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Premier should not get credit if Order in Council is lifted- Hon Skelton suggests

In a viral YouTube post, the Leader of the Opposition Hon Ronnie W. Skelton can be seen saying to a member of a local media house, “If he [Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley] goes to London and he gets the Order in Council to be lifted then he’ll make it look like he get a brownie point.” Photo: YouTube
Opposition Members except for Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) walked out of the Nineteenth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA) of the Virgin Islands on September 3, 2024, after the Motion of No Confidence was removed from Public Business on the Order Paper to Private Members Business. Photo: YouTube
Opposition Members except for Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) walked out of the Nineteenth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA) of the Virgin Islands on September 3, 2024, after the Motion of No Confidence was removed from Public Business on the Order Paper to Private Members Business. Photo: YouTube
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The real reason for the Opposition attempting to bring forward a Motion of No Confidence against Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) during the Nineteenth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA) of the Virgin Islands on September 3, 2024, may have been to avoid the government from receiving credit in the event the Order in Council held in reserve is lifted.

The Order in Council was put in place by the United Kingdom (UK) in 2022 to force the Virgin Islands to implement reforms recommended in the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) Report.

Premier Wheatley is scheduled to travel to the United Kingdom (UK) next week with Governor Daniel Pruce. While there the Premier said he intends to seek clarification on the review process and timeline and ultimately getting the Order lifred.


Opposition Leader Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) was looking forward to presenting the motion, which included several reasons, from lack of fiscal responsibility to neglect of key sectors. However Premier Wheatley successfully objected to its inclusion on the Order Paper since the proper procedure of the HoA was not followed by the Opposition.

Opposition Members walked out of the HoA; however, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) returned.

In a viral YouTube post, the Leader of the Opposition can be seen saying to a member of a local media house, “If he goes to London and he gets the Order in Council to be lifted then he’ll make it look like he get a brownie point.”

Hon Skelton failed to include this as part of the motion presented on the Order Paper which was before the HoA.

Premier Wheatley has labelled the Opposition as self serving and only focused on grabbing power.

4 Responses to “Premier should not get credit if Order in Council is lifted- Hon Skelton suggests ”

  • What? (04/09/2024, 15:32) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hon. Skelton are you serious? We blame the Premier for the $20 mil shortfall with the civil servants increase, even though many other agencies and senior financial officers were involved. Now he will travel to the UK with the Governor to have conversations with the higher ups about, among other things, the lifting of the order, and he should not get credit for it? Who should be credited? How can you lay blame but won't give credit? I am not a Natalio or VIP fan, far from, but this is becoming childish and stupid now. It was just a year ago the Opposition won the elections and couldn't form a Government. This is the same Skelton that broke up the NDP and started the downward political slope for the BVI. I did not make this up, the facts are there and CLEAR!
  • hm (04/09/2024, 15:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    So who should get credit? If its not lifted, wouldn't he get the blame. Mehson ayuh S@#$+ kame as hell. Let them man get the COI off out back, then you, the NDP, OPP PPP RIP CRIP TIP SOP LIP SIP DIP HIP ZIP KIP and cindy crazy ass can all for all the votes of no confidence ayuh want.
    Ayuh is the dumbest set of opposition... eeeever!
  • Dear Sir (04/09/2024, 15:46) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    You was there for years and your government had power and you sit down for years as finance minister and watch minsters try to swindle sweet deals with the public money “ failed or fake airplane “ 12 millions dollars lost and you got the strength to go up buh motion of no confidence boy go sit your butt down. You guys rather see the country burn than to work together sicka your whole team especially myron and mitch!!!! And BVI people so dumb! Like they blind and suffer from amnesia smh! Yall in HOA every minute trying to be comedians try to go viral with nonsense smh
  • Very unchristian and selfish (04/09/2024, 15:49) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    If the reason was to discredit the Premier should the Order in Council be lifted, then The leader of the opposition is very unchristian and selfish.

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