Premier Smith to lay document in HOA on crime reduction & safety
The laying of the document, to be done by Premier Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith, may be considered opportune following the recent slaying of Melbourne Francis in Long Look.
The said document “Safer Communities – A Crime Reduction and Community Safety Strategy” was expected to reach the HOA before now according to a source, however, a reason or reasons for the reported delay could not be given by the source.
Virgin Islands News Online was able to come across a copy of what the document to be laid in the HOA is expected to look like on the British Virgin Islands Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association (BVICCHA) website
According to the document on the BVICCHA website, the National Security Council has agreed that a Crime Reduction/Community Safety Strategy Group should be established to set key priorities for the criminal justice system and to facilitate a more coordinated way within and beyond Government to ensure that the widest range of interests have a say in shaping and delivering a safer, shared community for all.
“It was agreed that – through proper consultation with all interested parties and stakeholders - this body would recommend actions and suggest priorities for reducing crime at a strategic level, identify the agencies that would be accountable for the implementation of the various programmes; and set targets and timelines,” the document stated.
Strategy Background
The document further stated that despite the Virgin Islands being “rightfully regarded as one of the safest Territories in the Caribbean”, there has been a relatively recent increase in the perception, and fear of, crime.
“It has become clear that the Police Force, as in other jurisdictions, cannot be solely responsible for crime reduction. A directed approach from central Government, supported by a comprehensive consultation process involving stakeholders, is needed to bring structure to tackling Community Safety on a broader basis.
Proposed Community Safety Strategy
The document further states it is proposed that a Community Safety Strategy “Drafting Team” will engage with stakeholders from across the entire community, seeking views on how to best address community safety issues over the next five years.
It proposes four elements of “Successful Community Safety Strategies”.
1. Creating a safer environment;
2. Focus on families and young people;
3. Building strong, confident communities.
4. Maintaining a Robust Criminal Justice System
Virgin Islands News Online was told that the document should have actually been completed since November and should have been tabled already. Nevertheless, with the recent shooting of Melbourne Francis even if Government may want to use it as a political tool, the Virgin Islands community may find the document of particular interest.
In an invited comment to this news site, President of Crime Stoppers BVI Mr Kevin ‘OJ’ Smith said Crime Stoppers BVI supports any effort on the part of government or the police force to try to deter and prevent or even apprehend persons who perpetrate crimes.
“We all are concerned with the recent tragedy, it’s unfortunate and heartbreaking that is going on in the Territory now and all of us want to do our fair share to try to combat these types of crimes, whether it be theft or the most violent ones like homicides.”
Regarding the contents of the documents, however, Mr Smith said he could not speak to that.

8 Responses to “Premier Smith to lay document in HOA on crime reduction & safety”
proportion. Every little altercation is not a police or courts matter - and yet the really bad stuff keeps getting
worse. This is typical. You charge a man, and throw him in your jail for having a gun at home in order to
defend his house against the really violent criminal type who do exist on Tortola. Wish it were not true. You
say he or she is bad for having the gun to protect themself and they are in prison. Yet, the use of the firearm
in senseless and clearly crazy crimes of violence and murder is escalating. Can you see what is wrong?
Doing same thing as many other countries or territories; criminalizing the victims of crime and allowing the
criminals to go hog wild. So sorry to see you headed down that road. Terrible. Would be nice if people would learn from history.