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Please do not let your COVID-19 kill my Social Security

- Truth for the Youth-BVP… Sat - 6pm – 7pm on CBN 90.9 FM
Alred C. Frett. Photo: VINO/File
Alred C. Frett

The Wicked will never change from within:

We have been thrust into a World of desperation and the time for pussyfooting and blind leading blind is at the precipice… Pretense will no longer allow us to escape reality and though you may not like what I say you cannot deny that it has all been nothing but truth… Whether it is a Pandemic, Hurricane or Slavery, and no matter how much we pray or bray willful Ignorance will not set us free.

Unfortunately, many of us think the answer to all our Problems is to select Leaders and create Gods so we won’t have to think for ourselves… As a result, Truth loses value as Politicians and Churches share the commonality of using the poorest districts and people to establish themselves by the delivery of fear and false promises… They keep us shackled by convincing us that they were born to lead.

This makes it easy for Persons like Trump to be Leaders in ignorance providing they pander to those with malice and imaginary goals… Thus, although Trump has no interest in Religion, his handlers know that this is the only group foolish enough to allow him to mislead them and all required is for him to pretend with lip service by calling on God and promising to reopen Churches even if everyone dies.

Truth is, no one is a leader by birth – My parents accepted 5 options before choosing me and then 4 more options to see how they could improve on me – lol – Everything I tell you was learnt from others and you too should learn all you can because none of us will last forever and those who come behind, need foundations on which to build rather than ditches in which to fall… Even the Children shall lead us.

Sadly, Blacks fail to recognise that the same methods used to enslave Parents are still used to enslave Children - We recline in denial until forced awake by Mass Murders or repeated state murders like black Floyd’s death by white Police… It’s no accident that Police was created to use Poor to protect Rich from Poor – Masters from Slaves – so they were given James Bond’s 007; license to kill.

We are different & shouldn’t try so hard to be like others:

The old remnants of the Plantation are all around us, yet when I spoke of Virgin Island’s Racism and Wickham’s Cay Flags of Slavery, most who knew the Truth played deaf and dumb as if denial would make Facts disappear… Of course, Truth never dies; so, the beat goes on as the time bomb ticks and what happens in the US trickles down to us… Same old Scarecrow - Only different clothes.

Social Inequality has been causing Black deaths long before COVID-19 and not only are we in a Medical Crisis but we are at the brink of Hurricane Season but instead of elevating our capabilities we call on imaginary friends to solve real problems… Remember, ‘God help those who help themselves and without Vision the People perish… If we cannot handle one Crisis then how can we defeat two.

We were ostracised for not following the crowd and ridiculed for being different because we voiced concerns regarding the handling of the Pandemic… However, time is proving us to be more right than wrong and according to the God of Nature and Laws of Balance, failures come from not realising our collective strength is greatest when we combine individual differences.

Unfortunately, most Leaders resisted such reasoning and appeared to take advice from the faucet rather than the fountain when faced with the COVID-19 Pandemic - Governments shut down the Job Market, halted Production, destroyed Businesses, forced Unemployment and a loss of Income… Their intentions may have been good but graveyards are filled by the best of intentions. 

We never know what we don’t know:

Once COVID-19 arrived and we acted before understanding and some corrections may come too late… We are now finding that the Mask used to protect us may actually be killing us – especially those with respiratory problems like asthma and, we are hearing that the virus lives shorter on hard surfaces than was claimed and it’s not as easy to catch the Disease… We are still lacking answers.

This can be quite effective in the short-term because the first thing People need in time of Crisis is Hope… However, there is no need to have these process more drawn out and ‘red taped’ than necessary since the same Government that sent them home, would have the records of Employers, Employees and their Wages… With no need to reinvent the wheel, this process requires a few days.

Sometimes it’s not what we do but how we do it… I certainly support Government’s steps for Stimulus measures and controlled re opening of the Territory’s Beaches and Businesses… Such considerations, bring Hope and Peace of Mind, along with many unseen benefits, and each of us can play a role including my own effort in Noel’s Park on Thursdays.

In this Information Age, action speaks louder than words and we may learn a lot from a Stock Market that appears to be flourishing in the face of a Recession… We are seeing, Warren Buffet who made billions playing this Stock game, react differently by selling much of his Stock and limiting his buying… To many the Market is well hyped and looking great but he sees it as just being fake.

He knows that, failing Businesses and rising Unemployment cannot create positive Economies – They cannot contribute to NHI, Social Security or Taxes… He knows Private Employers are the real Revenue Generators from which Governments obtain Revenues and unless these Governments first Mission is to focus on creating and resurrecting the growth of Businesses, all is still lost.

Social Security should not be a Political Piggy Bank:

Stimulus Funding may be hard to come by in a trickle-down Country for we do not print money – This leaves Social Security as an obvious target and after being so brainwashed into believing that there is a huge Social Security Fortune, we have not bothered to question the reason for Social Security or the way it functions or whether we will be forcing our Children to pay for our mistakes.

If we did, we would know that Social Security is merely a Safety Net created for when we are old and in dire need as the cost of housing, goods and services increase far beyond our means… We think our Contributions go into a great Money Pool when in fact, the system only survives because the benefits received by retired Seniors are from Monies paid into it by presently employed Juniors.

This is no secret to Leaders - They know the Scheme is ‘pay as you go’ and depends on what we do here and now… Their reason for hiking the qualifying age higher and higher is because they know it is likely that younger Generations may not receive the benefits when it is their turn… Please be aware that this is your personal Money and Boards are merely entrusted to ensure its safety.

Neither the UK nor VI has the right to use Social Security Funds to reward Family, Friends and Supporters and there are real risks whether these withdrawn Monies are listed as Loans or Grants...

While, Loans provide for these Monies to be returned and available for future Generations, Grants are like stealing the Children’s future, since these Monies will be taken as free, never to be returned.

Again, the aim is to speed up Assistance for the People; not to slow it down… However, unless the People are well-informed Leaders may take advantage of them… Social Security is your Money and each Payee has the right to a Voice on how their Money is spent… There should be no favouritism and the Persons responsible for these Funds should be accountable to the People for every penny.

PS: I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

3 Responses to “Please do not let your COVID-19 kill my Social Security”

  • par (02/06/2020, 20:47) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    You are so right
  • Dulce (03/06/2020, 05:59) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I fully concur .
    And always enjoy your prose even on those occasions,when I disagree with your opinion
  • concern (03/06/2020, 19:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    when talking bout ssb money for old age what about the 1000 of foreigners who have come yo work on this island paying ssb and will not benifit from those funds where as they could only pay n h i and not ssb i think its unfair to b paying both

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