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Premier: Ensuring compliance in marine sector is ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’

Nearly 200 yachts were recently detained for non-compliance to the laws of the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO/File
Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) said ensuring that the marine sector is in compliance with the safety laws of the country is critical. Photo: VINO/File
Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) said ensuring that the marine sector is in compliance with the safety laws of the country is critical. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) said ensuring that the marine sector is in compliance with the safety laws of the country is critical.

He said during a press conference on March 18, 2022, in response to questions on the issue, that public officers were grilled by the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) about whether enforcements were being done or not and the integrity of the organisation was being called into question.

“The Customs have not just enforced the laws, Customs has continued to work with all the agencies to make sure that they fall in line with the new regulations or even with existing regulations and give the timeframe to do so,” he remarked.

Addressing the matter of The Moorings being faced with millions in fines for non-compliance he said, “It is a challenge when these things happen but we also have to look at safety, we also have to look at the reputation of the Virgin Islands.”

Protection for all

“We also have to look at the flip side, that it is a protection of all stakeholders, private and public. Because if the law enforcement agencies are not satisfied that it is fully compliant and they don’t do their job and something else happens, the media with due respect will be asking us a different question. Why didn’t you stop this, why didn’t you [if ] you knew this was not so why didn’t you adhere to the law?”

He continued: “So it is one of those questions where I understand you are asking, but it is Friday afternoon and I try to stay with my prayers but this is an almost damned if you do, and damned if you don’t business.”

Gap analysis

Meanwhile, Director of the VI Shipping Registry (VISR) Mr. John Samuel informed that when he joined the Shipping Registry he found a gap analysis and it was as a result of the UK’s Maritime and Coast Guard Agency’s assessment of VISR’s performance indicating the areas where the country was falling short.

He said to ensure that the VI remained compliant and didn’t lose its status, these gaps, including the Coastal State, which is how a state administers and maintains safety in its coastal waters, had to be closed.

“The regulations were in place from 2004; I cannot say why or why not they were enforced but my job at the time was to make sure that we became compliant and we began that process at that time,” he explained.

29 Responses to “Premier: Ensuring compliance in marine sector is ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’”

  • wrong cant be right (27/03/2022, 14:54) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    Foy! its not what yo do, its how yo do it
  • be more courteous (27/03/2022, 14:56) Like (34) Dislike (4) Reply
    This thing coulda been handled thru diplomacy and not via heavy handedness
    • Laws (28/03/2022, 01:30) Like (3) Dislike (14) Reply
      Congratulations Hon. Fahie. They had years to make things right .
      Do not let them intimidate you. You have a country to run and you will never please every body.
  • hmmm (27/03/2022, 15:19) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    they will keep on saying that the companies in default had months to get thing right. They know fully well that local suppliers here could not met the demand, the companies still want to give local suppliers the business so they order via local suppliers for them to import the stuff only to be told that it now have to be manufactured. still customs did not want to hear this. they went ahead and show their power. was it right to call back guest already out on charter? They boats could not go out without permits from customs in the first place so what customs went back and retrieve those permits?
    • @hmmm (28/03/2022, 01:23) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
      You realy want us to believe that rubbish. Tell us the name of the local company they order these equipment from.. You all can fool some of the people some of time but not all the people all of the time.
      • ask customs (28/03/2022, 11:30) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        go ask customs and shipping registry. receipts were shown to custom the local companies themselves inform custom of the situation for your information. the local companies were recommended by shipping registry. so don't say crap when the facts were presented to the authorities in charge. if you don't know now you know
  • south africa (27/03/2022, 15:55) Like (10) Dislike (9) Reply
    the territory went into lockdown for almost a year if not longer and the boat companies did not leave what make some of you think they will leave now. The profit these boat companies accumulate weekly in BVI seawater they can not pocket that much money in other jurisdictions in the Caribbean after paying applicable tax . The operating cost in BVI is pocket change to compare to USVI. Try have some respect for laws and regulations….. people coming BVI for a 7 day sail in the past overnight in local hotels NOW the boat owners now have they guest overnight onboard the vessel cutting out local hotels run talk that…facts ask the former minister
    • @South Africa (27/03/2022, 23:14) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      But if you pay for a boat as your accommodation when on vacation, why the hell would you pay more to stay in a hotel?! Who in their right mind would want to travel to BVI, which is difficult and expensive enough to get to, stay in a hotel for one night and carry all their luggage a second day to their boat? Tourism only works when you have a decent product, stop talking nonsense.
  • Windy (27/03/2022, 16:14) Like (10) Dislike (15) Reply
    Fahie you did the right thing those set of two faces people

