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Premier Wheatley lauds CARICOM’s support for VI & other Associate Members

CARICOM Heads with His Excellency Paul Kagame, sitting centre, President of Rwanda ???????? after their Special Plenary Session on Day 2 of the 45th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting, Hyatt Regency Trinidad, Port of Spain. Standing in back row, 3rd from right is Virgin Islands Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7). Photo: CARICOM/Facebook
Premier of the [British] Virgin Islands Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has praised CARICOM for its renewed commitment to the [British] Virgin Islands and other Associate Members on the occasion of the regional body’s 50th anniversary. Photo: CARICOM/Facebook
Premier of the [British] Virgin Islands Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has praised CARICOM for its renewed commitment to the [British] Virgin Islands and other Associate Members on the occasion of the regional body’s 50th anniversary. Photo: CARICOM/Facebook
PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad & Tobago- Premier of the [British] Virgin Islands Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has praised CARICOM for its renewed commitment to the [British] Virgin Islands and other Associate Members on the occasion of the regional body’s 50th anniversary.

At CARICOM’s 45th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago from July 3-5, 2023, the Heads of Government agreed to “regular consultations with the Associate Members prior to the Regular July Meetings of the Conference.”

According to a Government press release on June 10, 2023, the commitment in the meeting communique was one of the primary recommendations of a CARICOM special consultation organised at the request of Premier Wheatley to discuss near and long-term CARICOM support to Associate Members to support their social, political, economic and sustainable development.

It said the Heads of Government also expressed their desire for Martinique and Curacao to become Associate Members as soon as possible.

'CARICOM has embraced its entire family'- Premier Wheatley

Commenting on CARICOM’s renewed commitment to its Associate Members, Premier Wheatley said,

“The Associate Members owe a great debt of gratitude to the immediate past Chairman of CARICOM Prime Minister of the Bahamas Honourable Philip Davis who actively sought to deepen engagement between CARICOM and its Associate Members in strengthening regional cooperation.

“CARICOM has embraced its entire family that also includes the five current Associate Members of Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands. They enrich CARICOM and add value in a variety of ways, especially where they have an expertise or competence such as financial services. The Associate Members also gain and learn from the experience of the full Members. I am very grateful for CARICOM’s expression of support to Associate Members on its 50th anniversary and look forward to Martinique and Curacao joining the ranks of Associate Members in due course.”

Trade & food security discussed

Premier Wheatley and other Heads of Government also discussed trade, food security, regional security, climate change and international finance, among other things.

Special guests at CARICOM’s 50th anniversary celebration included UN Secretary-General H.E. Antonio Guterres, President of Rwanda H.E. Paul Kagame, Prime Minister of South Korea H.E. Han Duck-soo, and United States (US) Secretary of State Mr Anthony Blinken who was joined by Members of the US Congress. Additionally, H.E. Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, COP28 President-Designate, UAE Special Envoy for Climate Change, and Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, attended the celebration virtually.

Premier Wheatley was joined by Special Envoy Mr E. Benito Wheatley, Deputy Director of the International Affairs Secretariat Ms Dwynel Davis and Assistant Secretary for External Affairs Ms Xyrah Wheatley.

The [British] Virgin Islands became an Associate Member of CARICOM in July 1991. CARICOM was established on July 4, 1973.

