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Power back on track, says Vanterpool

- Two engines that were broken down, are now fixed
Electricity has now been restored after three hours of power outage. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Businesses and homes around Tortola experienced power outages earlier today May 24, 2012, between the hours of 8 - 11 a.m. due to the failure of two engines but they have since been fixed and power has been restored.

Speaking to Minister for Communication and Works Hon. Mark Vanterpool, this news site was informed that there were “problems” at the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) site earlier today but the problem has now been fixed.

"Two engines broke down this morning but everything is back on track,” said the Minister.

Meanwhile, a worker at the Distribution Department at the BVI Electricity Corporation told this news site that due to some technical difficulties with their engines, some feeders placed around the island were forced to shut off.

The worker also assured this news site that everything is up and running.

5 Responses to “Power back on track, says Vanterpool”

  • action (24/05/2012, 16:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    good job Mark now this is the action man I use too
    • out of the box (24/05/2012, 20:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      while I think they got the power back on in good order they need to look into a backup generator to those generators???? when power goes out the backup generator to what is there takes over so no disruptive situation..come on Mark think outside the box!!!!
  • good to great (24/05/2012, 17:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Kudos to the BVI EC workers they are the best...and dem boys on the poles are doing an awesome job..hope they get a raise
  • out to long (24/05/2012, 20:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the corporation must do a better job at Restoration time and been able to determined this!!!!!

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