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Premier Wheatley rejects proposed transfer of Immigration & Customs to Governor

It has been confirmed that a recommendation was made to merge the Department of Immigration and His Majesty's Customs and place the merged entity under the responsibility of the Governor. Photo: GIS/File
The Office of the Governor does not currently have control over the Customs and Immigration Department. The current Govenor of the Virgin Islands is His Excellency Daniel Pruce (pictured). Photo: Facebook
The Office of the Governor does not currently have control over the Customs and Immigration Department. The current Govenor of the Virgin Islands is His Excellency Daniel Pruce (pictured). Photo: Facebook
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has rejected the recommendation to place Immigration and Customs under the control of the unelected Governor. Photo: VINO/File
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has rejected the recommendation to place Immigration and Customs under the control of the unelected Governor. Photo: VINO/File
FAT HOGS BAY, Tortola, VI—Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has confirmed reports that a recommendation has been made to merge the Immigration and Customs Departments of the Virgin Islands and place it under the control of the Office of the Governor.

In disclosing this, however, Premier Wheatley firmly rejected this recommendation, describing it as a regressive step towards colonial rule.

Premier Wheatley made these revelations during an appearance on Da Morning Braff with host Floyd P. Burnett, aka 'Heritage', on Tola Radio VI on February 4, 2025.

Speaking to concerns about the secrecy surrounding the report by an independent agency appointed by the United Kingdom (UK), Dr Wheatley acknowledged the existence of the recommendation but dismissed any notion that his government would accept it outright in its present iteration.

Wake up

“It’s my understanding—though I haven’t read it myself—that a recommendation was made by this independent agency. That’s a recommendation that I do not agree with; that’s a recommendation that you know, I think the people of the Virgin Islands have to understand is moving in the wrong direction, in my view," he stated. 

The Premier also used the occasion to reiterate that the Territory should use the moment to recognise the need to work towards more self-governance and not further transfers of power to the UK, saying, “In my view, we are supposed to be moving in a direction where we take away responsibilities from the Governor and give it to local representatives and local institutions. We should be moving further away from this colonial mindset”

Describing the decision as a stark call to action for Virgin Islanders, he was adamant, “I would just say to the people of the Virgin Islands: wake up! I gotta wake up! I’ve been speaking about this colonialism thing for some time. Some people don’t want to hear about it but we are as capable as any people of managing our own society.”

'We have laws'- Premier 

Pressed for further clarification on whether the proposed merger and transfer of control were indeed true, the Premier responded in the affirmative, saying, “Yes, yes, it is true, that it is being proposed—suggested—by the independent agency of the UK that conducted this review, that Immigration and Customs not only should be merged but should be removed from the oversight of local government and placed under the Governor.”

He was quick to point out that he was adamant that his administration would not accept such a measure, and it was "rejected by this government". 

With this in mind, the Premier reminded of the domestic legal framework governing the operations of both agencies, making it clear that any such move would require legislative action unless imposed by an Order in Council and unless that is done, "the Legislature still has the responsibility of making laws". 

Divulging too that previous discussions with the Governor had reinforced his administration’s stance against an Order in Council—which would grant the UK direct control over the Territory's governance matters—Premier Wheatley lamented, “That is why we didn’t want to have an Order in Council, even though some persons were still calling for it—persons who are Virgin Islanders, which to me is very sad.”

Data security

During the discussion, host Burnett also raised concerns over speculations that former UK police officials would be involved in overseeing the merger, as well as the potential relocation of sensitive immigration and customs data to the UK.

While the Premier did not explicitly confirm the latter, he reiterated that the upcoming Law Enforcement Review would soon be released, allowing the public to examine the findings and recommendations themselves.

“Persons should read the document and then be able to come to their own conclusions about it,” he said.

43 Responses to “Premier Wheatley rejects proposed transfer of Immigration & Customs to Governor”

  • His last chance (05/02/2025, 17:39) Like (23) Dislike (30) Reply
    to remove the Order in Council and he blew it. Oh well UK coming to take over now.

