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Chairman of the British Virgin Islands Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association (BVICCHA) Mr Jamal S. Smith has heavily criticised the recent Territory update speech by Premier Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith. The BVICCHA Chairman said the speech was very political, licking old wounds and most importantly failed to present any policy designed to bring any re-dress to the damaged economy of the Virgin Islands.

“That was what I was kind of expecting to see from the Premier’s speech, a new deal for the Virgin Islands that would help reshape the way how our people do business, where we were going, but we haven’t seen an economic policy coming out of this speech,” said noted a disappointed Mr Smith. What he said was clear was the fact that the Premier had finally acknowledged that the Virgin Islands is in a crisis.

“From about a month ago where we had the Premier saying we have a robust economy he is now saying that he is diagnosing the problem and it’s dire…the Premier has come around to the reality of what all of us have been saying all the time.”

The man who sits at the head of the local Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association in the VI was very candid in his comments and repeatedly pointed out that the Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith and his government were blindfolded to the declining state of the economy as was being seen and constantly being repeated at various forums and by all levels of persons.

NDP Lied

Mr Smith opined that the National Democratic Party (NDP) government has been stuck in the campaign mode for too long and continues to lie just as they repeatedly did on the campaign trail. “They campaigned on a lot of things that were not true. They said a lot of things that were not true in the 2011 election.”

The BVICCHA Chairman also said the Premier was very tactic in mentioning the “truth” extensively throughout the speech. “He used that word a lot and that’s a subliminal message by constantly throwing it in that speech. Unless you are a speech writer yourself or are familiar with speech communication you wouldn’t pick up on those subtleties. Whoever wrote that speech knew exactly what they were doing.”

Mr Smith insisted that it was the harsh reality that the NDP was not truthful to the people of the Territory during their campaigning and that government is now forced to grapple with the facts that the reality of the society was not what they told the people it was back in 2011.

The writing on the wall

“He has come full circle to where the public has been all along. We have seen the writing on the wall, we knew it was the case he is now saying what we have been saying,” Mr Smith stated.

He also said that there was absolutely nothing new in the Premier’s speech as he has now come to the point of saying what the rest of the Territory has been saying all along. While he complimented the Premier for finally getting on the same wavelength with everyone else, “It would have been good for him to have been there a long time and now come to the public to tell us where you are going.”  

The person/s who would have written the speech was given high points by Mr Smith, who said that it would have been remiss of him not to give credits where due as in his opinion it was “well written.” He could not avoid noting, however, that it was a political speech. “There were no ifs and buts about that, it was very political and I want to stay away from those politically charged issues, too much politics in it.”

They need to be putting money into the economy

While noting that he is no economist, Mr Smith said the Territory should be looking at two opposing things happening internationally intended at stimulating economies. He alluded to Representative of the Third District Honourable Julian Fraser, RA, constantly expounding that view. “The United States from the time the economic downturn began in 2008 had taken a position that government intervention was critical. They need to be putting money into the economy to be able to get the private sector back on track. The United States has been a leader on that,” argued Mr Smith.

He sought to compare the system employed by the US government which has, as of last month (June), seen a 30% increase in jobs and the system that Europe has employed but sees them still in a state of turmoil over declining jobs. “Which of the two is working? I tend to think that the Representative of the Third District somehow has gotten it right.”

Mr Smith said he was still in awe as to what the position of the Premier really is as to how the economy was to get back on track since his speech was not an economic policy statement. “We haven’t seen from his speech what his position is.” In his quest to stay away from the politics, Mr Smith declined to say if in his view this has been a trend of the NDP government of not coming clear as to what their position is. “I would hesitate to answer that question because I want to stay away from the politics. I do really have a strong view in response to that question but it’s a political response. So I wouldn’t go there.”

32 Responses to “Premier’s speech was about ‘licking old wounds’- BVICCHA Chairman”

  • ABC (10/07/2013, 08:52) Like (27) Dislike (30) Reply
    Jamal you hit the rock on the head!!
  • Touched (10/07/2013, 09:07) Like (10) Dislike (52) Reply
    OH! Guess we should have done the darn job by ourselves, and knew from the get go we could not trust the NDP....under this government the BVI has become the scum from the day we remove the VIP
  • ccc (10/07/2013, 09:08) Like (11) Dislike (34) Reply
    a civil war broke out in this place soon if we do not have an election!!!
  • tola (10/07/2013, 09:44) Like (11) Dislike (22) Reply
    Oh Jamal SHUT UP!! You give ayo a lil position and you turn around and try to lick our behind with it. No one will vote for you so stop trying to ranch up political points.
    • @ tola (10/07/2013, 10:27) Like (14) Dislike (27) Reply

