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Premier Wheatley slams ‘deliberate opposition mis-information’ on tourism stats

- in fiery HoA Budget Debate rebuttal
There has been a noticeable rise in cruise passenger arrivals in the Virgin Islands, although a few have been frowning on this achievement. Photo: VINO/File
Premier of the Virgin Islands (VI) and Minister for Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), addressing concerns raised by Opposition Members about the state of the tourism industry, dismissed it as outright ‘misinformation’ during a comprehensive and fiery rebuttal in the House of Assembly's (HoA) Budget Debate for the proposed spending by the administration for 2025. Photo: YouTube
Premier of the Virgin Islands (VI) and Minister for Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), addressing concerns raised by Opposition Members about the state of the tourism industry, dismissed it as outright ‘misinformation’ during a comprehensive and fiery rebuttal in the House of Assembly's (HoA) Budget Debate for the proposed spending by the administration for 2025. Photo: YouTube
Opposition Member Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6), left, and former Director of Tourism Sharon P. Flax-Brutus, right, have been the fiercest critics of increased cruise tourism numbers in the Virgin Islands. Photo: Internet Source
Opposition Member Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6), left, and former Director of Tourism Sharon P. Flax-Brutus, right, have been the fiercest critics of increased cruise tourism numbers in the Virgin Islands. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI—Premier of the Virgin Islands (VI) and Minister for Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), addressing concerns raised by Opposition Members about the state of the tourism industry, dismissed it as outright ‘misinformation’ during a comprehensive and fiery rebuttal in the House of Assembly's (HoA) Budget Debate for the proposed spending by the administration for 2025.

Dr Wheatley in his presentation at the Twenty First Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA) on December 19, 2024, drew reference to historical data to counter the criticisms that were levelled against his administration, arguing that the current government's performance in tourism mirrors past trends while reaffirming what he described as deliberate misinformation from the Opposition.

Exposing Opposition hypocrisy

Tackling the now topical concerns raised about cruise passenger numbers—an issue he said had been unjustly politicised—the Premier was adamant, "...this Virgin Islands Party (VIP) administration is being criticised for cruise passengers and I ask myself, wasn’t the National Democratic Party (NDP) the one who extended the cruise pier so it could accommodate larger ships?"

Qualifying his argument further, the Premier revealed that the record year for cruise passengers was 2023, with over 719,000 arrivals and adding that not far behind at 699,000, …in the great 2016 that we always lauded as the greatest year of tourism ever, we had 700,000 cruise passengers essentially.”

Hon Wheatley said the numbers do not represent a significant deviation from past trends.

Further dismantling the Opposition’s narrative that the tourism mix has drastically shifted under his administration, Dr Wheatley noted that "in 2016, we had 407,000 overnight passengers compared to 700,000 cruise passengers.”

Noting “...just about 300,000 more cruise passengers than overnight guests,” he questioned rhetorically, “... how are we making it seem like we always had more overnight guests than cruise passengers and it’s gone out of balance now?"

Dr Wheatley accused the Opposition of misleading the public on this issue, saying candidly, “.... I’m suggesting to you that the public is being misled. Malcolm X said bamboozled, led astray, confused, manipulated” and are not getting the benefit of the truth from some of their elected leaders.

Day Trippers vs Overnight Visitors

The Premier also used his rebuttal to respond to concerns about the disparities with day trippers and overnight visitors, citing data showing that the recovery in these sectors is ongoing, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Our challenge right now is recovering to get to pre-pandemic levels," he explained.

To this end, he emphasised that the steady growth of overnight visitors in the years leading up to 2017 had been interrupted by external shocks, including the hurricanes of 2017 and the pandemic, reiterating 2016 as the best year for overnight visitors, with 407,000 arrivals—a culmination of consistent growth from 366,000 in 2013.

‘We should not mislead the public’

“Steadily, we’re getting more overnight visitors: 2013, more; 2014, more; 2015, more; 2016, more; And in 2017, we would have had more. What happened in 2017? We all know," he said, alluding to the devastating hurricanes that year.

Dr Wheatley has since called for honest discourse and collaborative efforts in future to advance the territory’s tourism industry, reaffirming the mantra "...we should not mislead the public."

