Premier Fahie 'proudly' presents $397.17M Budget 2022

This is an increase of $13.58 million from last year’s revised budget estimate of $383.59 million; and $698,000 less than the 2020 revised estimated expenditure of $397.87 million.
$356.7M estimated revenues
According to the Premier, at the Thirteenth Sitting of the Third Session of the Fourth House of Assembly at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duffs Bottom, the technical experts at the Ministry of Finance are projecting estimated revenues of $356.7 million; with $323.2 million coming from taxes and $33.5 million from other revenue sources.
$337M recurrent expenditure
Recurrent expenditure is estimated at $337 million; with employee compensation accounting for some $130.8 million; $87.3 million allocated for goods and services, $81.7 million set aside for grants to parastatals, statutory bodies and other organizations and international bodies based on existing commitments; $12.9 million for property and other expenses; $345,000 for subsidies; $4.5 million for interest payments; and $19.4 million allocated for social benefits.
A recurrent surplus of approximately $13.8 million has also been projected.
"I am pleased and proud, as a Virgin Islander, to stand today to present this fourth National Budget in under three years, and to do so with sufficient time in hand for all the necessary processes to be completed so that everything will be in place for the start of the new financial year in January 2022," Premier Fahie said in opening statements.
More details to follow.

20 Responses to “Premier Fahie 'proudly' presents $397.17M Budget 2022”
More attempts to load more financial pressure on ours, the boss, shoulder, in the name good governance.
This new budget estimate sound glossy to many, but to many more others including me, it is a overblown tactical ploy.
In life I have swallowwd many things that I should not have swallowed, but of all that I have swallowed, lies have proven the the hardest Annual budget are meant to be estimate progection, but from the mouth of certain, if not all politiians, they are lies. Believe me or not. Agree with me or not. Prove me wrong if you can. I know that you can't.
Why am I not surprised?
On another issue, how do you propose to fund the CIP budget?
Promises are only as good as the keeping of them.
Promises are are future tense, but needy need cash now.
Promises causes a measure of confort, but the hungry and helpless need true respondant.
Promises without trust is like is as useless as a leaky pot.
Promises without God's approval is as helpless need as Humpy Dumpy that fell off the wall.
God promised that rainy seasons will continue. He never Mises a season
Politicians make many promises, some they are able to keep. Some they can't. And others the care not to keep.
Whose report would believe? Better yet, who do you trust, God, man, self? Trust God. He keeps all His promises in His time.