Premier planning UK trip to advance economic & political interests of VI

This he says will be to advance the economic, political, and environmental interests of the Virgin Islands.
The Premier made the disclosure in a press statement today, Friday January 6, 2022, on current matters in the Virgin Islands.
“On the agenda are financial services, investment, and environmental partnerships. I will also meet with our students and citizens in the United Kingdom to hear their concerns and ideas,” he added.
Hon Wheatley said he will also get he opportunity to meet Minister for Overseas Territories Lord Zach R. Goldsmith as well as engage other BVI groups and UK parliamentarians who have an interest in the VI.
The occasion of my visit will also be an opportunity to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the BVI London Office that was the successful vision of the late Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon Ralph T. O'Neil, OBE.
The Premier said he is looking forward to updating the public on the outcome of the visit upon his return.
What about Order in Council?
It is expected that the premier in his London visit could encourage the UK to remove the existing Order in Council to suspend the Virgin Island’s Constitution and impose direct rule in the territory, having already indicated that his government was not in support of the order.
VI Governor John J. Rankin, CMG has; however, said the Order in Council is an “insurance” to ensure that the Government of the Virgin Islands stays true to its commitment to implementing the reforms as recommended by Sir Gary R. Hickenbottom following the Commission of Inquiry (CoI).
Many; however, see it as a 'Sword of Damocles' on the VI and not indicative of a modern partnership of trust and mutual respect.

40 Responses to “Premier planning UK trip to advance economic & political interests of VI”
Additionally, if persons are not completely ready for the task or if persons believe they are going to continue to play mind games without correcting themselves, or if they refuse to change and if they refuse to humble themselves, He will prohibit them from being elected/ re-elected. God gives power to whoever He chooses in order to accomplish His will on earth. Elijah shut up the heavens. Moses parted the Red Sea and David would never become king if Samuel had not anointed him, likewise Saul. It is no different in our times; no change, no election/re-election.
Moreover, some time after elections, God will remove the Order in Council and it will be removed without any conditions or stipulations attached whatsoever. But prayers must be made as we are not battling flesh and blood but “principles and powers….”
This is a pivotal moment in your history, do not lose out by being rejected because of mind games, manipulations, lies, witchcraft and other such things. Listen, they will not work. God, our Father, protects and preserves His people’s life with an intense jealousy. Never underestimate the power of one, and never mistake silence for inactivity.
Thus saith the Lord, “It is I that changeth the times and the seasons: I removeth kings, and setteth up kings: I giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding, it is I who do these things and I have chosen from amongst you, persons to move My people forward:
1st District : Mrs. Shaina M. Smith-Archer
2d District: The Honourable Melvin Mitch Turnbull
3rd District: The Honourable Julian Fraser
4th District: Mrs. Luce Hodge Smith
5th District: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
6th District: The Honourable Alvera Maduro-Caines
7th District: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
8th District: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
9th District: The Honourable Vincent Wheatley ( Will demit office)
At large: The Honourable Neville Smith
Persons whose names have been listed, gather your prayer team and praise and worship teams and get to praying and praising in addition to doing the works necessary. You have to fight by faith to bring your successes to fruition.
Those whose names have not been identified; some of you will be re-elected and others of you will not be re-elected. Either way, all of you have to fight. You fight by gathering your prayer team, and praise and worship team and pray like never before and sing praises to the Most High, in addition to doing the works necessary. Remember, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.
Pray against the occult and witchcraft, pray for persons to stop worshipping the devil, baphomet, pray for freedom from deception, pray against spiritual blindness, pray for freedom from every strongholds, imaginations and every high things, pray against ignorance, pray and receive deliverance from sexual addiction, food addiction, social media addictions, alcohol addictions, drug addiction, pray against the spirit of untimely death, pray against evil declarations, incantations, projections, psychic, telepathic and satanic projections, spells, charms curses, hexes, chants, mind manipulations, limiting thinking, pray for increased knowledge, freedom distractions and seducing spirits, pray against anger, pray against familiar spirits used to spy on persons, pray for the protection of your character, pray against familiar spirits being used to spy on persons, pray against pride, barrenness, poverty and average incomes, pray for wealth and financial prosperity, pray for freedom from debts, pray for health and sound minds, safety from accidents, safety from man-made or natural disasters, tear down every evil altar, pray against al the evil plans and plots to stop persons from being successful, pray against the marine kingdom, pray for the youth and all children, pray for unity – a people divided cannot stand. Pray for Righteousness , righteousness exalts a nation- it lifts a nation up, it makes that nation prominent, it brings honour to that nation, but sin causes the nation to be torn down.
Everyone in this territory must pray. Pray for your lives, your children’s lives and generations to come because they are all depending on it. Pray for your freedom, pray, pray, pray. Cover this territory with the Blood of Jesus Christ and invite the Holy Spirit to come in and help us; come to our aid and rescue us.
When the current Premier announces the date for election, increase your prayer time and worship and praise times. All who can pray in tongues, please do so more than ever before. Prayers in tongues and with our understanding need to be offered up to God for the territory because your lives and livelihood, properties, freedom, are threatened and under attack, so pray – you are not battling flesh and blood but principalities and powers so, again, ask God to intervene and help us and watch God arise and all our enemies be scattered, cast out, and all the works of darkness be brought to nought. And, finally, witness God do a mighty and marvellous work in this territory for and on behalf of this, His people.
Whatsoever must be said or done will be said or done.
I have heard that it is in the millions!
I do not perceive that they should be approached right now. It’s premature and unsupported. The only encouragement they need at this time, which they are already fully apprised off, whether you go and mention it or not, is to know that all the recommendations have been completed/implemented within schedule, and if not on schedule, then what are the legitimate explanations or good reasons for being late.
Stop acting hastily. You do not have the backing for the results you want with the Order, right now. And you will not get it just so; conditions apply.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God......
1) The United Nations
If all these were against actions of our politicians' decisions and they kept moving forward regardless, the majority of us would have been hitting the ceiling if they failed to listen to them but we want to give the Governor and his UK bosses a free pass. It is time to end dictatorships. It is time to end colonialism. It is time to end the order in council and their attempt at direct rule.
How much has the Premier spent on travell in the last year?