    Recommend disbanding Customs completely and let the RVIPF secure the borders and control goods being imported or exported. Governor should oversee and control the Immigration of all people to and from the BVI so that local department needs a complete overhaul when taken over by the Governor.
    • Smitty (06/02/2025, 08:17) Like (11) Dislike (7) Reply
      Remember the motives of the last Premier who said no to help from the Uk and instead put barges out as a decoy…..we all now know what he was up to! Is history repeating itself? Why does the Uk want to take control I wonder?
    • O Really?? (06/02/2025, 15:29) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      This power grab makes no sense and it truly will slowly place this territory under control of the UK where we have no say in anything. Laws just need to be amended to improve on some matters and the system would improve. The UK is trying to creep up slowly into full rule of this territory as if they are doing such an amazing job in the UK. If people would follow the UK clearly, you would see how sick of a nation it is.
  • jack (05/02/2025, 17:59) Like (13) Dislike (17) Reply
    This is a wicked power grab
    • @Jack. This I know. (06/02/2025, 05:36) Like (25) Dislike (8) Reply
      Dealing with. Immigration with residente and belonger status and dealing with the Governor 9ffice for Naturilization the service at the Governor office dealing with Naturilization is far more superior and profesional. Something needs to fix at Immigration. If giving the Governor control is going to bring it up the service and profesional standard as the Governor's office. I am in support.
  • PT (05/02/2025, 18:04) Like (19) Dislike (27) Reply
    The white man do not stop
    • Tigress (05/02/2025, 21:42) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
      @PT no they dont i agree they are jackals will hunt and haunt you till you fray, just like the good book says of the devil they come to steal kill destroy and control thats who they are. we laugh with them too much and by the time you shut your mouth they have all they need from you, we need to be serious from the start of any dealings with them
    • @PT (06/02/2025, 02:57) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
      Black men are not stopping so why should they? Call an election please
    • @PT (06/02/2025, 09:05) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      the black man either
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (05/02/2025, 18:46) Like (9) Dislike (11) Reply
    In referance ti the Tioic Issue at hand: In this issue I stand with the Prenier, Natalio Sanjuande Weathley, his cabinet ministers and all persons of the BVI community against any merger of Immigratjon and. Customs under direct control under the B.V.I governor.
    True, we the peiple of the B.V.I di need to undergo some reforn to our constitutjon and uograde our political standard, but in this world of educational enkightening what has cause the UK governrment the Anglo Saxtuon people are the master ethnic people on this earth, and that they have the right to hild hostaged under their racist system?
    Waz it not said many time by the UK givsrnor the we have a political partner relationship between the Uk and our local polititians that represent the BVI political order?
    Since when skin colour elevates some to believe that that white is right and black and other people of differenr skin cilour step back? This Can't work bully, if in facts true.
  • Wish It (05/02/2025, 18:57) Like (16) Dislike (13) Reply
    Wish it could be placed under Donald Trump.our borders and immigration so flimsy with massive amounts of non compliance and is a threat to the US and the World. Sooner or later we could wind up with a blockade including goods and services and high tariffs.
    Putting it under the auspices of the Governor will be a step in the right direction and a sigh of relief.
  • Stealth (05/02/2025, 19:05) Like (14) Dislike (9) Reply
    The UN tasked the UK as the ‘Administering Power’ for the Virgin Islands(VI) (British) with responsibility for guiding and assisting it towards a full measure of self-governance. The VI’s listing as a self-governing locale is a farce, a mirage, for the UK has unilateral action over it, ie, power of assent, reserve powers, etc., and any devolved powers can easily be reserved, eg, suspending the dependency-modelled constitution. Furthermore, colonialism is exclusionary, about control, about supremacy, etc.

    Moreover, in regards to the VI, a slow motion coup is in motion. The control, the coup includes having control of internal security, ie, RVIPF, jail, judiciary,; civil service and civil servants. Now Mount Olympus sight is focused on the finances/revenue, Customs, and more personnel, ie, Immigration . Let’s us summarize what the UK-appointed Governor wants to control for a full take over: internal security, including, RVIPF,, Jail, Judiciary,; civil servants, external affairs,,defence,,customs and immigration. If Virgin Islanders don’t want to be taken back under the anachronistic relic—-colonialism —, they better wake up from their slumber and unite or else be reconquered and recolonized.
  • WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF ❓️???? (05/02/2025, 19:14) Like (12) Dislike (6) Reply
    • Sambo (06/02/2025, 14:20) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      @What are you afraid of, it skunks, appeasers,,Benedict Arnolds,,meritorious manumission kings,, priceless sambos , brown nosing, @$$ kissing losers, etc like you is what holding the BVI. Skunks like you are social Darwinism disciples who believe the White man is born with the innate quality to lead and blacks are destined as a lowly permanent underclass at the bottom of the caste system, the lowest on the social acceptability ladder. Cart your ass and find some national pride. Stop embarrassing yourself with your cr…..ker, bac.. raw,,etc loving. Stealth seem capable of fighting his own battles but I could let this go..
  • Immigration needs change (05/02/2025, 19:44) Like (31) Dislike (9) Reply
    The Department of Immigration is being run terribly by the Acting Chief and Deputy. Since Mr. Penn retired - confusion. No true leadership!
    Lots of discrimination and no follow up on several issues.
    Let’s not even speak of those putting in applications for Residency and Belonger status and not receiving a call back for YEARS!
    The Premier isn’t concerned, he just doesn’t want to give up the “power” - let the Governor try his hand at it! Can’t be any worse than now.

