Philip E. Davis in! Hubert A. Minnis out! as Bahamas PM
“I offered him my best wishes as his government now faces the continued fight against COVID-19, and the restoration of our economy,” Minnis, the leader of the Free National Movement (FNM) party, said in a statement.
Mr. Davis, Leader of The Progressive Liberal Party, was sworn in as the fifth Prime Minister of the Bahamas Friday, September 17, 2021, in a private ceremony held at The Governor-General’s office shortly after noon.
Information from the Bahamas Information Services indicated that the prime minister-elect took a decision to hold a private swearing-in in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to local new reports, while Minnis had hoped of being the first Prime Minister elected for a second term in 24 years, Davis’ PLP gained momentum with a campaign focused on what it termed the government’s mishandling of the COVID-19 outbreak and the economy.
"In the morning we will rise as one nation and meet the challenges ahead," Davis told the media after Minnis conceded.
"Thank you for seeing the possibilities of what we can build together for our children and grandchildren," he further said.

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