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Police no longer dealing with ‘choirboys’- Hon. Fraser

- HOA in full support of bill to have Canine Division added to RVIPF
Hon. Julian Fraser RA, the Third District Representative, said as long as he could remember there has been much hope that persons would not commit crimes but it is time that it is realised that the police is no longer dealing with “choir boys” for criminals and that they should be equipped accordingly.Photo: VINO/File
Hon. Julian Fraser RA told the House of Assembly today, April 4, 2013 that he believes police officers should always be armed but said he has difficulty getting support for that. Photo: VINO/File
Hon. Julian Fraser RA told the House of Assembly today, April 4, 2013 that he believes police officers should always be armed but said he has difficulty getting support for that. Photo: VINO/File
The House of Assembly seems to be in full support of the Bill which is seeking to have a Canine Division added to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF). The Bill seeks to provide, among other things, for certification of police handlers and the provision of police dogs and to provide that the police dogs, under the control of a police dog handler, may enter any place or vessel where the police dog handler as a law enforcer may lawfully enter. Photo:
The House of Assembly seems to be in full support of the Bill which is seeking to have a Canine Division added to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF). The Bill seeks to provide, among other things, for certification of police handlers and the provision of police dogs and to provide that the police dogs, under the control of a police dog handler, may enter any place or vessel where the police dog handler as a law enforcer may lawfully enter. Photo:
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The House of Assembly (HOA) seems to be in full support of the Bill that is seeking to have a Canine Division added to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF).

The Bill entitled Police (Amendment) Act 2012 was presented for a second reading by Premier Dr. The Honourable D. Orlando Smith at the seventh sitting of the second session of the second House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands today, April 4, 2013.

The Bill seeks to provide, among other things, for certification of police handlers and the provision of police dogs and to provide that the police dogs, under the control of a police dog handler, may enter any place or vessel where the police dog handler as a law enforcer may lawfully enter.

Premier Smith noted that police dogs can be effective in the Virgin Islands just as the service has been effective in other parts of the world.

Deputy Premier Dr the Hon. Kedrick D. Pickering, in supporting the Bill, said the old adage that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure is what he likens the Bill to. He explained that it was a case of giving the police the necessary tools to fight crime but from the perspective of preventing it. He added that persons feeling safe in their environment helps to reduce stress and helps persons live longer and happier lives.

Dr. Pickering pointed out that one of the aspects of the Bill is that to obstruct a police dog from executing the duty it has been trained to do is to also obstruct the police dog handler. This was in addition to what Premier Smith had stated about it being an offense to kill, maim or injure a police dog once the Bill is put into law.

Hon. Julian Fraser RA, the Third District Representative, said as long as he could remember there has been much hope that persons would not commit crimes but it is time that it is realised that the police is no longer dealing with “choirboys” for criminals and that they should be equipped accordingly.

He noted that he also believe police officers should always be armed but said he has difficulty getting support for that.

Hon. Fraser also noted that he is in support of the bill but suggested that the animals be referred to as canine officers rather than police dogs as a sign of respect for the animals and for the work that they are trained to do. This was supported by most members including Hon. Archibald C. Christian and Hon. Marlon A. Penn.

The Member from the Third District also said he hopes to soon hear of police having an aircraft as part of their fight against crime.

First District Representative Hon. Andrew A. Fahie said he supports any motion that serves to make residents and visitors alike feel safe and didn’t feel that the Bill currently before the House opens up avenues for persons rights to be violated.

Fifth District Representative Hon. Delores Christopher also stood in support of the Bill, which is currently being reviewed in committee stage.