    Give Romney the position at Customs. Wade ain’t coming back as he won the case - so give the Customs Department more structure and stability.
    • BRAD BOYNES (05/02/2025, 22:05) Like (14) Dislike (8) Reply
      @Immigration need change. The whole Virgin Islands know that guy hill is the person to manage immigration but he will not be given that opportunity. And it has NOTHING to do with born here, trilingual, training, experience or exposure. Got some wicked disciples of Lucifer roaming these Virgin Islands.
    • Immigration need change. Agree (06/02/2025, 05:19) Like (31) Dislike (0) Reply
      There is a culture of Very poor service. Its reflects badly on supervisors and management as weak and useless. You go there or called. They will promised they will call you back They never will. You go there you asked for information concerning your application they brush you off with a promise to call you, a call you never get, then they lie. I was there one there one time and the niceness the treat caucasians with and the rudeness the treat black with. Hmm. I am sure they get customer service training but some people are untrainable. Stop blaming the Governor they / we are victim of our own behaviour. Change is needed.
    • What about Labour (07/02/2025, 02:13) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      And the Labour Department is worse than immigration ... all about friends
  • Relax. (05/02/2025, 21:01) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
    Britain and the Governor knows a lot more than us and what we think. I am sure they have good and Justifiable reasons. Don't forget those 3 in Miami Singing away.
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (05/02/2025, 21:12) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dear readers, please forguve me for all those typos. I reed to reset my phone si as to make reading easier for both the readers and me.
    Thank your for your kind understanding.
  • So tell me Mr.Premier (05/02/2025, 22:00) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    Please explain why. Your explanation is not saying anything that makes sense to me. I think you want sole control of everything
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (05/02/2025, 22:12) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    In reference to the Topic Issue, it seems to me that the UK's political government is in the process of a power grab, if in fact the topic issue reported is accuate. Most people in this world know that in this material driven world the love of money cause desparate people to di desparate things. Why then is the UK desires control of our local Customs and Immigration merger under the UK's only control, if it was not a money issue?

    True, our local politicians have not managed our affair well, espeacially tbe good management of our finances, but does that give the UK the right to what please them after they said a number of times that a partnership between the UK's givernment and our local government was progressing fairly well.

    Since the early 1990 large cruise ships began making call to the BVI. Ever since that time more and more cruise ship with larger amount of passengers are coming to visit the BVI along with sea going and hotelers for a week and upward vacation in our beautiful virgin Islands. But what has gotten in the UK's politicains head lately? Or was it been planned for years past. Probably it is. And why does the UK desires to control our minds when in fact they are unable to control theirs own, and the people that are now living in the UK? Is it money? Is it racism or both?
    What ever it is, it must not be allow to happen this way. Racism is as wicked as the devil and his demons, regected, unconstitutional, unrighteous, unloving, unjust, UNGODLY, UNJUTIFIED, as HITLER WAS



  • Clean up (05/02/2025, 22:14) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Them the only two department that does be quiet. No where in the News for doing work unlike the police with drugs bust land and sea, human smuggling, firearms found etc and don't tell me non of those thing not happening around those departments.
  • Engineer (05/02/2025, 22:45) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    The people of the British Virgin Islands need to wake up and recognize the slow, calculated moves of the British government. It is no coincidence that as the Commission of Inquiry (COI) wraps up, the UK is intensifying pressure on our registers and threatening an Order in Council. This is not about governance—it is about control, and they are achieving it from within, using insiders to carry out their agenda.

    Many of our own people fail to see that those we believe to be allies are actually laying the groundwork for the UK to reclaim full control over our territory. The so-called “ONE UK” plan is unfolding before our eyes, and yet some still refuse to believe it. Even the Virgin Islands passport is being transitioned to align with the UK, a clear indication of their long-term goal.

