Premier tells UN he remains ‘firmly opposed’ to UK Order in Council
While delivering a speech to the Special Committee on Decolonisation at the United Nations General Assembly on October 3, 2023, Premier Wheatley said despite the UK providing a date when it could remove the Order, it remains unnecessary for the people of the VI.
While thanking the chair for the opportunity to address the Committee on the question of the Virgin Islands, ahead of voting on the draft resolutions concerning the situations of the Non-Self-Governing Territories, Dr Wheatley reminded that on April 24, 2023, the people of the territory peacefully went to the polls to cast their ballots to form the government he heads as Premier.
“We do not take this responsibility lightly and have pledged to govern in the best interests of the people of the British Virgin Islands."
Discussions constructive with UK - Premier
Dr Wheatley said it was in early July that he had the opportunity to meet the then newly appointed United Kingdom Minister for the Overseas Territories, Honourable David Rutley, MP in the margins of CARICOM 's 45th regular meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government in Port of Spain and that "discussions were very constructive".
The Premier said he was encouraged by Minister Rutley's keen interest in how the relationship between the [British] Virgin Islands and the United Kingdom could be improved.
“In the months that have elapsed since that initial meeting, I have observed a welcome shift in the UK's engagement with the British Virgin Islands and the tone of communications. I must also acknowledge the constructive approach taken by UK Ambassador James Kariuki, whom I have met on a number of occasions since last year."
“To be clear, I remain firmly opposed to the UK Order in Council [held] in reserve that can remove democratic governance in the British Virgin Islands. The Order is not necessary, and I believe it should be lifted immediately.”
Nonetheless, Dr Wheatley said it was worth noting that the UK has indicated it foresees the Order being removed by May 2024. He said the tone set by Minister Rutley is a positive development and his administration will continue to constructively engage the UK with a view to resolving the issue.
“On the ground, we have been following through on our commitment to the people of the British Virgin Islands to build a model democracy.”
He indicated that the Government remains committed to reform and that the elected arms of government are working diligently in their respective areas of constitutional responsibility to improve and strengthen the systems and institutions of government, along with the governor and his team doing the same where he has the constitutional responsibility.
54 Responses to “Premier tells UN he remains ‘firmly opposed’ to UK Order in Council”
You here make sure the other black (islanders) that come from other islands, even islands bigger than your, yet still the other blacks are (island people and you continenters) are felt like sh#@! Guyana that is part of a continent should chase you all out. Talk bout "foreparents are rolling over in their graves" didn't see when they were leaving back in the days to go to other people places?
2) Use the police force through the head to go at anyone who exposes their deceit or challenges them.
3) Don’t do a thing all day but get melee, plot the next attack, and plan the next social event (paid for by our tax dollars) for his local imps.
4) Have tax payers pay for his butler, house, local staff, vehicle, security, social events, gas, chef, gardner, domestic staff, office expenses, and many more.
5) Divide the country and public service cloaked as good governance and integrity.
6) Condemn who he feels should not rise to prominence or he thinks need to remove from prominence.
7) Fool people with words sounding like he is saying one thing but really saying another. Master of deception cloaked as diplomacy.
8) Do not have to run for elections but have more power than those elected which is slap to democracy.
9) Determine on his own the country is not running how he and his UK bosses want so high handedly pass an order in council in the UK Parliament to suspend the country’s constitution in modern times, so they can be the judge, jury, and executioner and hold it as “an insurance policy” over the BVI like the slave master with the whip while the BVI cannot hold any insurance policy over him even to say definitively if all the recommendations are met in time if the order will be removed or if the goal post will shift again and again. Talk about high handedness.
10) Fool the people telling them if they want independence all they have to do is ask but cannot produce a clear policy or written procedure to follow so one can apply or pursue independence. Simply meaning it will not be allowed.
11) Plot the least troubled path to get UK people to be the Head of Prison, Immigration, Customs, PS, DPP, AG, etc. If they get these then it makes it easier to do a bloodless take over and seem justified as they will say they are acting on the recommendations of the Heads of Department (which would be them).
