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Premier in no position to give answers – Sam Henry

Talk show host, Julio S. Henry believes Premier Dr The Hon. D. Orlando Smith (above) is currently in no position to provide solutions to the problems facing the territory with the cruise pier debacle. Photo: VINO/File
Members of a steering committee constituting taxi operators met with the Premier on Friday October 25, 2013 to determine the way forward on the issue of Carnival Cruise Line cancelling calls to the Virgin Islands for the latter part of 2014 and beyond. Photo: VINO/File
Members of a steering committee constituting taxi operators met with the Premier on Friday October 25, 2013 to determine the way forward on the issue of Carnival Cruise Line cancelling calls to the Virgin Islands for the latter part of 2014 and beyond. Photo: VINO/File
Henry further charged the Premier with establishing an economic summit in the very near future [this week] that will give everyone an opportunity to hear from him directly on plans to move the territory forward, secure businesses that the territory might be about to lose and also his plans to protect jobs. Photo: VINO/File
Henry further charged the Premier with establishing an economic summit in the very near future [this week] that will give everyone an opportunity to hear from him directly on plans to move the territory forward, secure businesses that the territory might be about to lose and also his plans to protect jobs. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – While noting that he is willing to wait for something effective to be done, talk show host, Julio S. Henry believes Premier Dr The Hon. D. Orlando Smith is currently in no position to provide solutions to the problems facing the territory with the cruise pier debacle.

“Given the situation, the Premier is not in a position to give any answers,” Henry stated on the Speak Your Mind Show on October 26, 2013.

Members of a steering committee constituting taxi operators met with the Premier on Friday October 25, 2013 to determine the way forward on the issue of Carnival Cruise Line cancelling calls to the Virgin Islands for the latter part of 2014 and beyond.

But from all appearances, nothing satisfactory was forthcoming from this meeting.

The meeting followed a cancelled protest that was also slated to be held last Friday on the economic situation of the territory and the Carnival withdrawal as well. Henry disclosed that permission has since been granted by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) for the protest to go ahead.

Notwithstanding this, Henry said he is extending the courtesy of time to the Premier for the issue to be resolved.

He further charged the Premier with establishing an economic summit in the very near future [this week] that will give everyone an opportunity to hear from him directly on plans to move the territory forward, secure businesses that the territory might be about to lose and also his plans to protect jobs.

“When you lose your job, the government loses its work and the Premier needs to understand that… and I think he understands that,” Henry said.

He noted that job losses were not simply about the persons that lose their job, but were also about the country and about the government. He added that this ultimately affected taxes, social security and money needed for the country’s treasury.

“We need to stand together and pretty much push that first before we get in the street and police have to get involved,” he added.

Henry felt a protest could be avoided altogether even though permission has been granted. “We don’t have to [protest], let’s see if we can get the Premier to have this forum to lay out a strong smart economic plan as to how and what he’s going to do and what they’re planning to do to help the economy again,” he said.

21 Responses to “Premier in no position to give answers – Sam Henry”

  • . (29/10/2013, 08:29) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sam flipflopping
  • soildier (29/10/2013, 08:38) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Poor Doc you in bad shape you have so much patients to attend to and no help from your assistances all they doing is causing damages everyday fire all off them.....
  • qc (29/10/2013, 08:53) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
  • ooooo (29/10/2013, 08:56) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    why call a meeting with doc and we all know that he doesn't have a clue?
  • waste (29/10/2013, 09:27) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Premier has proven to be a waste of time. What a pity.
  • facts man (29/10/2013, 09:35) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    you think sam and the rest of them aint know Doc Smith does not have a clue? it was just a stalling tatic poor we country down hill with this waste of time government
  • shark (29/10/2013, 09:37) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    If its the premier your waiting on do not waste your time.nothing is going to be done
  • wise up (29/10/2013, 10:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is simply my personal opinion; in both political parties the leader of government business does not truly have any idea as to what the ministers in there administration are doing; in both parties the ministers do whatever they wish-the minister for communication should be the person with the answers to the questions in this matter
    • Real (29/10/2013, 17:19) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      But the minster is in no shape to bring a resolution to this problem when he himself created it and is in it so deep he can't get himself out of it, the premier is the only one can speak to these people and salvage what ever is left of that relationship between Carnival.
  • xxxxxxxx (29/10/2013, 10:13) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply

    Now did anyone in their right mind expect anything else from this useless pr****r?? come on wheel and come again

  • general12 (29/10/2013, 11:36) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    ndp must go
  • polo (29/10/2013, 12:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Premier, Mark and Myron are a complete waste of space. When is the Government going to accept the facts & call a fresh election?
  • Nationalist (29/10/2013, 14:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Doc will soon know the truth its going on two years and cant get a deal going stt is extending wico dock and building a third dock starting next year .Doc act like like H L for one day take the wheel back do like Ralph sail ur own ship take the port please for ur country stt had three carnival ship yesterday wnen last tortola had one it will be two years the ndp in power everything still at a stand still start to pray again prayer changes things stop studying those around u they are not god
  • Yes (29/10/2013, 15:27) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    jump high jump low NDP in there for 12 to 18 years
  • jokes (29/10/2013, 17:05) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    you mean 18 months you got jokes.....
  • tola (29/10/2013, 19:09) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Youall need to keep off Myron he is the only minister doing things
    • To tola (30/10/2013, 09:34) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply

      Myron is the only one doing what? Making us who ain't in education think he is working with his many good sounding speeches & photo ops but when you check the ground the whole thing is in more chaos than ever before. Child please go sit down. 

  • samuel (29/10/2013, 19:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    sam, dont start things that you cant finish u got a lot of chats and u cant back them u was to demonstrate first and them talk to the minister after not a thing u gon get done
  • wise up (30/10/2013, 09:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Those in favour say HIP !!! HIP !!!!....Doctor Smith should make himself the Chief Medical Officer for “LIFE” and leave this political thing alone; DR is a care-giver not a politician: i think he mean well for his country be he surrounded himself with a set of crazy-men !!!!!!!

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