Premier announces referendum on same-sex marriage in VI
The Premier in a statement released today, Monday, December 19, 2022, said the referendum was decided at a special meeting of Cabinet held on Friday, December 16, 2022, where Cabinet members have decided to refer the matter to the local electorate.
“This will be the first referendum in the history of the Virgin Islands. It will be held at some point after our general elections, so that the question can be considered without distraction.”
He added that this referendum will also give those with strong views on the matter, including the local religious community, the opportunity to defend what they believe to be socially and morally right.
The decision to head to a local referendum comes as a case is being heard in the High Court, which potentially can impact the social and religious fabric of the VI society.
Legal case on matter currently in Courts - Premier
“A same-sex couple, both Virgin Islanders, were married abroad, and have mounted a legal challenge to have their union legally recognized here in the Virgin Islands. If they were to be successful, section 13(1)(c) of the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman, would be declared as unconstitutional and, therefore, null and void. As a result, same-sex marriage would become legal in the Virgin Islands,” the Premier said.
In June 2022, Kinisha Forbes and Kirsten Lettsome sued the Government of the Virgin Islands, claiming that they were denied a marriage license from the Registrar General because they were a same-sex couple.
The Premier said that in response to the legal challenge, the Virgin Islands Government, who is the respondent in this case, through counsel assigned by the Attorney General’s Chambers, is vigorously defending the local laws, which clearly define marriage between a man and a woman.
Dr Wheatley added that the referendum will also consider the question of whether the state should introduce new legislation that would provide any person in a domestic partnership certain legal rights, such as the ability to pass on one’s estate to their partner regardless of sex.
“This approach would satisfy our obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights, while protecting the sanctity of marriage,” he added.
89 Responses to “Premier announces referendum on same-sex marriage in VI”
May it never be! Yes, let God be found true, but every man a liar. As it is written, "That you might be justified in your words, and might prevail when you come into judgment." Romans 3:4
They can complain all they want then they can move to Rome and do as the Romans. We won't change our marriage laws to please them.
"Equal Protection Under The Law" - If the government doesn't want to uphold that, then the government should get out of the marriage business.
it is an unholy abomination. It is an evil union in the sight of God.
Yessss! Finally! I going to start ring shopping for now. Who want to dance now?!?
these evil laws will be their own destruction.
You all like to quote the bible when it suits You, but look at the commandments being broken daily. How come that's ok? Set ah religious fools
The UK Parliament has the unlimited power to legislate for the Overseas Territories and because of this move I presume that there will be legislative intervention by the UK Government. If it was not for UK legislative intervention then homosexuality would still be illegal to this day so trust in believe the UK will step in, as they should.
The BVI cannot brag about being a modern day society with a high GDP if their laws do not reflect and protect all members of society. Our legislation needs to be in compliance with international obligations. This is why the Territory is not ready for independence because we have a Premier that is more concerned about how people should live in their private lives rather than actual issues that are plaguing the Territory.
(When people asked Jesus about marriage, He told them to remember what Genesis said about God’s plan for marriage (Matthew 19:1-12). So, in this sense, Jesus did have something to say about homosexual partnerships. God only blessed sex within the committed marriage relationship of a man and a woman.)
married folks having extra marital affairs… let’s name them all…
When all the “sins” are exposed and efforts are made to punish them all, then come and talk about two people of the same sex wanting to unite. Too many hypocrites in this place.
Every church preaching on their interpretation of the Bible yet there is one superior being. Religion is a hoax to control the populace. Be spiritual with the Lord and leave these churches alone.
I am amazed at this uproar - 62 comments - but no one is ready to step up against drugs, guns and money laundering. Criminality has killed more young men that same sex marriage. But this whole nonsense of drags have intercourse and the other party not knowing - like what 0.000001%? There are not enough transpersons to make that a common occurrence! You're on the margins with tyrannies. Can we get back to fighting crime, ending child poverty and building a bright future for all that live in the BVI and stop worrying about the weirdos on the fringes. This referendum is just a distraction. Wake up people - demand that the government deal with the real issues - crime, education, infrastructure.
As first described in Genesis and later affirmed by Jesus, marriage is a God-ordained, covenant relationship between a man and a woman. This lifelong, sexually exclusive relationship brings children into the world and thus sustains the stewardship of the earth.
Premier, Natalio "Sajande" Wheatley, humans wwre given by their Creator freedom of choice. Any attempt to firce people against their freedom of choice will only cause them to continue rebeling. I am totaly against sams sex marriage. I suggest to you righteous Spiritual persuasion, not referendum. It will nor work.
The Coi probed was, yet still is an ongoing effort by political force to persuade, and persecute, especially BVI politicians from continuing the unjust practicing od mismanagement of the our (the public) finances, not a distractive referendum exercised.
Announced as many referendum on this topic issue as you have once done or may plan to, if the Uk disapproved, what change will be?
Get your act together, Premier. That is, if you are able.
Note: the truth heals wounds caused by lies.
So how does a referendum 'let the people' decide?
In South Africa this went on for decades. A small group decided what the rules and laws were for the majority. The right to love and be able to have say over someone incapacitated is a basic human right. Banning legal standing for same sex couples takes away insurance, inheritance, hospital visitation and ability to provide instruction for care if that person can not speak for themselves.
Please UK, come in and stop this nonsense.
If the Lettsome/ Forbes case prevails, then the question is whether a referendum and government law can supercede the court. A court judgment that may deem the law is against the constitutional right of the citizen could potentially nullify any law passed.
[ let’s lead lije eagkes, not careen off the cliff like buffaloes]
Incredible. This can not be coming from Virgin Islanders
covid-19 deaths which is still very, very sad in my opinion. Also Irma and Maria were bad. You all keep it up. Please know people that GOD HATE SIN. He can and will do as he pleases. If we believe in God. Pray, aryo pray for this country. Too many wrong things is taking place in Tortola. GOD IS NOT PLEASED.
This shouldn't even be up for discussion. It's wickedness period. Fire, blood fire and more fire