      Hush your silly r@$$ if they vote for Myron it means any one can win in this place...Jamal is far more superior to Myron and most of all is indigenous to the BVI

  • RedStorm (10/07/2013, 10:29) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Government use strategies to conform people to ideas they think, the people wants to hear, it worked for the VIP and it work for the NDP first election it has worked throughout politics, its one of the twisted democratic view that parties used. Jamal of all person should know that he studied law, and should have covered that subject of Democracy. Would I say if someone apply at your company for a job and you say I will call you, should I then turn around and call you a liar. No. I should be able to reason with a depth of rich understanding that the man use a strategy to conform me to think that he will call me. When we vote the NDP in we run away with this idea that they were more professional than the other party and would able to get others through influence to support the agenda. It could be VIP , NDP , RGP, BBP, KBP, RSP, it would still have the same problem. Its like trying to manage your home, except this one come with bigger compartment. The time Lawyers, doctors, civilians call down the government, they should try to send some written ideas to the " Think Tank Committee to start trying something to secure this country economy. We all will go down hill if we don't. Some of us think we have a little rent house and we secure think again, it can crumble before our eyes one day , if we don't do something quick. Dr.Smith and this ministers is trying to do something and it will take time. Just like Mr. O'Neal who try a strategy to keep all civil servants in their jobs. Let them don't do nothing and we all will know if the Monarchy would do something as she would not have it and we would not like it to have all the choose few be put on the back burners. Lets support our local government.
    • Sick (10/07/2013, 12:10) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      @RedStorm, why do people like you come here preaching this level of nonsence? With all that Mr. Smith has said, dont you think it is an insult for you ro respond with this juvenile s**t. By the way, you said Dr. Smith and and his Ministers are trying, what exactly are they trying to do except screw us?
      • RedStorm (10/07/2013, 15:19) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
        @sick, please don't get an anxiety attack. It was just my democratic view on a situation by if you want to know what Dr. Smith is doing, just apply this exercise and see what result you can come up with. Make a list of all the things NDP did not do, and all the things they did do in the year or so that they are in the party.
        Separate them by all the negative and positives then do the same with the NDP and the VIP and see which party would have allowed you to live like a king in just a short time and if NDP did not gain much positive and the VIP has , then next time vote them out it is your democratic right. Exercise it. Or you have a choose to bring on a new "Party". Please do not insult my comments into the juvenile brackets, I am highly favor and truly blessed in my school work.

        Oh the word " People Like you" give a sense of those who cannot read , write or reason (illiterates)or the idea that someone is beneath the level of your superiority, if you are human do not put others down it is not a cool thing to do and "screw us" refrain from using the language it has so much meaning in its meaning. One might mostly think of the latter. You cannot speak for the population in that language. Because you have generalized the population to the media in thinking that the majority will agree with you. It is not so.
  • cbs (10/07/2013, 10:45) Like (12) Dislike (21) Reply
    OH for heaven's sake!! even Steve Wonder can see that Dr. Smith is not a leader, he simply enjoys the lime light. The darn trouble is, by the time he is finished we will all be seeking hand outs.
  • OhKala (10/07/2013, 11:26) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    This article by Mr. Smith is truly one from the heart, I can sence the pain in a young man like this, an entrepreneur at that, to come on here and tell the people of this territory what is going on. He is spot on and I hope the Premier listens and act.

    In Jamal's line of work I know of several people who shares his views but prefers to talk privately. That is dangerous to the country, but then again, they also fear for their own survival. Too bad we have to live in a society where citizens fear their government.
  • Fraunces (10/07/2013, 11:31) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    I have a question, shouldn't the BVICCHA Chairman be neutral regarding political matters? Does the membership also hold these views?
    • dj (10/07/2013, 21:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      WHEN ARE WE GOING TO STAND UP AS BVIslanders AGAINST this government?
  • call (10/07/2013, 11:52) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr. Smith you hitting hard deman
  • Economics (10/07/2013, 14:18) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    He sought to compare the system employed by the US government which has, as of last month (June), seen a 30% increase in jobs and the system that Europe has employed but sees them still in a state of turmoil over declining jobs. “Which of the two is working? I tend to think that the Representative of the Third District somehow has gotten it right.”

