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Premier ‘stooped to a new low’ in Biwater blame game– Hon Fraser

- says deal was negotiated & taken to Cabinet by VIP’s Ralph T. O’Neal OBE
Senior legislator Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) has accused Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) of stooping to a new low over the blame game connected to VI’s water woes, which he says has resulted in the Premier blaming his own party Government for a poor contract with Biwater. Photo: Facebook
Premier Natalio D. Wheatley during an October 30, 2023, interview with JTV’s Cathy O. Richards had blamed the signing of the controversial Biwater contract as the beginning of the challenges plaguing the Virgin Islands (VI) as it relates to water distribution today, while insinuating that Hon Julian Fraser played a role in the contract. Photo: JTV/File
Premier Natalio D. Wheatley during an October 30, 2023, interview with JTV’s Cathy O. Richards had blamed the signing of the controversial Biwater contract as the beginning of the challenges plaguing the Virgin Islands (VI) as it relates to water distribution today, while insinuating that Hon Julian Fraser played a role in the contract. Photo: JTV/File
Hon Julian Fraser blasted the Premier for even saying that it was because of the Biwater contract that the VI didn't have money to fix the water issues. Photo: Internet Source
Hon Julian Fraser blasted the Premier for even saying that it was because of the Biwater contract that the VI didn't have money to fix the water issues. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Senior legislator Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) has accused Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) of stooping to a new low over the blame game connected to VI’s water woes, which he says has resulted in the Premier blaming his own party government for a poor contract with Biwater.

Premier Wheatley, while speaking with JTV’s Cathy O. Richards during an October 30, 2023, interview, blamed the signing of the controversial Biwater contract as the beginning of the current water challenges plaguing the VI.

“Members that are the Opposition sit down with Honourable Julian Fraser…. talked about water. The main challenge that has been created as it pertains to water in this territory came with the signing of the contract with Biwater,” the Premier said unapologetically.

Hon Fraser, speaking during an Opposition press conference on November 2, 2023, said the premier should not be blaming a contract signed 14 years ago for the production of water, after billions of dollars have been budgeted in the VI since then.

Late Ralph T. O'Neal brought Biwater - Hon Fraser 

“I want him to know that he has stooped to a new low, by blaming his own party government. I [have] never seen that before but, anyhow, he thought he was coming after me. I'm not the one who did Biwater.”

Hon Fraser continued, “That was done by the leader of our party, which was Honourable Ralph T. O’Neal. That was not done by me, he's the one who took it to cabinet, [and] he is the one who negotiated a contract. Not me, but I'm not running from anything.”

Hon Fraser blasted the Premier for even saying that it was because of that Biwater contract that the VI didn't have money to fix the water issues. 

“Well, someone please tell me how many billions of dollars in budgets that we have had over that 10-year period… I'm sorry, it's not ten years, it's 14 years, I should say from 2010 to now… How many billions of dollars in budgets we have had since then?” he said. 

Gov't has no intention to fix water issues - Hon Fraser 

He continued, “It tells me, and it should tell you the same thing, that there is no intention on the part of this government to fix the issues of water. That's unacceptable to me and it should be unacceptable to the public as well, and it can’t continue like this." 

Dr Wheatley has already indicated that, during his administration’s tenure, he will solve the distribution of water issues across the VI. He said the recent contract signed to repair the road from Hodge's Creek to Paraquita Bay includes, "taking up the old pipes and replacing them with new pipes,” which would mean water distribution issues will be tackled at the same time as roads.

12 Responses to “Premier ‘stooped to a new low’ in Biwater blame game– Hon Fraser”

  • herbs power (03/11/2023, 09:19) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Bviec employees don't get any discount on their light bills while Bi Water gets free electricity.
    • U must b fair (03/11/2023, 09:52) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      All the water companies in the BVI gets free electricity.......TALK THAT!
  • 14 years later (03/11/2023, 09:47) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Government after government refused to build reservoirs and upgrade the distribution of water....Biwater cant be blamed for our incompetence
  • Fraser please dont stoop (03/11/2023, 09:49) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    because the Premier is a big lil boy
  • NB (03/11/2023, 09:59) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Everybody blaming everybody, calling each other names like y'all still in high school. A bunch of teenagers claiming they 'leading' us. When will it stop. When will someone grow up, take responsibility for the atrocities against the people of these beautiful Virgin Islands. Correct the past errors, put systems in place and move forward. Show that you care. Instead everybody running them mouth. The people sick gf ayo man. Jah!
  • hmm (03/11/2023, 10:19) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Convenient to blame a dead man
  • jack@$$ (03/11/2023, 10:36) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sowande wasn't in the VIP back when Ralph was Premier and it was under Fraser's portfolio so he is just trying to spin the facts with alternative facts. Too much politics being played, trying to show that they can duel each other with words meanwhile people are suffering and some idoits are looking entertainment out of it. Fix the damn water distribution issue!!!
  • BOI Oh BOY (03/11/2023, 11:03) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Undercover Observer (03/11/2023, 11:16) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hon Julian Fraser, D-3, aka Liberator stop it. Let the late Hon Ralph Tilford Oneal, long-serving legislator and first Premier, rest in eternal peace and easy. He is not here to defend to himself. It seems convenient to tag the dearly departed with blame. It seems shameful and despicable, etc. to do that. All you don’t any have shame. Were not you the Minister of Communications and Works, which included Water & Sewage? So you want us to believe that a major function under your portfolio and you were totally disengaged from the preparation, and award of a major water contract. If so that would an earth surprise. Believing that is like buying that the sun rise in the west. What is believable is that the Hon Oneal may have had input but you cannot wash your hands as Pilot from the Biwater contract. Here is a news flash. It is not political sacrilege for members of a political party to diverge from the past actions of the party. Man stand up as a man would and take your blows and stop playing blame you accuse the Premier of. You got to roll with punches.
  • WOW (03/11/2023, 15:46) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fraser should be the last to be talking if he cared . He would've tried to to put some of his money to keep the water plant on his family land running to serve the needs of his district atleast instead of allowing it to become an derelict building he was paid for the use of his land he filled his pocket for years you can atleast try to give back before you retire or close your eyes
  • 2023 (04/11/2023, 19:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the district representative had more than enough years as a leader of this country to ensure the people are comfortable he himself was associated with the communication & works ministry(just play the tapes!!!

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