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Police Investigate Discovery of Decomposed Body in Swetes

March 12th, 2025 | Tags:
Photo: Internet Source
Swetes, Antigua- Authorities are investigating the discovery of a decomposed male body found in Swetes on Monday.

According to reports, a resident made the grim discovery around 5 p.m., spotting the motionless body lying near a home and alerting the All Saints Police Station.

Officers responded to the scene and found the deceased fully clothed among grass. Members of the Serious Crimes Unit and the Forensics Unit conducted investigations before the body was officially pronounced dead at 8:29 p.m.

Police have not ruled out foul play pending the outcome of a full investigation.

Anyone with information is urged to contact the All Saints Police Station at 460-1000 or the Criminal Investigations Department at 462-3913.

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