12) Without negotiations force 48 unrealistic COI recommendations and have the local government put them in knowing full well they are written to control the country from the UK. So by having the local government do it the UK say to the BVI people, don’t blame us, blame the local Government. And if the local government doesn’t do it then they suspend the constitution and do it and still blame the local government under the cloak of corruption.
I want a job like the Governor where the laws of the land do not apply to me but I can apply it to everyone.
Like these ppl sleeping.
Stay woke!!
This is how the UK have some of you behaving and thinking about your own people and leaders. But believe me when I say for those who want the UK to take over thinking life will get better & be better you will regret the day it happens because their history shows where ever they took over they made life worse not better for the people. Becareful of their nice words now. Beware of their end game by playing the corruption and abuse of power card. Be mindful of anyone who claims everyone other than them are bad, corrupt, and greedy. BVI Becareful. This is a well organized plot to suppress and enslave using modern day tactics. You have been warned.
We cant turn to China, for they would want us to Formulate another resembelling Covid 20..
Do you realize we would become Orphants, Homeless,Delinquents, Beggars, and want to be Criminals for survival. I daré say the rest.. Becareful what you ask for it May bring what you don't need ,with it.
In 1494 Pope Alexander VI issued a papal bull, Inter Caetera, dividing the Americas between Spain and Portugal, ie, the Treaty of Tordesillas. The dividing line was a line some 100 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands; any countries west of line went to Spain; east, Portugal. This unleashed other European countries, ie, UK, France, Denmark, Holland to pursue conquering and colonizing countries in the Americas. The Treaty of Tordesillas was followed by the Treaty of Zaragoza in 1529 in regards to Far East colonies. The conquest and colonization did not stop there though.
In 1884, in what is known as the Berlin Conference and the scramble for Africa, the US,,along with the UK, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, and Belgium met in Berlin, Germany, to divide up Africa among them. Though the US was at the meeting, it did not share in spoils directly exploiting and raping Africa of its resources. The raping of African resources continue to this day ; the Chinese, Japanese , Russians and Indians are now participants in the exploitation and rape.
Consequently, so you see that the Big countries in the UN would at best be luke warm about telling another colonial country/power how to treat or do with its colony (s). I think they don’t give a rat’s ass what the UK does with or to its colonies. I’m neither hopeful nor confident that the UN can force the UK to lift the order in council. Nevertheless, Dr. the Hon Premier Natalio Wheatley, R-7, and MoF, is exercising good leadership in this instance in advocating for the lifting of the Order in Council. Though I think, it will fall on deaf ears with PM Sunak and King Charles III, for they don’t give a rat’s ass about a tiny dot in the Caribbean Sea. Their only interest, if any, would be its value,,if any, in its Global Britain initiative.
Moreover, if the Virgin Islands people want change, they cannot lean totally on others for it. They to unite and agitate, protest and agitate strongly, peacefully and persistently for change in its self-determination pursuit. The BVI people must learn a valuable lesson from the Jews. The Jews learnt in Europe that it was not in best interest to divide and scatter, pursuing integrstion, for it made them weaker and more vulnerable. Frederick Douglass: “ If there is no, there is no progress.” Follow the lead of unselfish warriors and national heroes Theodolph Faulkner, Noel Lloyd, Hamilton Lavity Stoutt.
You brought in a set of them some days ago and although they look like us they do no t care . When will youe get it ....but then again do you care....only talking a heap of nonsense to divert people from the trips.....You cannot keep doing the things you do and expect to see good , no more no more. things going to improve they have to ....I had enough of this enough
Dear Lord please expedite the answer to my prayer make haste Lord and act without delay please Lord
with all this present baggage? 'If the blind leads the blind, they both fall into a ditch!'
A native Virgin Islander to the Nth generation
This is modern day slavery.
When you think you could go and complain to the UN and get away from getting your Bottom(especially kickinyour Bottom) pounced upon?No Nat. That is no how it is done.
Leaders are supposed to FACE THE MUSIC THAT IS PLAYING.
Yes to independence. We cant even get legal weed due to a one man unelected governor's lack of assent.