8 Responses to “Premier Wheatley lauds CARICOM’s support for VI & other Associate Members”

  • @ OUR NEW COACH (11/07/2023, 09:05) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
    • jah (11/07/2023, 09:53) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      Why would you need African history?the country doesn't need people like you to go back to those days,future is where we going,you want to learn your kids that ?there are history channel for that,teach our kids about science,mathematics,how to behave in society etc,not slavery days,,that's long gone,majority of the kids you see in those schools their parents are expats,they don't know nothing about bvi sugar cane days,the teachers in the school no knowledge or experience in slavery days or grinding sugar cane,the reason why because we have long pass that stage,teachers need to teach our kids the future of technology to build machines to grind those cane faster..
      • Mustang (11/07/2023, 12:41) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
        True, STEAM( Science, Technology, Engineering Arts and Mathematics) is vital for charting a strong path forward. The VI is lagging in regards to STEAM; we better catch up quickly and forge ahead or be left behind our competitors. Human capital is the VI’s most important and treasured resource, so it must effectively and adequately invest in it or on it and skillfully managed it. Nonetheless, it is also important that we know and don’t bury our history., including slavery, slave trade, and colonialism, etc. The slave trade, slavery and slave labour built Western European and the Americas economies, especially the US economy. There is a “cultural war” waging by the Privileged and beneficiaries of Black labour to bury and downplay Black contributions to building their economies, culture , history, heritage, etc, under the guise that teaching about them/it will make white children uncomfortable. Hog wash!!! If anyone should feel uncomfortable, it is the descendants of slaves. However, the true reason, purpose of burying Black contribution is not to recognize Black contributions, for they are a permanent underclass who should not be able to achieve nothing of significance. Insulting, belittling, dehumanizing, etc. Marcus Garvey: “ A people without knowledge of their past history origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”
    • street reporter. (11/07/2023, 14:34) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      These Caricum Leaders need to stand up and demand better treatment for their people in the BVI. The Caribbean Leaders need to know the BVI people don't like the Island people, they tolerate them because they need their skills, strength and sweat. .
  • We all one (11/07/2023, 09:25) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
    Good stuff Premier
  • travelling man (11/07/2023, 10:09) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    He just racking up frequent flyer miles, chatting a whole load ah bull and coming back emptyhanded.
  • The Snake (11/07/2023, 10:26) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Colonialists and imperialists have always behave and acts like snakes. When someone show and behave the way they are, quickly believe them. Amazingly, many VI residents are still being conditioned and drinking the Kool-aid poured by the governor and gang. The following apt poem by Al Wilson is worth a read:

    “ On her way to work one morning
    Down the path alongside the lake
    A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake
    His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
    "Oh well," she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you"
    "Take me in, oh, tender woman (yes, come on in)
    Take me in, for heaven's sake (yes, come on in)
    Take me in, tender woman," sighed the snake

    Now she wrapped him up all cozy in a coverture of silk
    And laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk
    Now she hurried home from work that night, as soon she arrived
    Now she found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived
    "Take me in, oh, tender woman (yes, come on in)
    Take me in, for heaven's sake (yes, come on in)
    Take me in, tender woman," sighed the snake

    Now she clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful," she cried
    "But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died"
    Now she stroked his pretty skin again and then kissed and held him tight
    But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite (ooh)
    "Take me in, oh, tender woman (yes, come on in)
    Take me in, for heaven's sake (yes, come on in)
    Take me in, tender woman," sighed the snake

    "I saved you," cried that woman
    "And you've bitten me, even why?
    And you know your bite is poisonous and now I'm gonna die"
    "Oh, shut up, silly woman," said that reptile with a grin
    "Now you knew darn well I was a snake before you brought me in"
    "Please take me in, oh, tender woman (yes, come on in)
    Take me in, for heaven's sake (yes, come on in)
    Take me in, tender woman," sighed the snake
    Sighed the snake
    Take me in tender woman
    (Come on in you pretty snake, come on in)
    Snake, snake (yeah, come on in you pretty snake)
    Take me in, tender woman (come on in, yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Snake (come on in yeah, yeah, yeah).”

    Snakes are devious, cunning, dangerous, belly creeping creatures which cannot be trusted and shouid be fed with a long spoon.
    • @Snake (11/07/2023, 14:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      indeed, we have drunk the kool-aid, thinking that the colonialists are into us and that they are all knowing and have our interest as a priority. They are not. We disgustingly self-discriminate and twist ourselves into knots to serve and please them. By the way, did the Christian Council delegation that met with the UK representatives, ie, Amanda Milling, prior to Unity Government formation and constitution being suspended and held in reserve, etc., ever report back to the public on its discussion? The school chiren say allegedly that some of the reps. caricatured of the BVI people was alarmingly disgusting, unprofessional, self-discriminating, etc, equating the people to children who needed to be thought a valuable lesson with a spanking. Behavior and attitudes (allegedly) like this gives the folks/colonialists license to behave and treat us the way they do. Moreover, our local government folks performance was alarming and atrocious and the BVI people needs to cut their ass. Instead, we are afraid to and sprinted covertly to massa to do it. We need to grow the hell up and break out the lumber and lay some ( not physically, of course) across the backs of corrupt, self-serving elected officials and others.

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