Planned referendum on same-sex marriage gazetted; HoA debates in July - Premier
“This resolution will go to the House of Assembly for debate at least 28 days following publication in The Gazette. If the resolution is successful, a date will then be fixed for the referendum,” he said in a statement on Friday.
While the Premier did not share any additional details, he promised to bring more information on how the process will proceed in the weeks ahead.
In December 2023, the Premier announced a special referendum on the matter of same-sex marriages in the Virgin Islands (VI) to allow the local electorate to consider and decide on the question of whether same-sex marriage should be legal in the territory.
He said the referendum was decided at a special meeting of Cabinet held on Friday, December 16, 2022, where Cabinet members have decided to refer the matter to the local electorate.
First referendum in VI - Premier
“This will be the first referendum in the history of the Virgin Islands. It will be held at some point after our general elections, so that the question can be considered without distraction.”
He added that this referendum will also give those with strong views on the matter, including the local religious community, the opportunity to defend what they believe to be socially and morally right.
In June 2022, a same-sex couple sued the Government of the Virgin Islands, claiming that they were denied a marriage license from the Registrar General because they were a same-sex couple.
A move for the referendum comes as a case can also potentially impact the social and religious fabric of the VI society.
52 Responses to “Planned referendum on same-sex marriage gazetted; HoA debates in July - Premier”
This referendum is just an excuse for this lame @%* gov and premier to avoid making difficult decisions such as what you are referring to..... same sex marriage is coming whether BeeWeeEye want it or not.... uk is going to impose it on us and the gov knows this..... so they will make the uk the scapegoat so sowande can get up on his pulpit and chat a bunch of shiite without really doing anything.
WTF is wrong with you religious fanatics? Do you really think you have the one and only Truth just bc you happen to have been born into a family that follows this or that tradition? What about all the other cultures out there? Should we hate them?
Do you not understand that the earth is filled with different people and we need to respect and tolerate difference or we have cruelty, hate and violence.
Step back and stop being like ISIS fanatics who are crazy with religious madness. The God you are looking for lies within, and shows itself in your human kindness and love.
NOT when you shout for your sick “Fiyya!” and other forms of satanic madness.
It would be helpful if media didn’t opt for sensationalism and speak intelligently about the issues which are being debated in the court. As I understand - because “suing the Government” simplifies the matter too much - is that the couple is asking the Courts to determine whether the refusal by the Registrar General to acknowledge their Union as a marriage goes against their human rights on one part.
There is no financial benefit from this decision and it is actually commonly referred to as Judicial Review - where citizens may ask the courts to review a decision made by the Government for fairness, etc. Let us not in our haste to generate likes, promote ignorance and hate miss the opportunity to learn.
At some point the persecution and unmitigated hate has to stop. Why do we grant murderers more rights, privileges and ultimate acceptance into our society than persons who simply want the freedom to love and be loved as their hearts will? What makes any of us judge and juror to deny that basic right?
I won’t start on the so-called Christians because unsurprisingly they bring nothing to this - just like they bring no real solutions to the actual injustices perpetuated by their followers and leaders - just noise. But…if we must go there - he who is without sin…
Live and let live I say… Let Love Win!
They voter turnout in the 2023 general election was barely 50%, how are they going to get the voters out on a matter that does not impact their lives.
Love each other and forgive each other that is most important.
Legalize the herb FFS or wait for meth & fentanyl to hit the black market.
Love each other and forgive each other that is most important.
Legalize the herb FFS or wait for meth & fentanyl to hit the black market.
To me same -sex sex is unnatural and so is same-sex marriage but it is not for me to decide.same sex cannot procreate. I will take blows for the foregoing but me nah fraid tarl Boi. This issue is for a majority of Virgin Islanders to decide. I do subscribe to the rule of law, equal rights, and opportunity, due process, majority- rule which must respect minority rights, etc.
OK. It is a good thing that the referendum initiative(s) has bee started. As such, the next referendum should be on political status, ie, independence, free association, integration, status quo, etc. It should occur soonest. On another note, there should be referendum on some constitutional change without having to wait decades to ask Mother May I. It is the 21st Century, not the 15th Century.
No/ Because being homosexual does not stop providing love and care for a child who otherwise would not have a home / Perhaps, but they can also be confused as to why their heterosxual parents behave appallingly and or are not present etc / Perhaps but could be good or bad, just like heterosexual parents can have posiive and negative influences on their children / As you point out yourself, homosexuals cannot have children, so it is not a case of 'not wanting to endure' anything, plus homosexual women CAN have children via sperm donors and I understand the pain of having a child that way is just as painful as if conceived through heterosexual intercourse / Is giving an otherwise family-less child a loving home selfish? / Natural / No / No / No / No / No-one is FORCING anyone to be homosexual / Homosexuals tend to subscribe to having equal rights before the law, and if we always went with the majority there would still be a whole lot more slavery around, and less women in politics - things change, and so they should / No, but it should not be prevented by a simple majority either / No and you shouldn't feel uncomfortable / Yes / Yes (and it is in many places)
Some other questions:
Homosexuality is everywhere in the natural world, so why does a population who are rightly focussed on historic oppression due to something out of their control (where they were born and the colour of their skin) want to oppress others for something that has also occurred NATURALLY? / Do you sound like an uneducated bigot by asking your questions? / Have you ever wondered why you feel so uncomfortable around homosexuals? / Why would you not want black BV Isanders who were born here not to have full recognition of their relationship status in the law? / Why do a whole society of people who feel bitter and angry at the treatment of their ancestors continue to listen to the late iron age ramblings and prejudices of their oppressor's god?
Geh ayo MS…this place ain’t been ‘Christian’ since ever before Christopher Cone Buss Us run the Indians out the place. If they payin effin’ taxes ayo go looong….
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Being gay is NOT a choice, being an oppressive reactionary to other people being gay IS a choice.
Have a word with yourself.
Do we want to be like Judas for 30 pieces of silver. If that is the case the nation will pay for its decision.
Man plus man can't make children, woman plus woman can't make children. Don't be fooled about God gave people choice. Yes God gave us choice but not this one read your bible or listen to it if we have problems. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. However we can listen.
Layman's term let's stop that nastiness it's an abomination.
BUT the rest of the world is looking at this. This vote will cause companies to STOP investing in the BVI. Watch what happens to Disney. Watch what happens to American Airlines.
These companies have many gay employees. These companies will protect their people. THIS IS GOING TO BE BAD FOR TOURISM!
AND it is going to change NOTHING in the BVI.
Foolishness! Always drama and foolish behavior with these people we elect.
STOP BEING OBSESSED with where people want to put their genitals, you're the nasty ones! Mind yo business and let people live their lives, you small minded freaks!