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Ports Project opens! No fireworks but fiery speech by Hon Vanterpool

- campaign-style speech touted the achievements of the NDP administration over multiple terms; said Premier will leave $100 million in treasury by end of this term
February 17th, 2016 | Tags:
The unveiling of the plaque to mark the launch of Tortola Pier Park. Photo: VINO
A section of the attendees. Photo: VINO
A section of the attendees. Photo: VINO
Minister Vanterpool and Premier Smith walk the facility following the official ceremony. Photo: VINO
Minister Vanterpool and Premier Smith walk the facility following the official ceremony. Photo: VINO
Governor John S. Duncan OBE was among the guests. Photo: VINO
Governor John S. Duncan OBE was among the guests. Photo: VINO
Minister Vanterpool on the catwalk. Photo: VINO
Minister Vanterpool on the catwalk. Photo: VINO
Fashion show in progress before the launch ceremony. Photo: VINO
Fashion show in progress before the launch ceremony. Photo: VINO
Moviene F. Fahie and Jack the Donkey. Photo: VINO
Moviene F. Fahie and Jack the Donkey. Photo: VINO
A Disney cruise ship in port during the opening of the Pier Park. Photo: VINO
A Disney cruise ship in port during the opening of the Pier Park. Photo: VINO
Mrs Eileene L. Parsons was among the guests. Photo: VINO
Mrs Eileene L. Parsons was among the guests. Photo: VINO
Another section of the audience. Photo: VINO
Another section of the audience. Photo: VINO
The Razor Bladez providing musical entertainment. Photo: VINO
The Razor Bladez providing musical entertainment. Photo: VINO
Dancers add colour to the festivities. Photo: VINO
Dancers add colour to the festivities. Photo: VINO
Skydancers brought spectacle to the festivities. Photo: VINO
Skydancers brought spectacle to the festivities. Photo: VINO
Some of the stores which were open for business in the Pier Park. Photo: VINO
Some of the stores which were open for business in the Pier Park. Photo: VINO
Some of the stores which were open for business in the Pier Park. Photo: VINO
Some of the stores which were open for business in the Pier Park. Photo: VINO
Some of the stores which were open for business in the Pier Park. Photo: VINO
Some of the stores which were open for business in the Pier Park. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – As the controversial Tortola Pier Park (TPP) opened yesterday February 16, 2016, Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) made up for the lack of fireworks with a fiery speech touting the achievement which he painted as part of the Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith's future legacy of investing in the territory.

According to Honourable Vanterpool, the legacy of which he spoke is that in which Dr Smith by the end of this term in office would have invested some $600 million into the territory in various projects – Tortola Pier Park being chief amongst them.

“That deserves a clap,” the Minister said as he urged applause for the achievements of the National Democratic Party Government over the three terms they have been in office (2003-2007 & 2011-current), even though he said it was not a campaign speech.

Comprising the $600 million in projects are the Peebles Hospital, the mini hospital in Virgin Gorda, upgrades to clinics and health centres around the territory, the cruise pier development project, roads development, electricity and renewable energy initiatives, sewerage and water works, and schools, the Minister said.

Not broke

Further, he said that on top of the $600 that would have been invested by the end of this term, Dr Smith intends to leave $100 million in the treasury, $50 million of which is already in the Reserve Fund. Honourable Vanterpool said this is not an indication of a “broke” Government.

“Many of you would have already visited the park and we have been getting favourable comments from experts in the field, from visitors and from residents here in the Virgin Islands that this is indeed a well executed project and a worthy investment of the people of the Virgin Islands,” he said.

He said given what has been invested and the end result, Tortola Pier Park is a new town within the city of Road Town.

“The architecture of the park is designed to be consistent with a Main Street look and we have hand laid approximately 107,000 bricks throughout the park, using local labour and you will see for yourself the magnificent work done.”

He said Tortola Pier Park is not just to accommodate the soon to be one million annual cruise visitors to the island but also residents and visitors who can now have access to one of the best shopping, entertainment and recreational facilities in the entire Caribbean.

200 new jobs

“We have created expanded business opportunities for many entrepreneurs and hundreds of workers. This has already translated into a boost to the economy of the Virgin Islands and will certainly be a catalyst for economic growth for many, many years to come,” said Minister Vanterpool.

“So far ladies and gentlemen this project has provided work for close to 250 persons including 200 at the retail shops here and another 50 or so at the Tortola Pier Park including service providers,” he said.

The Minister reported that between July and December 2015 the Tortola Pier Park garnered rental revenue in excess of $350,000. He said projected annual revenue is expected to be in excess of $2.3 million.

Past VI stalwarts honoured

The Minister said that while it is fitting to honour the Premier for the success of the project, it would be remiss of him not to mention the initial building of the cruise pier by the Late Chief Minister H. Lavity Stoutt. He also gave credit to Honourable Ralph T. O'Neal OBE for carrying out further upgrades to the pier during his term in office.