    Our financial services sector, the backbone of our economy, is under attack. The UK has long sought to dismantle it, and they are now using every tool at their disposal to cripple us financially. They baited and entrapped the former Premier, then used that incident to brand us as corrupt—pushing their narrative to justify further intervention.

    This is not about reform; it is about re-colonization. The people of the Virgin Islands must open their eyes before it is too late. Our autonomy is at stake, and if we do not stand firm, we will find ourselves under direct UK rule once again, stripped of our right to govern our own affairs.
  • Honourable Premier (06/02/2025, 02:54) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Please do the honourable thing and step down and throw us into a bi-election to fix this thing please please. You already have your pension so there is nothing to lose. Do the honourable thing and at least we will remember you for that.
  • Eow (06/02/2025, 04:50) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
    Premier we stand with you.. We should be going forward not backwards. Don't let this merger go through and fall under the Governor.
  • Donating to my church (06/02/2025, 07:29) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Doesn’t want to take all of the hidden cash extras out of the system, still going to have to “ PAY TO PLAY “
  • Roger Burnett (06/02/2025, 08:11) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    This isn't the first time that the Department of Immigration has come within a hair's breadth of being under the control of the Governor. The previous occasion was in the early 1990's when I was repeatedly refused permission to enter the BVI.

    The story is told in my book "For the Sake of the Children".
    • Forbidden Truth (06/02/2025, 20:37) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Roger Burnett... That's not true. Who else knows that?
      • Roger Burnett (07/02/2025, 10:07) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ Forbidden Truth.

        The truth I have spoken is fully documented in FCO records that date back to Peter Penfold's term as governor of the BVI.
  • BuzzBvi (06/02/2025, 08:16) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    It must be a good thing for the rest of us if the premier is rejecting the idea.
  • facts (06/02/2025, 08:56) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply

    As long as they get rid of that acting commissioner customs will be good. under his watch 100 officers is trying to leave

  • Fed-Up (06/02/2025, 09:49) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    I agree with the Premier. Granting that power to the Governor would be colonialist, so that's unacceptable. I suggest the Premier and all thirteen members develop a plan to merge the departments and create supporting legislation. I am confident this can be achieved. While past decisions haven't always been successful, this is a serious matter requiring careful handling. Please research solutions from other overseas territories in order to be implemented. Together this can be achieved.

  • hmmmmmm (06/02/2025, 10:07) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    all part of the plan its the take over of the bvi...............
  • Citizen (06/02/2025, 10:24) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    All of these expats on here blogging needs to go back home and give their country to the UK.
  • !!!!!!!!! (06/02/2025, 10:50) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    Good, time for the BVI to get the lashing it deserved.
  • Outsider (06/02/2025, 12:14) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    "We have laws"- Premier
    Then just follow the laws. Making people with Immigration applications wait for years is not following the laws. Justice delayed is justice denied.
    Currently over 30 months since I submitted an application to Immigration. And I have heard nothing. When I enquire at Immigration about it, I just get a "We will tell you nothing." response. Never an apology either, they think it's acceptable.
  • 2024 (06/02/2025, 13:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    look how United Kingdom looking to takeover: after all what our people have done; up comes london

    the cane & cotton days gone so the former slave masters is back for the cash flow

    look; the governor hold responsibility for the security of the BVI borders but the place now filled with all types of gun, ammunition also drugs(gun, dope and ammunition is not manufactured in BVI)
  • Listen (07/02/2025, 00:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Rodger ain't lyingAsk Heritage..his son The book is about heritage and his sister..The mum look after them kids thru thick and thin.boat love
  • Ghost Writer (07/02/2025, 07:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its colonial as is.
  • Kwaku (07/02/2025, 19:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    "Devolution" of power is irreversible. "Delegation" is reversible. Powers are DELEGATED to a colony, NOT DEVOLVED. Delegated powers can always be reversed. That is the essence of colonialism. The UK "direct rule" draft order in council is indication that the entire structure of governance can be reversed. That is why colonialism is undemocratic.
  • Really? (08/02/2025, 10:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Governor should take it. It's obvious we can't trust some of our own. They watch us in the face, pray and tell us how much they love the country and then allow smugglers and drug lords to use our ports and country like a play ground. We are well aware that this type of criminal activity is STILL going on, along with other things. So yes, let the Governor do his thing, cause what we got going on sure as he'll ain't working!

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