    Jamal, I agree with most of your written piece but not this captioned bit. The US Government is borrowing from the Federal Reserve which they do not own. BVI does not have a mint from which to print more money or borrow. BVI Government needs to trim the excess recurrent expenditure fat; have prudent financial management and lessen the wasteful spending.
    • jah (10/07/2013, 18:22) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Economics, how is the US government borrowing from the Federal Reserve? They borrow from other countries, float bonds, and sell other notes. The money they get from the fed is the bonds they float and some interests on securities and the like. None the less, what Jamal is talking about is not the source, but the model.

      Orlando has the money, its just the model he is using is the wrong one. And when Jamal said, "I tend to think that The Representative for the Third District somehow has gotten it right", he was talking about the model. And he is right.

      Hon. Fraser didn't make it up when he said the Premier was using the European Model, for if you look at the Premier's 2012 Budget Address you will see the caption says, "Austerity today, ensures economic recovery tomorrow". Unfortunately tomorrow never came, and the sad thing about it is that the Premier hasn't seen that. Even after being told.
  • HELLO!!! (10/07/2013, 14:39) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Struppsss, this person just looking his 15 minutes of fame..empty vessle..
    • @ HELLO!!! (10/07/2013, 16:37) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      oh yea he reminds me of MVW
      • oppsss (11/07/2013, 10:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        The NDP is the master of propaganda how can we forget the dark days of the 2011 election campaign.
        • Princess (11/07/2013, 10:51) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
          The 2011 elections were saved by God intervention. All the much they brought in here did not work...Thank God for his mercies and for saving us from the wrath of another VIP Government.
  • ire (10/07/2013, 15:45) Like (6) Dislike (26) Reply
    There must come a time in the BVI where you people respect the word 'DEMOCRACY' every time someone gives a view in honesty you people have a problem with that and look for ways to pull them down and if possible bury them.
    that's the very reason you have many women and young girls in abusive, serious abusive situations, women and men in workplaces being screwed through their ears and the full length of it and they are afraid to come forward because their own people would rather the swallow and 'take it to the lord in prayer' that to let the world know whats going on.
    it time to wake and smell the roses. Allow people to express themselves and you'll see how much the country will develop because persons would be candid, the learned ears will ear and in a lot of cases they would by a lot of the initiatives of the grassroot. MR JAMAL S. SMITH DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED BY THE NEGATIVE PEOPLE STILL LIVING LOCKED AWAY IN THEIR ANCIENT BOXES. CONTINUE TO BE DEMOCRATIC that was a speech form the heart and i bet there were more but VINO say everything that you said. I know you sir. i particularly like the point that you brought out that the NDP lied to the people during their campaign. A lie is a lie and should not be dressed up. One love brother.
  • Whow! (10/07/2013, 15:49) Like (1) Dislike (16) Reply
    What did the Chairman say? Is it that he can read or understand. If the consolidation of the loans which will result in some $100 Millions in funds for capital works is not an injections of funds tell me what is.
    Between these two Smiths give me the Premier any day
    • dem say (10/07/2013, 20:49) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      This government is actively killing Peace and Love and Hope in the BVI.
      • GoonSquad (11/07/2013, 10:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        The government killing peace and love and hope in the BVI? How you get that one say buddy? We, our own people is who causing distruction to ourselves...not the government
  • AC 360 (10/07/2013, 16:37) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree 1000% with the position of the chamber of commerce they are spot on
  • lie (10/07/2013, 17:14) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Does any one else remember seeing placards during the NDP campaign saying, "What Does The Failing Worldwide Economy Have To Do With Us" It is something that stuck with me because, it was heart wrenching that the NDP was fooling the people that the hardships that the VIP government was experiencing had nothing to do with the failing worldwide economy. Now they have to eat their own words.....SMH.....
    • jump (11/07/2013, 09:27) Like (0) Dislike (14) Reply
      Guys, sometimes we must forget about our part's affiliations for a bit and try and be objective.

  • Queen Mary (10/07/2013, 20:38) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Point here is that the NDP don't use common sense and they don't know how to listen
  • Happy (11/07/2013, 09:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    whats the fuss about Jamal comments.??/at least he is telling the truth
  • insider (11/07/2013, 15:33) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    yea Jamal suck it to them do not be intermediated by Troy and Conwell with thee fart

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