15 Responses to “Premier Wheatley slams ‘deliberate opposition mis-information’ on tourism stats”

  • boring (20/12/2024, 12:51) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    So how many overnight visitors now?
  • Lb (20/12/2024, 13:34) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    I guess we are all fools and only he is educated enough to access and interpret data! Notice he can only spam to stray growth up until 2017? Using covid as an excuse but has no data to present since?

    Still talking about an NDP of over 10 years ago that doesn’t even exist anymore! Only 2 of the 11 members are still elected or on NDP! The mindset 14 years ago, is not an excuse for doing nonsense today!
  • Come the pluck on (20/12/2024, 14:47) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr. Premier, all of us is not as stupid as you project us to be. Stop dropping the blame on the Opposition about mis-information on tourist status. The thing about you Mr.Premier, you don’t believe in having COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS WITH ANYONE. It’s your way and your way ONLY!!!!!!
  • Cruise ship pollution (20/12/2024, 16:05) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
  • lmao (20/12/2024, 16:41) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Every time I see the Premier or the people’s vehicle that he is riding in, I always smile and say to myself whoop whoopppppppp.
  • Pollution (20/12/2024, 17:41) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    the income generated from the cruise ships might be good however look at the massive exhaust fumes those boats pushing out over road town our capital

    can you say pollution
  • Cindy (20/12/2024, 17:47) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    no one wants to hear from those flax girls go read the report when she was director
  • Stealth (20/12/2024, 18:48) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dr. Hon Premier Natalio Wheatley, you castigated the opposition for dishing misleading information and that the current data didn’t deviate much from previous years. You provide numbers for previous years but no current numbers. The current numbers are needed so that we can do the independent comparison, contrasting and analysis..It is a matter of trust but verify. The numbers, numbers, numbers…. . Was the current numbers inadvertently left out or we were expected to take your word for it. More questions are raised without the numbers . If staff did not give the current numbers to justify the argument, they did you a disservice. Or they give you the numbers and you didn’t like the numbers .
  • Casino (20/12/2024, 23:57) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    If the tourist coming and have nothing to do open casinos they need night life
  • Empty Barrels. (21/12/2024, 06:15) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    Anther Cruise Pier is a Priority...Ships are actually turning back, pulling out from here because the water is too rough for tendering their passengers...Cruise is the future, if it doesn't disturb our tourism officials to hear SK having 5-6-7 ships a day, Antigua having 3-4-5 Ships a day Countries started after us. We remain stand still. We have nothing to brag or boast about. We are not doing good....
    • be careful (21/12/2024, 09:31) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Be careful what you wish for…5 cruise ships a day works out to 10-15,000 daily visitors (Tortola population is 20,000 for reference). Where are they all going to go? We’re going to sell them food and drink, creating added waste disposal burdens. They don’t really buy anything. Many don’t even get off the ship. Only people who benefit are the beneficiaries of the departure tax for cruise ship passenger, and the taxi man. Beats me why instead we don’t focus on creating better experiences for people who come here for one or two weeks. They rent villas, cars, buy food at the grocery stores, frequent bars and restaurants, and pay taxes. Cruise ship pax buys a couple of taxi rides, a few drinks, rents a beach chair and is gone, prob ticking off the BVIs from their list never to return whereas overnight visitors who have enjoyed a pleasant sojourn are likely to return.
    • @ Empty Barrels (21/12/2024, 18:23) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      you sound like a just come
      before they were ever the pier park,vessels dock out to sea in road harbour and came a shore using tender boats and thank the Lord we grew out of that……u have to understand history
  • Wellsah (21/12/2024, 08:33) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply

    The amount of money the crew and cruise ship passengers spent onshore in the bvi is pathetically low. We have access to the same public data. the premier is upset because the general public is smarter than he is and can see through his $%.

  • Norris Turnbull (21/12/2024, 10:22) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Premier needs to jack up those unprofessional and greedy Taximan (not all of them), but those who rape the COUNTRY by lowering tour prices to undermining the Ports Director. He and Kai needs to further Jack up taxi men who dont want to take tourist on 2 hr and 3hr tours and only want to do Beach runs. Address taxi men who Take tourist to the Beach and leave them there even though they paid the full round trip and dont go back for them. Address taxi men getting up in the tourist face hasseling them. Address taxi men inside the Pier Park hasseling tourist. You want criuse tourism. Train those animal greedy taximen.

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