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Premier Wheatley to lead delegation to Inter-Virgin Islands Council Meeting

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) will lead a delegation to the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) tomorrow, September 22, 2022, for the Ninth Meeting of the Inter-Virgin Islands Council (IVIC). Photo: GIS/File
Premier Wheatley and Governor Albert A. Bryan Jr (in photo) will co-chair the IVIC and receive reports from three of 12 standing committees in areas of shared interest between the VI and USVI. Photo: File
Premier Wheatley and Governor Albert A. Bryan Jr (in photo) will co-chair the IVIC and receive reports from three of 12 standing committees in areas of shared interest between the VI and USVI. Photo: File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) will lead a delegation to the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) tomorrow, September 22, 2022, for the Ninth Meeting of the Inter-Virgin Islands Council (IVIC).

The council is the formal side of the VI-USVI relationship and brings together the Premier of the VI and Governor of the USVI, as well as key policymakers in their cabinets to explore ways to enhance the relations between the two territories. 

According to a press release from Government Information Services (GIS) today, September 21, 2022, Permanent Secretary in the Premier’s Office, Mrs Carolyn E. Stoutt Igwe said Premier Wheatley and Governor Albert A. Bryan Jr will co-chair the IVIC and receive reports from three of 12 standing committees in areas of shared interest between the VI and USVI.  

“Three committees will make presentations, namely the Committee on Energy and Utilities, the Committee on Tourism and the Committee on Pleasure Boating and Sports Fishing,” Mrs Stoutt Igwe said.

VI Delegation

The VI delegation includes Deputy Premier and Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5), Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8), Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull (R2), Attorney General Honourable Dawn J. Smith, Permanent Secretary, Premier’s Office Mrs Carolyn E. Stoutt Igwe, Financial Secretary Mr Jeremiah G.A. Frett, and other senior public officers.  

The Inter Virgin Islands Council was established on Saturday, May 29, 2004, when former USVI Governor, Dr Charles W. Turnbull and then Chief Minister, Dr D. Orlando Smith, OBE, signed a joint Memorandum of Understanding. The Councils first meeting convened on St Croix in April 2005.

13 Responses to “Premier Wheatley to lead delegation to Inter-Virgin Islands Council Meeting”

  • smh (21/09/2022, 20:53) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    This man ain’t have no work to do? The USVI is making their way, while we here thinking it’s business as usual.
  • one eye (21/09/2022, 21:02) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
    The whole cabinet is going hope they don’t get arrested
  • Good Question (21/09/2022, 21:51) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who will act as premier while both of them off island?
  • west possee (21/09/2022, 21:52) Like (20) Dislike (5) Reply
    When is he gonna take a delegation to go look for the former premier?????
  • Pot holes (22/09/2022, 01:17) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Every minute this guy has someplace to go. Mean while pot holes here killing we. Ban him from planes from going to drive on other countries good roads.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin the (22/09/2022, 01:24) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Not to a wise decision by our Premier. It seems like power has swollen ed his igo, and his incompetence is being exposing itself to us more clearer, especially since he attained the position of Premier.
    Sad to say, but in my opinion, he lacks honesty, and progressive leadership skills that we need at this time.
    A true leader leads is known by the strength of his judgement that causes his followers to excel as he or she does desire to excel (elevate).
    Almost anyone can can lead, but the question is lead how, where to, and who are benefiting now, and will be the benefactors be in the future?????????????????????.
  • resident (22/09/2022, 01:45) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    this dude is setting the record for frequent flyer miles
  • WHAT!!!! (22/09/2022, 06:11) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    This guy spends more time on trips away than he does here
  • think (22/09/2022, 07:06) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Out of those four politicians, the only two I see not further giving away the country to these USVI people are Mitch and perhaps Marlon. The premier and the other one are clueless they were there when Fahie give away our boating Industry and just went along with it. The others like Igwe, Dawn, and Jerimiah will fight for the best interest of our country. We need an election Natalio and the remains of what is called the VIP are too weak and wilful.
    • think2 (22/09/2022, 14:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Actually the boating industry was NOT given was preserved so locals could have the advantage over foreigners. this actually encouraged many local guys to go and get their Captain license which they never had before. This in turn created many business opportunities for locals.
  • skool chirren (22/09/2022, 08:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The sheep cant go you ess
  • lamb (22/09/2022, 11:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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