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Premier asked to divulge personal security details @ May 17, 2019 HoA

- Questions will come from Opposition Leader, but is Hon Penn being irresponsible?
Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) will be forced to release the full details surrounding his bodyguards and personal security into the public domain even as the Leader of Government Business have been facing assassination threats since becoming Premier of the Virgin Islands (VI). Photo: Team of Reporters
According to an HoA Order Paper for Third Sitting of the First Session of the Fourth HoA of the Virgin Islands (VI), released, May 14, 2019, Hon Penn will ask of the Premier, “what is the name of the company providing private security to him, the beneficial owner of company, when the services commenced and details of the cost of the services.” Photo: Facebook/GIS
According to an HoA Order Paper for Third Sitting of the First Session of the Fourth HoA of the Virgin Islands (VI), released, May 14, 2019, Hon Penn will ask of the Premier, “what is the name of the company providing private security to him, the beneficial owner of company, when the services commenced and details of the cost of the services.” Photo: Facebook/GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) will be asked to release the full details surrounding the hiring of bodyguards and his personal security into the public domain, even as he has been facing assassination threats since becoming Premier of the Virgin Islands (VI).

During the Thursday, April 25, 2019, Second Sitting of the First Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA), Hon Fahie dropped the bombshell news that there have been three major threats of assassination, hence the reason for personal bodyguards.

And now Leader of the Opposition and Deputy Chairman of the National Democratic Party (NDP), Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) wants Premier Fahie to reveal the details of his heightened security when the House sits tomorrow, Friday, May 17, 2019. 

Is Hon Penn irresponsible?

According to an HoA Order Paper for Third Sitting of the First Session of the Fourth HoA of the Virgin Islands (VI), released, May 14, 2019, Hon Penn will ask of the Premier, “what is the name of the company providing private security to him, the beneficial owner of company, when the services commenced and details of the cost of the services.”

However, given the nature of the issue surrounding assassination attempts and the personal security of the Premier, many are wondering if Hon Penn’s line of questioning is justifiable. 

According to the Premier at the April 25, 2019 sitting—with his need to hire additional security—he said, “I don’t like to know that Taxpayers have to go through that. As a matter of fact Mr Speaker, I bring it up because I noticed that before I got to make a speech, there are those making fun of it. But I don’t take nobody making fun of my life.” 

National Security Issue

Further, Premier Fahie said at the sitting, “We have sat down with the Commissioner of Police, we have sat down with private security… and we have made sure that the security that is needed, that will happen as the Premier of this Territory,” he implored.

Citing the subject as a ‘National Security’ matter, he revealed that Commissioner of Police, Michael B. Matthews of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), has been on the case while noting that given the situation, personal security was necessary, hence the reason for his bodyguards.

"You have made the right step"- Hon Melvin M. Turnbull

Meanwhile, Opposition Member and Second District Representative Hon Melvin M.Turnbull had previously said in the House of Assembly that he was in full support of security for the Premier, noting that is was an issue raised during the last administration.

Hon Turnbull related that it was in late 2015 or 2016 that the National Security Council “strongly recommended that … security be provided for the Premier.”

“When someone threatens anyone’s life, elected or not, I take it seriously. When you threaten somebody’s family, it is of utmost importance. Honourable Premier when I saw the security with you, this is what I said: ‘I hope the Premier will keep the security with him for as long as he is elected because it has nothing to do with Andrew Fahie’,” Hon Turnbull had said in the House of Assembly (HoA) on April 26, 2019.

The second term representative added, “Premier, I want you to know I support you and as a country, you have made the right step."

13 Responses to “Premier asked to divulge personal security details @ May 17, 2019 HoA”

  • facts (16/05/2019, 16:57) Like (22) Dislike (13) Reply
    That's why Marlon would never be premier he is to immature
  • nonsense (16/05/2019, 16:58) Like (27) Dislike (4) Reply
    The premier should no have to divulge detail surrounding his security.
    The security arrangement for the premier is petty compared to what happens across the Caribbean and the rest of the world. As the premier he is entitled to and should have adequate security.
  • wize up (16/05/2019, 17:13) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    we need to make you the chairman of the National Democratic Party this you will not have to adhere to those institutions....just saying
  • Ghut Man (16/05/2019, 17:53) Like (71) Dislike (4) Reply
    I wish penn would ask about the 8 years of couruption
    • wize up (16/05/2019, 18:08) Like (15) Dislike (5) Reply
      @ Ghut Man: your motion have seconded
      • HAHA (17/05/2019, 09:43) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        And they got upset when the Pickering boy said he (Penn) is not a leader. When clearly he is not.
  • salt pond (16/05/2019, 18:16) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    Hon Penn kindly stop allowing that former Minister to have you like some idiot why will some divulge security information your former campaign leader looking things to talk that is why the poor fellow on the outside looking or watching live on Facebook
  • what (16/05/2019, 18:29) Like (24) Dislike (8) Reply
    Marlon got to be mumu of the year. Credible threats and he wants this information. This man either part of the treat or just too puppetified. All respect lost for him now. So Marlon can you divulge how many women you took on tax payer funded trips?
  • @## (16/05/2019, 20:20) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Only a few needs to know this additional information that Hon Penn is requesting. This is for safety reasons.
    What if these same people somehow get this full details. We all know how money can make people do wrong even in this security company. A lot can go wrong with this.

    When he was suppose to be talking, for years he couldn't say a word.
  • spider (16/05/2019, 20:59) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    I am in total agreement with you all that the Premier shouldn’t have to answer questions about his bodyguards/Company.. Even with the absence of threats, as the Premier he “should” have bodyguards.. Hon. Penn is grasping at straws for he has nothing better to ask.. why doesn’t he explain to us the people how his then government will reimburse all of the tax payers monies his NDP buddies squandered and who will be held accountable for all that.. Hon. penn should be ashamed of himself.. Minister Fahie would be a fool to entertain Penn..
  • GG (17/05/2019, 08:18) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hatred. Envy and Jealousy are real... This Dumb azzsxss ?? ?
  • wow (17/05/2019, 10:32) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    You mean to say, Marlon don't have nothing constructive to bring before the HOA? Stop side stepping the Issues, if you have amnesia, how back out to the Communities that elected you and get a refresher hearing on what their views and concerns are. Stop being a NDP Poppy Show...Play Ball!

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