Premier’s accusations have no merit- Hon Smith

Hon Smith called the press conference this morning, October 23, 2024, just hours after an announcement by Premier Wheatley of her firing. She said she was only notified of the Premier’s decision to remove her from serving as Deputy Premier and a Minister via letter this morning while in her office.
Third District Representative and Chairman of the Progressive United Party (PU) Hon Julian Fraser RA was sworn in as Deputy Premier this morning by Governor Daniel Pruce. In a statement this morning, Premier Wheatley indicated that Hon Fraser will hold the portfolio of Minister for the Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Labour and Immigration.
As for Hon Fraser's move, Hon Smith said she was “not surprised that he was the person selected.”
Hon Smith calls on Premier to be honest
“The Premier in his letter to me cited a lack of support in relation to CoI obligations as one of the reasons for my removal. However, if you have followed my work since being sworn in as minister, it is evident that the accusations hold no merit,” Hon Smith said.
She said the Ministry of Financial Services, Labour and Trade, which she oversaw until today, along with the hardworking team there, met all CoI deadlines and that the “record speaks for itself”.
“The Premier’s reasoning is simply untrue, and I believe it is imperative that he be honest to the people about his true motives rather than fabricating baseless claims. The truth is I have never wavered in my commitment to the Virgin Islands and its people,” Hon Smith stated.
Meanwhile, Hon Smith said her sole focus upon joining the government was the continued development of the Virgin Islands and has always been transparent about her intentions.
“From the outset, I made it clear to Premier Wheatley that I was here to serve the people of the Virgin Islands, not to serve political interests. Despite the difficult economic challenges we face, my focus has always been on strengthening our economy while supporting the government in meeting its obligations,” she added.
Did Hon Smith’s confidence in Premier Wheatley waver?
Hon Smith was elected as an At Large Representative of the National Democratic Party (NDP) at the April 2023 general elections but crossed the floor to help form the government with the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) which had won 6 of the 7 seats in the House of Assembly.
It was during the September 26, 2024, sitting of the House of Assembly that Hon Smith said, “I want to make it clear for the millionth time that I am very supportive of the side that I am on,” however, today’s events and comments from the Premier indicate otherwise.
Premier Wheatley said today in his statement to the public, that Hon Smith did not give him the “confidence” that she would remain with his administration for the duration of this term, leaving “room for uncertainty, and political instability, which we cannot afford at this time.”
Hon Smith said during the press conference that in her duty to be transparent and straightforward, she voiced her disagreements with decisions that were made which she believed were not in the collective best interest of the territory.
“I was faced with a statement from the Premier that if the vote of no confidence succeeds the House of Assembly would be dissolved. I found this to be a rather selfish threat aimed more at preserving power, rather than fostering the wellbeing of the Virgin Islands,” she said.
Hon Smith went on to say that in her opinion, the public’s view is that the country is not progressing for the good of the people under Premier Wheatley’s leadership.
“For anyone to suggest that I have not been working in the best interest of the Virgin Islands, they’re either misinformed or intentionally malicious,” she stated.

38 Responses to “Premier’s accusations have no merit- Hon Smith”
Narcissistic leadership is a leadership style in which the leader is only interested in themself. Their priority is themself – at the expense of their people/group members. This leader exhibits the characteristics of a narcissist: arrogance, dominance and hostility. It is a sufficiently common leadership style that it has acquired its own name. Narcissism is most often described as unhealthy and destructive. It has been described as "driven by unyielding arrogance, self-absorption, and a personal egotistic need for power and admiration".
The Premier made an excellent political move.
Fraser is as solid as a rock.
Premier can sleep peacefully now.
Allyou forget when ilene Parsons tried to cross the floor and Ralph fired her? They were till up Beef island to the Governor
They Governor told them the thing no wok so and the governor called Ralph
Go back now and complain about the state of the Territory while he spend taxpayers' money like there's no tomorrow.
Well actually Lorna, you did, when you abandoned your party to cross the floor. Can't feel sorry for you now.
a ministry is simply an governmental appointment and that appointment can be removed
Look at the formation of the Unity Government) some ministers were removed from their appointments
If smith was not given the deputy premier appointment she would have never join the Virgin Islands Part(the member for #5 was removed from being the deputy leader however he remained with VIP
When the same Lady was all over the world selling out our the country all was well(Wheatley was the best thing since cane rum
I do acknowledge the hard work she’s done but business is business Mrs. Smith.
Laugh but omg I almost passed out
Be careful who u put up
Reach up n kick u down
For the territory and as such this was the prize (sac)
The spirit of the comet set in but this is only the beginning of the haunting.
Sense alone could ha tell you that