He said also it would be remiss of him if he did not paint into the annals of history the one individual he said was most instrumental in bringing cruise tourism in the territory – the Late Cyril B. Romney.

“It is my hope and my expectation that before I leave office, the name Cyril B. Romney will be a more prominent feature of this cruise pier park,” he said.

On hand for the opening were personnel from Disney and Norwegien Cruise lines and members of the Government as well as prominent persons within the Virgin Islands society.

The Ports Development Project has been under a cloud of allegations of wrongdoing, however, calls for Governor John S. Duncan OBE to establish a Commission of Inquiry have been rejected. It was also shockingly revealed in the House of Assembly on January 25, 2016 that the cost for the scaled back Tortola Pier Park has reached $82.9M even though it is yet incomplete. It was first estimated that the cost for the project would be $45M.

32 Responses to “Ports Project opens! No fireworks but fiery speech by Hon Vanterpool”

  • jail work (17/02/2016, 09:48) Like (21) Dislike (10) Reply
    set of thieves
  • meh (17/02/2016, 09:52) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
  • vip (17/02/2016, 09:53) Like (27) Dislike (2) Reply
    nice opening we love the project but oh god the corruption
  • hm (17/02/2016, 10:21) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
    I can definitely say that the pier is one of the major successes in the BVI. It looks beautiful. However, the only thing questionable was the cost of the infrastructure. Again, it looks great. But the amount it took to get the pier where it is at now is quite questionable.
  • just asking... (17/02/2016, 10:22) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    so who was the law firm that represented Mr. Darley?
  • chad (17/02/2016, 10:47) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Needed project but too much corruption
  • i was hacked (17/02/2016, 11:13) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    i was there, 83 million to build u say? in U.S currency? ok
  • mother hen (17/02/2016, 11:51) Like (22) Dislike (3) Reply
    Come on even my 12 year old son said mommy does this worth 82 million? I said HELL NO!
  • never again! (17/02/2016, 12:45) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
    The 100 million you planning to have in reserve is MY tax money after you take your share! I dare you all for another Snap election...lets go!
  • Why (17/02/2016, 13:04) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    why are we so fiery in tearing down or own weather its vip or ndp please stop it everybody steals but not to justify any one group because stealing is wrong let us see how this thing will work
  • B Savage (17/02/2016, 13:16) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Of course a 100 million will be left because SOME OF YOU SCOUNDRELS will return some of the embezzled government money.
  • Guest (17/02/2016, 13:30) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    it needs benches, more choices to eat, a cafe, a smoothie and ice cream shop. And if i really want it to be creative, a hair braid/lock and hair shampoo salon shop:)
  • farmer brown (17/02/2016, 13:56) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oh what a lovely project
  • sad sad sad (17/02/2016, 14:14) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Nobody shopped
    • Black Beauty (17/02/2016, 20:56) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      Only the rich NDP members and their families can afford to shop there -- set of thieves.
  • wize up (17/02/2016, 14:32) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
    controversial or not; the people of the territory now stands to benifit from the project: thanks to NDP....look around, look at how many cruise passengers riding scooters, look at how many driving rental cars and look at how many bus loaded with cruise passagers.....wonderful project regardless of current personal feelings: let the VIP cronies stand in the corner like little jack horner....VIP needs to change the conversation because when the cruise project got started fahie and fraser tried every trick in the book to get the governor to stop the cruise project but the devil is a liar, on 16 of feb the same project was opned for the people of this territory
    • @wize up (17/02/2016, 14:46) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
      It is a lovely pier/dock....however good governance requires that the voice of the people is heard. The people want an independent audit of the project. While I am it we need one for that hospital as well. In the meantime I will shop there and be happy for the locals earning a living there.
      • wize up (17/02/2016, 15:24) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        @ wize up: i agree with you 100%; the people of this territory deserve good governce from those that we vote for, be it NDP, VIP or any other P.....and the voice of the people should be heard and that is not happening now.....i will continue to put progess over politics
  • Is that value for money! (17/02/2016, 14:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    $600,000,000 for 1 hospital, mini hospital and clinic upgrades. 1 cruise pier development project and some road, electricity, sewerage and water upgrades. Minister Vanterpool sums it up nicely.
    • wtf? (17/02/2016, 16:04) Like (40) Dislike (2) Reply
      And don't not finished, VG mini-hospital project on hold, clinic upgrades??? How about we finish a project completely before moving on to something shiny and new for once???
      • 123 (17/02/2016, 23:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        We have been on this NDP right path before; for 4 plus years in fact. The NDP keeps on telling us that growth is just around the corner. Believe them at your peril!!
  • Building Courage (17/02/2016, 15:44) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    No Conscience! No Shame!

    “Imagination” is a component seems to be fundamentally missing in the development and sustainability of our tourism sector.