    The vip going back in
  • c (27/03/2022, 16:37) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Like I speculated before, the government needed the money. Now that I see it’s millions in fines, it seems more probable.
    • U messing with bread & Cheese (27/03/2022, 19:32) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Failure to properly assessed the situation. It resulted in been reckless....These are our employers ain no game. Stop playing with our children meals...They put food on our Tables.
      • @bread and cheese (28/03/2022, 01:59) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
        They still have to abide by the laws because we not selling out our country for a plate of food.
    • Foolish (27/03/2022, 20:01) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      Collect millions in fine and loose the gander who can lay future millions and ongoing business. Short sightedness
      • @ Foolish (28/03/2022, 06:08) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
        Keep focus bvi is on the move the broxn bummer is the right man for the job and good looking out wade smith
      • Commentator (28/03/2022, 12:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        ganders can't lay eggs...that's the goose....just saying.....
    • @ C (27/03/2022, 20:41) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
      taxation is how governments all of this universe generates income to fix roads: building schools: offer free health care[in big USA one have state tax and federal taxes…….] you need to crawl from under that rock and wake up and live !!!!
      • @c (28/03/2022, 12:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply


  • WOW (27/03/2022, 17:40) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    What ever excuse you giving, the tourist affect by your stupid decision will always remember that,there vacation was ruin by....
  • Albert (27/03/2022, 20:15) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    It as amazing how this Government is so worried about marine safety ( which has a very low accident rate } , Meanwhile, thousands of cruiseship passengers are transported in homebuilt overloaded safari busses that have no seatbelts and have had several serious accidents. Not to even talk about about the maniacs running around on scooters and dropping like flies. If this Government is really concerned about safety stop picking on the low hanging fruit and get realistic.
  • cap (27/03/2022, 23:09) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    This government goes about things in a way that damages the economy and our reputation rather than benefit them. I speak from personal experience that HM Customs DID NOT give any time to local operators to comply with the new licensing requirements last year. Charter operators had their inspections, safety equipment, surveys, insurance, trade licenses and previous charter licenses but because they decided at the very last minute that we needed a new piece of paper… businesses were shut down, money was lost, visitors got stranded, flights missed and even more money lost. This needs to be addressed and what I mean is get rid of the bullies who sit in the office chairs at customs HQ.
  • (28/03/2022, 02:17) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    Thank god we have you at the wheel Andrew Fahie. The people will reward you stay focus and continue to do the right thing. We the silent majority are with you
  • asking for a friend (28/03/2022, 06:10) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    So you ndp bloggers saying the charter companies must break the law and go free what a set of ndp fools just hungry for power
  • hmm (28/03/2022, 07:02) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    What is wrong with you all people who are so Lawless and do not like to follow law. What foolish excuse about not getting parts because of lockdown.
    The Moorings is an international company with Owners of Yachts from different parts of the world.
    If the the owners of these Yachts or the Moorings itself really need those parts and equipment, they can get it here withing one week.
    Stop making excuses and follow the dam Law. Those excuses are too dam poor.
    I do not own a Yacht or boat or involved in a the Marine industry but if I need a part or equipment for a Yacht I can get them here within one week.

    Stop being Dam Lawless. I know for sure you all must follow the Law if you all were in the U.S Virgin Islands or the U.S Main Land so do not come to the BVIs and do what you all want.
  • Lol. (28/03/2022, 09:00) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ok, who ever it is that dislikes the Governments handling of this situation, I will like you to tell me or show me one Yacht Owner or Company including the Moorings that if they had ordered the needed parts or equipment from the opening of the Cruise season, which would have been from November last Year, would not have received it as of today.

    Shipment may have slowed but not stop. Again I will say. Stop looking excuses and damn lawless. Again you all will respect any other Country or island laws and policy. So obey and respect this.
    You all had sufficient time to get your ask together.
    • @LOL (28/03/2022, 11:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      customs have all the information every date and what was ordered and when. Does bvi have the local market to supply the amount of stuff needed. where can you go right now and find 50 horseshoe buoy in bvi where can you find 100 gas detectors. tell me?
  • @LOL (28/03/2022, 10:22) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    You’re missing the point, no one is arguing that charter operators should get away with not having safety equipment on board. The issue is HOW it was dealt with which damages the territory. It is also worth mentioning that Customs has done this to a lot of small local operators but you only hear about the big cases like Moorings. The Moorings should have all the right safety equipment on board, full stop. But you don’t hear about the criminal treatment of small businesses who were all compliant but didn’t have that new piece of paper that Customs are calling a license because of their own clerical issues.
  • the moorings (28/03/2022, 14:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • guy hill (30/03/2022, 06:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What ever they do. Boats will still come to the BVI. Stop the waste of energy bickering. Seize the time, deal with who comes. Deal with who intentionally violate the simple rules.

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