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Premier’s Office fails to inform Premier Smith about Darley’s meeting request!

- Premier Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith said he has no knowledge of Hugh E. Darley's attempts to meet, however, acting PS in Premier’s Office Brodrick Penn confirmed Darley did contact the office for a meeting
Premier Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith (left) said he has no knowledge of Hugh E. Darley's attempts to meet, however, acting PS in Premier’s Office Brodrick Penn confirmed Darley did contact the office for a meeting. Photo: VINO/File
Hugh E. Darley has retained John Carrington of Sabals Law to represent him should he need to bring legal action against the Government if the attempts at negotiating fall through. Photo: File
Hugh E. Darley has retained John Carrington of Sabals Law to represent him should he need to bring legal action against the Government if the attempts at negotiating fall through. Photo: File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith has claimed that he knows of no attempt by former Project Developer of the Cruise Pier Development Project, Mr Hugh E. Darley to seek a meeting with him to discuss outstanding monies allegedly owed to Darley, President of IDEA Inc.

It was at a press conference yesterday May 3, 2016 when Premier Smith was asked whether Darley had made contact with him or his office to arrange a meeting.

Premier Smith in the past few weeks had said he believed Darley was paid whatever was owed to him for works done on the project.

Premier Smith had said too that he was open to sitting down with Darley to discuss the way forward on the issue.

‘I have not heard from Mr Darley!’

However, Premier Smith said he had not heard from Darley. “I have not heard from Mr Darley. I have not been written to by Mr Darley or his representative,” he said during yesterday’s press conference.

Premier Smith said that if Darley continues to feel aggrieved then there are steps than can be taken to deal with the matter.

“If he (Darley) has a concern I think he knows he can make his representation and he also knows that the courts are available if he is not satisfied,” said Premier Smith.

However, at the end of the press conference it was brought to this news site’s attention that Darley had made contact with the Premier’s Office, however, the news of that contact was not filtered up to Premier Smith as yet.

Confirming that the contact had been made was acting Permanent Secretary in the Premier’s Office, Mr Brodrick Penn, who said the Premier’s Office has not yet made a decision on whether the meeting between Darley and Premier Smith will take place.

Darley allegedly owed for project drawings

During a visit to the territory in December 2015, Mr Darley told this news site in an exclusive interview that he owned 20% of the project and “if I ran the project well as designed would have profited from the revenue streams as would the government.”

He said that in 30 years, they would have handed over ownership to the BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) and they would have not invested one dollar.

“I was to be paid a developer’s fee of $2,000,000 for delivery of the documents and guarantees with Disney and NCL. We completed our obligations on August 19, 2013. When Jim Triplett of UIG did not close on the financing for the TPP Obligation I lost my equity but had already turned over the documents. I asked the government to hold payment to Jim Triplett as he did not perform and pay IDEA for the drawings but the BVIPA paid Jim Triplett $1.7 million in a guarantee they signed with UIG that did not involve IDEA,” he explained during his visit.

According to him, the government entered into conversations with IDEA to keep the project alive and asked that they, at their, cost manage the process with Dion Stoutt between October 1st and December 31st.

“They then promised to enter an agreement with IDEA for $25,000 per month as a licensing fee yet we had to also act as art director as Dion Stoutt had no experience with such projects. IDEA entered into the license agreement on January 6th 2014. The BVIPA paid us for four months then ended our relationship,” he said.

Darley has retained John Carrington of Sabals Law to represent him should he need to bring legal action against the Government if the attempts at negotiating fall through.

22 Responses to “Premier’s Office fails to inform Premier Smith about Darley’s meeting request!”

  • People (04/05/2016, 08:23) Like (45) Dislike (5) Reply
    History shows that you can't trust anything the Premier says anymore.
  • On looker (04/05/2016, 08:25) Like (24) Dislike (4) Reply
    I use to trust the words & actions of the Premier but I don't anymore. He has lost his way.
  • tretretrete (04/05/2016, 08:29) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply

    The NDP symbol is the family & that's what have this country under dark clouds. They protecting family and condoning corruption in this government especially with the needed but corrupt Cruise Pier Project. 