20 Responses to “Police no longer dealing with ‘choirboys’- Hon. Fraser”

  • trust (04/04/2013, 18:32) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
    we still do not trust the police deman
  • October man (04/04/2013, 18:50) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is really disgusting how the police is gloating over every minute they need something and crime still out of control…strupps
  • maskman (04/04/2013, 19:37) Like (20) Dislike (15) Reply
    If the government want an effective plan to fight crime here they ought to consider strengthening the police force by getting rid of Morris!!!!
    • Reef (05/04/2013, 07:06) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
      Mr.Morris have been doing a great job and we the people must thank him for that.So sorry to know he's not taking the position.But we all know why.The same police officer who been doing all these wrong and getting away with it,he looked into it and try to put a stop to the wrong and unfair things that's been happen.What they doing now is every chance they get they write all these negetive things about Mr.Morris.It' all coming from the NASTY MINDED, LAW BREAKING DIRTY POLICE OFFICERS.Please don't try to mislead the public we all know it's you.
      • @ Reef (05/04/2013, 07:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Seems like only the UK officers & the governor think Morris is doing a good job!! But we done know why..Not a dam sold else..oppss one or two senior police who got promotion now kissing he ring with them island man behind
      • vex (05/04/2013, 20:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Why these fellas doh book ah flight via first class flight for morris
  • unfair (04/04/2013, 20:12) Like (5) Dislike (56) Reply
    to maskman u r very unfair, theres nothing wrong with Mr. Morris he being doing a fine job unfortunately he will not be applying 4 da post of commissioner. The incoming commissioner is already overseas doing his training 4 da post. He is due back later this month. We must thank Mr. Morris 4 his efforts. He would have made a good COP, but he don't need the job. He's going 2 retire peacefully somewhere nearby here.
  • tola (05/04/2013, 04:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Unfair u can't mean the man wha let go his brother after he muuuuuuuuddddddderrrrrrrred
  • SMITHO (05/04/2013, 07:17) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    You cannot give some of the police officers guns because a lot of innocent people will be killed for spite and the police will claim self defence.We have a lot of criminals in the police force using their uniforms to cover up their criminal activies.Don't get me wrong there are very good officers but they have a few bad apples we have to get rid of. So again we have to be carefull
  • Woof (05/04/2013, 14:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I would suggest getting 6 or more K9's. These dogs will cut the crime rate and increase apprehension. Don't think their is a man on the island who is going to outrun and outsmart these dogs. And these dogs are trained to demand respect. When he catches you, he will release, but if you try to run, all bets are off and he will chew your azz until his handler shows up.
  • legal team (05/04/2013, 16:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let me join the members of Her Majesty's House of Assembly,in support of this bill introduced by our Premier pursuant to the provisions of section 78 of the V.I Constitution,which states"(1) Subject to this Constitution and the Standaing Orders of the House of Assembly,any member may in troduce any Bill or propose any motion for debate in,or may present any petition to,the house,and the same shall be debated and disposed of according to the Standing Orders of the House".I agree with those Honourable members of Her Majesty's House, who suggested that the animals should be called-"Canine Police Officers",and to make provisions in law,to prosecute any person who commits any cruelty to Her Majesty's Canine.
    SHOULD THE POLICE BE ARMED WITH GUNS? The Police Force is,according to BVI Laws,an ARMED police Force! It is those COP's past and present who are afraid to protect their officers and the public from violent attacks by gunmen,because the COP's are afraid of having to answer questions from the public! THE LAW:Section 4 (2) of the Police Act,Cap.165 states "In the performance of the functions specified in subsection(1),a member of the force may be issued with and may CARRY and USE for lawful purposes such ARMS and AMMUNITION as the COP or,in his absence,a DCP may AUTHORISE".Hon.Frazer,I welcome your support to arm the police,but the BVI Law is Crystal-Clear!According to the LAW,the BVI Police force is a FIRE-ARMED police force,with capable officers,highly trained by fire-arm instructor Insp.Ernest Gumbs to use these lethal weapons cautiously and lawfully:Those COP's sending police officers out there [without guns]to face criminals with guns,because the COPs are Cowards!Fake-COP's: As far as they are concern,it is easier to hold STATE-MILITARY-FUNERAL for a police officer,for which the Govt will pay;than to answer a question,why a police officer use deadly BUT necessary force!The BVI police force is a FIRE-ARMED police force-according to BVI law,with trained sniper shooters!!
  • BRAD BOYNES (06/04/2013, 08:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why doesn't the police force have a drug unit????

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