Petition of over 1000 signatures against UK direct rule submitted to VI Governor

The petition was circulated physically and also online on
According to the online petition started on May 1, 2022, by a ‘Camroy P’, it was to ‘refute’ Recommendation A1 of the Commission of Inquiry Report by Commissioner, The Rt Honourable Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom.
What does the petition say?
“WE THE PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS MAKE THIS PETITION IN RESPONSE to the Commission of Inquiry’s recommendation that the Constitution of the Virgin Islands be partially suspended, that the House of Assembly be dissolved and that there be no ministerial government for a period of at least two years.
WHEREAS the said recommendation violates the bedrock of Virgin Islands society and the core tenets of our Constitution which recognises:
That the people of the Virgin Islands have a free and independent spirit, and have developed themselves and their country based on qualities of honesty, integrity, mutual respect, self-reliance and the ownership of the land engendering a strong sense of belonging to and kinship with those Islands”; and accepts “that the Virgin Islands should be governed based on adherence to well-established democratic principles and institutions”.
WE THE PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS DEMAND that there be no suspension of any kind to our Constitution or democracy as such an action not only violates our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS but our rights under international law by virtue of the Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (which applies in the Virgin Islands):
“(a) To take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives;
(b) To vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors;”.
WE FURTHER DEMAND that no changes be made to our Constitution unless such changes are initiated by the People of the Virgin Islands,” the petition states.
Over 1000 signatures received
The online petition had garnered 827 signatures.
Virgin Islands News Online was told the online petition and the one circulated physically accumulated more than 1000 signatures and were submitted on May 4, 2022.
A number of persons had signed the petition during the public demonstration in front of the Office of the Governor on May 2, 2022.
It appears that a large majority of Virgin Islanders are against direct rule by the UK, although they welcome the UK to work along with its government to improve good governance.
CARICOM, the Organisation of the Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), The University of the West Indies (UWI) and the US Virgin Islands (USVI) have also called on the UK to not impose colonial rule in the [British] Virgin Islands.
Further, in efforts to stave off direct rule, the government and opposition united to form a coalition government, which has since been sworn in by Governor John J. Rankin, CMG.
Click link to access online petition against UK direct rule on the [British] Virgin Islands

39 Responses to “Petition of over 1000 signatures against UK direct rule submitted to VI Governor”
I think we know that the other 97% want these crooks thrown out and a new constitution that prevents them from robbing us in the future.
["Noting that the (UNITED KINGDOM-UK, the ADMINISTERING POWER"] for the ["TIME BEING"] has ARTICULATED a [DESIRE] to enter into a [MODERN PARTNERSHIP] with the BVI, based on the [principles] of [mutual] respect and self-determination"].
Oath of office by members of the House of Assembly:-
"! member of the H.o.A do swear that I will well and truly ["serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second AND the the PEOPLE of the BVI"] in the office of "PREMIER, etal, etc..-SO HELP ME GOD"].
Instead the Director of Public Prosecutions (the DPP) [in a press conference] (in the Public's Interest) commence criminal prosecution on [indictment] in the High Court of Justice],without involving police criminal investigators, you people with your [locally-born-here] foolishness, talking about signing petition? Let UK rule the BVI!
I will sign the petition for ALL the elected members on the VIP side to RESIGN FORTHWITH!
They condoned the wrong in public offices, now that UK has invoked the provisions of the [preamble] to the BVI Constitution, which clearly expressed:-["NOTING that the UNITED KINGDOM the ADMINISTER POWER FOR THE TIME BEING"]....
How many signatures did you get when Bishop Crime denied the Hospital staff their increase?
How many signatures did you get every time F*T A****T wrote a new tender-waiver contract?
From a population so willing to put up all that (and all the rest) and say nothing, 1,000 signatures are significant.
So unrealistic.
2. Assuming all 1000 signatories are BVI voters, this hardly likely to be a majority of the BVI electorate.
3. How many BVI voters have been asked to sign a petition for the UK to take over?
4. If you don’t want the UK to take over, then who is going to run the place without it being the same old same old?
Some of them sat down when they could have shown what they really stand for (no pun intended), STAND UP, AND WALK AWAY!
(2)"It [shall be the duty] of any person to whom this section applies to [declare] to the Registrar, for the entry in the [Register of Interest],such interests, assets, income and [LIABILITIES] of that person, or of any other person connected with him or her, as maybe prescribed by law:-
(3) This section applies to ALL members of the House of Assembly (except the Governor) as may be prescribed by LAW".
We heard our elected members of the HoA and the[?] confessed under Oath, that ["they did NOT declare their interest].
Subsection (5) of 112 of the constitution expressed that the penalties for not declaring interest, includes ["Suspension of a member of the House of Assembly from sitting and voting in the House, for such period as may be prescribed in such law"].
The Governor should dissolve the House of Assembly, and [LET UK TAKE DIRECT RULE]
Since when is 1000 a large majority of 17000?
Andrew lend me your calculator
I mean it’s so obvious that the majority of the population wants the UK to takeover it's annoying to see that rapists in the government still try their hardest to retain their power. No one wants incompetent retards running and ruining their lives for another 30-40 decades. You individuals in Government lack a considerable amount of knowledge to run a country.
The evidence and the outcries so overwhelming it’s inane to think the UK will let these idiots continue to run THEIR country. I have ZERO sympathy for those clowns. “You ain’t from here” is the product of the BVI Government’s decades of dedicated work an the idiots that constantly repeat that nonsense. You would swear they own the place.
People out there marching for our democracy – but a whole year-long examination of our government, and all the known drugs activities that dominate our islands, all shows us that we don't even have a democracy. It's called a KLEPTOCRACY. And smart, dirty people out there manipulating good people with simple minds to demand we keep it?
People saying the UK can't take away our rights - what rights we had all this 70 years? The right to ask your uncle to give you a contract? The rights to share the cookies with our cousin? The rights to let FA, Bevis, Butthead and their friends to do what they please all over these islands with no one to check them?
Can the UK take away our rights? The bigger question is, can the UK take away our WRONGS?
For the sake of our children and their children, I hope so.