‘Pregnant girls should not be @ school!’ – Talk Show hears
The show was hosted by Julio 'Sam' Henry on JTV on Saturday evening October 4, 2014.
The listener said in the text, “I congratulate the Minister for Education for the work he is doing however I disagree with the idea of girls going to school while pregnant and returning after birth. That’s crazy. They should be transferred to the alternative or technical school.”
“It is a very touchy situation,” said Henry, whose opinion leaned towards agreeing with the caller that pregnant school aged girls should not be attending school with other children.
According to another listener who texted in, there is no law preventing the child from finishing school even if she becomes pregnant.
However while Henry did not disagree with the listener he said that he had his own reservations of the situation considering its effect on other students and the health considerations for the pregnant student.
“I have mixed feelings about young ladies going to school with the general population while pregnant,” said Henry.
He said that care may not be readily available for her in case of emergencies. He also pointed out that medically, teen mothers are the most vulnerable than fully grown adult pregnant women.
54 Responses to “‘Pregnant girls should not be @ school!’ – Talk Show hears”
She have the burden of carrying it 9 months, not he. Shut yuh ashy foot and learn yuh lesson
THAT IS THE MOST STUPIDEST THING I EVER HEARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back when I used to go to school, you know how many girls kept our legs closed simply because we had to finish school and find a good job(eventhough we were clueless noone could stop us). At least the fear of knowing we would have to drop out, kept us in check, but now that we have people like you who have found a loop hole in the system, giving these hot crotch young girls the amunition to spread dem legs, all of a sudden society outta control.
When a child have a strict parent, he/she tries to walk the straight and narrow so they don't get on the parent's wrong side. But when you have a lenient/passive parent, the child is aware that there are no consequence to their actions so they do what they want. We need to get a law in there that will water down these hot hooooooozzzz.
All these children mekkin children and they don't even realize that they can't even find jobs. By time you overpopulate the place with all these pickenee, all we doing is breeding young thieves. Then you will be the first one bawling........Lawwwwwddd, wha deh politician dem doing??? They ain see they have to create more jobs so we could eat???? Lawd wha deh politician dem doing with this rising crime rate and all dis thiefing...all of a sudden you gonna want the poor politician dem solve your problem, when a simple law could have taken care of that. I'm not saying it is a cure, but good lawd it's a start...
Boy people stupid sah
Your vile rant sounds exactly like the racist ranting of a slave master of old. God help my people.
Everyone is entitled to an education regardless of the circumstances by which you were unable to finish High School; however, if my daughter is grown enough to take her focus off her education long enough to go spread her legs and get pregnant, she should suffer the consequences of grown adults and seek other means of obtaining her education.
Children go to school. Adults go to alternative school. Once you are a mother, that is what you are: A MOTHER RESPONSIBLE FOR A CHILD. We always trying to follow toes to heels behind the American system. How is that system working for them????
By being able to attend school pregnant, takes away an important incentive to keep yuh ashy legs closed. Today, there aint no shame in these school children game, they on a roll. If there are no laws in stopping a young girl from going to Public school pregnant, it's time we focus on getting one.
I totally agree with you 1000%.
You sound like you unlearned and 50 more years aint gonna do you any justice. You don't understand now and 50 years from now you still won't understand.
Who deh R@$$ say sex is nasty?????? It is obvious you need someone to think for you because apparently you ain doing well on your own.
Think about the BVI economy. Think about uneducated females raising these children. Might as well we start putting on bars on our windows and doors and prepare ourselves for our taxes to go through the roof.
Pregnancy is not contagious.
Pregnancy is not a disability.
Pregnancy is not a crime punishable by shunning and isolation .
There is absolutely no reason to quarantine a healthy school girl because of her pregnancy.
Nobody ain say quarantine pregnant teens, the point is they need to be in a different environment once they open their legs and get caught.
Let's take Elmore Stoutt High School for instance. That is where children suppose to be. Being a child. If your daughter come to that school big wid child and trip up and fall down dem steps, next thing you want the government to do is chop off the steps off the buildings and mek dem install elevator.
Another child accidentally bump into your pregnancy daugther and she fall down and lose her baby, BAM yuh gone for yuh lawyer.
Children play, children have accidents, children occupy an environment condusive to their situation. My pregnant daughter have no business rubbing up her hard stomach gence your child in the classroom. I am for an alternative school any time, any day
The old people dem have a word to say, "A child should know a child's place". I most certainly would not like to be sitting next to a big belly pregnant child; that is waaaaay too much distraction
In St. Croix when girl get pregnant they are separated from the general public so there will be no accidents.
They go to separate classes even if its at evenings. They have medical care and proper uniforms.
The children these days have the nerve to see sex more important that their lesson. Will these children have now burden their parents and a price they have to live with.
Alternative education (night school is for everyone. Under the US Constitution alone u cannot deny anyone to an education. True they have access to FEDERALLY FUNDED public assistance such as Medical Assistance Program (MAP) and Women Infant and Children (WIC), etal. But lets stop there. You want crucians have a next fireburn to tell them they have to buy "proper uniforms"? Strupppess
Furthermore, as long as foreigners have a better shot at decent, well-paid or interesting jobs in the BVI than a BVIslander does, we can expect our young people to be shiftless and hopeless. Do the math.
Starting with comments like "ashy foot." Anyone saying such to any young woman ought to be ashamed of themselves.
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!:)
Maybe other classmates will see her and realize that they do not want to be in the same state.