  • tretretrete (04/05/2016, 08:29) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    The NDP symbol is the family & that's what have this country under dark clouds. The Premier is protecting family and condoning corruption in his government especially with the needed but corrupt Cruise Pier Project. Mark should have been fired long ago.
  • WHATTTT (04/05/2016, 08:29) Like (64) Dislike (1) Reply
    So the Premier doesn't decide whom he meets..his staff does!
    • dog (04/05/2016, 22:51) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      that's exactly what I picked up on too. Since when does the secretary decide what is important or not especially with a controversial subject. No wonder he is in the dark all the time.
  • fact (04/05/2016, 08:30) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

    he is a deceiver. His exposure is on the way. He's not the saint that he portrays.

  • simple (04/05/2016, 08:32) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Political Observer (04/05/2016, 08:34) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    Unless one was living under a rock for the past several months, it is well known that Hugh Dsrley was advocating for compensation for drawings allegedly used on the Tortola Pier Park. Further, in some quarters , Hugh Darley is viewed as a controversial figure. So why was the Premier not apprised that Mr. Darley was trying to schedule a meeting with him? Was the blame pre-planned so that staff could take one for the team? Did the Premier empower the PS and other staff to make decisions as to whom he sees? In the end it is the Premier's responsibility for what goes on in his office. The PS must have felt confident that the Premier did not want to talk to Darley despite what he said in public. Was the PS acting on the behalf of and shielding the Premier? Is this akin to the Bridge Gate scandal in New Jersey with Governor Chris Christie? Christi may or may not have known but the staff may have believed that he may have approve of the action-closing one of the busiest bridge in the world. Politics is full of mirages and politicians speak with forked tongue.
    • wtf? (04/05/2016, 09:34) Like (9) Dislike (22) Reply
      What nonsense are you talking? The PS are the ones that effectively runs their respective offices while liaising with the Minister(s). The Premier is only one person and cannot deal with everything or everyone, everyday, that's what staff is for. Of course the PS can make decisions as it relates to who can meet the Premier etc. So you think if you want a meeting you just call and say "Doc, I going check you around 12 okay?"......?????
      • voter (04/05/2016, 22:37) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        PS serves at his pleasure so Premiere is ultimately responsible
      • dog (04/05/2016, 22:56) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        It's called triage, discretion, crisis management. how about common sense or political instinct? PS didn't exhibit any of these with his judgement. One should be able to choose between complaints about cows eating flowers and a controversial visitor associated with a project that is (or should be investigated). that is BS.
  • one eye (04/05/2016, 09:05) Like (35) Dislike (1) Reply
    poor falla sleeping again that is why LS is running the Premier's Office
  • Bernie Sanders (04/05/2016, 09:19) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    Doctor Smith is dealing with children who is acting like spoil brats who don't get the presents they want at XMAS..These unruly children caused him to loose his credibility,check the facts..The country is heading down a slippery slope fast,bus NDP have the country hanging over Sleepy Hill,who will save us?? You all remember those Election Slogans? It's back firing on them now..
  • chad (04/05/2016, 10:11) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    Lies after lies and more lies.
  • honesty? (04/05/2016, 10:15) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well look what doc turned out to be after all these years?
  • Wendy (04/05/2016, 11:55) Like (2) Dislike (21) Reply
    And so what? Why is this headline news? I would assume that not each and every appointment for an audience with a country's premier is made nor is the Premier informed. You know how many appointments I requested with Obama? or Queen Elizabeth? For chrissakes, Darley man, stop with the foo foo games and go play with your attorney.
    Premier is a busywouldn't see you either kinda vip. He is not yours. man. you did not vote him into office. Appointments are made and mentioned based on their importance.
    Go to an appointment with your Pres who you also did not vote into office,and have him contact the VI Gov. Maybe then but only maybe.
  • Don't listen (04/05/2016, 19:18) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I told you not to vote for NDP. A set of con man and crooks. Tricked off the masses into thinking they were working for our best interest. As soon as they got in power, all the projects stopped and the money in the reserve disappeared.
  • reality (05/05/2016, 04:21) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    These things must happen when the Primier and his advisers handpick people from their party following to fill jobs they are not trained for.. They bypass the people who were trained and worked in the system for years. A lot moe will happen. This is just the beginning.
  • oh boy (06/05/2016, 13:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Premier Smith in the past few weeks had said he believed Darley was paid whatever was owed to him for works done on the project.

    Oh if the monies went out, TO WHOM did they go? if it did not go out, then WHERE is it?
    Oh boy..looks like they screwed up an international investment deal.

    Wow. Interesting yet...

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