    While the global innovative thought-leaders, who are pretty much involved in the tourist industry themselves, are moving toward more environmentally sustainable development and fervently working to protect and preserve the surrounding nature ecology; here we are, full-boat ahead trying to completely devastate an already poor infrastructure and our endangered natural ecology. Let us just acknowledge where the tourists prefer to visit: Virgin Gorda, Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, Cooper Island, [and] Peter Island, and I am more than certain that the surrounding private islands would have been first on their list, if they were allowed, but cannot, because these owners have already clearly defined their target market.

    For years I have looked at the area allocated for the cruise ship port of entrance and pondered, “Why could we not develop a more unique experience for our people and tourists alike by developing an environmentally/friendly cultural village around our evolving timeline from the olden days to present.” “Where everyone (tourist and residents alike can fully experience the beauty, the nuances and ambiance of these evolutionary stages through historical periods- magnified in the structures (building and landscape, late to present living icons), customs and traditions, even as far as the products and gift items sold for that period of time (small coal pots, package herbs and seasonings, carvings and paintings, cooking and baking demos with utilities of the times etc.” This can become an inclusive long-lasting-learning experience that will be talk-about in-depth and breadth for all who visit (tourists and residents alike).

    This whole project is just a bunch of mirage crayon coloured buildings and huts with no concrete theme nor story. Why do we always have to be told what direction we should take? If we truly learned how to love ourselves first, and those around us, only then we can sincerely work together, pool our ideas for the advancement of us all; thus passing on a “genuine legacy” for generations to come.

    At this juncture, we must define our market we intend to capture and devise our strategy from there. Are we targeting high-volume low-cost markets, high-cost low-volume markets or niche markets, or a “hybrid” between all these markets, which hardly ever works without a clearly defined balance? If we have decided to target a hybrid, them special attention should be given to the “law of diminishing returns,” because each market has it own distinct characteristics and do not particularly appreciate sharing communal spaces, environments, and experiences with the other(s). As a consequence, one will eventually dominate predicated on the “animal” that is fed the most.

    These shortsighted demands for enormous cost expansions without a long-term strategic vision will eventually bring about our destruction.

    One of our late former political leaders consistently echoed, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

    We have been in the business of tourism for sometime now. We have observed the trends and the changing mindset of our tourists and the industry, but we continue to follow the standard programs that have gotten so many of our neighbouring countries in trouble, economically. A project of that magnitude should tell our stories of a People and our evolution from our past-before the plantation era- to present- and our direction ahead. It should be in our buildings, landscapes and signage- our culture: customs, traditions, values, clothing, languages and accents. These are the different characteristics that make us a unique People. “A Theme, Our-Story.”

    Before we allow these big money spenders to lavishly indulge on their next big money-spree with public funds that they would not be held accountable to payback, we urgently need, to clearly define- who we are and our uniqueness as a people- and boldly present this renewed outlook in our vision and direction, with self-determination. We must discontinue following the failures of other countries that we have clearly witnessed over the years. All stakeholders must share in the vision for this to be realized- we must embrace a “Government of Inclusion.”

    The lack of proper upgrades to an already stressed infrastructure to accommodate increased demands and our somewhat indifference to our natural ecology will eventually take devastating tolls on us all. Mind the god we are in such hurry to worship. Take Heed!

    “Our children’s Dreams are under our feet, so we must tread softly as to not trample upon them.”
  • Building Courage (17/02/2016, 18:15) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    We are traveled people, or are we? One can go to any enclosed strip-mall shopping center in any metropolitan city like Florida, Georgia, North/South Carolina, California, Virginia, Maryland, etc., and you will witness a similar design layout. And note! I am more than certain it did not even cost closed to what has been allowed to be wasted on this project. There is nothing especially unique here. Take Heed! “Not all that glitters (and excites) is gold.”
    • Accountant (17/02/2016, 23:23) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      ccan't wait to hear the final costs which will double again to drive piles and built huts... i can only imagine we looking at a $125M price the the kicks backs
  • weed (17/02/2016, 22:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Big promises at the eleventh hour!!!!!
  • chad (17/02/2016, 23:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. John, your school lightened up the speeches by throwing in the bells. Those girls are very young and they did a magnificent job. Keep up the good work. Want to hear them again and again.. Kudos to you Mr. John
  • Sowhat? (19/02/2016, 09:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So what if it cost 82 Million? At the end of the day, it is our Territory's own. But I want someone tell me why when our people are out of work it had 6 to 7 Indians working in a jewelry store and not one of our people got a job handout. This is madness you see, and I don't want to see BVI come to Indian monopoly. We can't go India and own no jewelry store. This is worth having an inquiry because them didn't hire none of we. You want to tell me that our bright boys and girls can't smile and sell jewelry in that Indian store that smelled like curry? We got to put our foot down, Conrad say, employment must include our people all the way. We are watching with keen eyes, because no outsider should be be taking our children's prize. Mark, all yoh open your eyes, WE THE PEOPLE ARE WATCHING .....

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