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Peter Island Resort is officially opened

- former Sprat Bay Marina was reconfigured & relaunched as the Peter Island Yacht Club
Peter Island Resort was officially declared opened for all access with a ceremonial ribbon cutting today, Saturday, December 28, 2024. Photo: Peter Island Resort
A number of Government officials were in attendance for the official opening of Peter Island Resort. Photo: Team of Reporters
A number of Government officials were in attendance for the official opening of Peter Island Resort. Photo: Team of Reporters
The former Sprat Bay Marina was reconfigured and relaunched as the Peter Island Yacht Club, capable of accommodating superyachts up to 200 feet in length. Photo: Internet Source
The former Sprat Bay Marina was reconfigured and relaunched as the Peter Island Yacht Club, capable of accommodating superyachts up to 200 feet in length. Photo: Internet Source
PETER ISLAND, VI- Peter Island Resort was officially declared opened for all access with a ceremonial ribbon cutting today, Saturday, December 28, 2024.

Many persons were transported to the island for the occasion among whom were Minister for Communications Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5), Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9), Junior Minister for Culture and Tourism Honourable Luce Hodge-Smith (R4), and Territorial At-Large Representative Honourable Lorna G. Smith, OBE.

There were also senior officials of the BVI Tourist Board and Film Commission led by Mr. Clive M. McCoy.

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) applauded the resort’s management for positioning the resort to market the Virgin Islands as a premiere destination.

Peter Island Resort contributing to promoting VI- Premier Wheatley

Premier Wheatley in pointing out the value of the resort’s offering said, “Apart from the physical changes, such as the relocation of the main facilities to Deadman’s Beach, the new infinity pool, and other new amenities, this transformation also includes the introduction of new international partners into the mix – membership with Preferred Hotels & Resorts.”

Preferred Hotels & Resorts' Legend Collection, the Premier continued is a prestigious collection of ultra-luxurious properties and experiences, that appeals to a more exclusive, high-value clientele.

“By joining such an esteemed club, Peter Island Resort and its management are contributing immensely to promoting destination BVI within that market and that stratosphere, which will not only benefit this resort but many of our complementary tourism businesses such as the tours, restaurants, bars and other attractions across our islands." Premier Wheatley said during the ceremony.

New resort signifies Peter Island Resort management’s confidence in VI- Premier Wheatley

Premier Wheatley added that an investment such as the rebuild and expansion of the resort is indicative of the high level of confidence placed in the Territory as a destination and tourism product.

"It also sends a signal to those concerned that the BVI economy is growing and will continue growing. Such endorsements are very timely, as we are putting measures in place to increase airlift to the BVI and to make it easier to get to and from our islands. I am referring, of course, to our plans to extend the length of our runway so that we can accommodate more seamless connections with major cities in North America and Europe,” he said.

Additionally, the former Sprat Bay Marina was reconfigured and relaunched as the Peter Island Yacht Club which includes a full-service marina capable of accommodating superyachts up to 200 feet in length.

“Through the Virgin Islands Shipping Registry, we will be rolling our initiatives to attract and accommodate more of this kind of business in the BVI. There is therefore a lot of potential in this area and a lot of room for collaboration,” said Dr Wheatley.

18 Responses to “Peter Island Resort is officially opened”

  • WEW (28/12/2024, 16:16) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply
    It's nice to see these privately-owned resorts doing well when there's minimal interference from locals.
    • Amen (29/12/2024, 14:37) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      I understand what you're saying. Locals have a crab in the barrel mentality!
  • Glenn Lennard (28/12/2024, 16:25) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    I wish I cud of cum bak der but mi police rekord long jah jah
    • @Glenn Lennard (29/12/2024, 16:39) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      If you or anyone who have a long police record may as well seek employment elsewhere. No upscale resort is going to hire anyone with a long police record.
  • (28/12/2024, 16:40) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Bvi is on the move
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (28/12/2024, 17:18) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Economically positive. Many that were unemployed will benefit financially, the BVI economy will too, I hope for all sector.

    Enjoy the remainder of this year, 2024, and hope for a better 2025.

    God's blessing to us all.
  • skuntington (28/12/2024, 17:41) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    several years late but oh well, hope they remain open with the new competition
  • Tom Thumb (28/12/2024, 18:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who used to live and owned sprat bay,?
  • Don't look up (28/12/2024, 20:09) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    because the landing approach for the US jet planes heading to Beef Island arpt. is right over the north coast of Peter Island. The engine noise is very loud when on Peter but with very few flights its not too bad now. However if the daily frequency of approaching flights increases the constant noise will be detrimental to this resort.
  • round rock (28/12/2024, 22:17) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Let me take this opportunity to express heartfelt congratulations to Peter Island management for the completion of this amazing resort, that is renowned for its high standard of service to the clientele. I do hope that this development will inspire other investors to choose the Virgin Islands as the prime location for future investments.
    This Territory has some advantages in choosing to invest here including excellent climate and friendly people.

    May the resort be blessed and that the future will be bright.
  • Where is (28/12/2024, 23:41) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where is Aunty Jean the staple of that place ?
    • Wellsah (29/12/2024, 11:42) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      It would be more heart felt if those inquiring was asking if she’s living a relaxing life after working so long and hard for the resort not whether she’s back as a worker. Many that come and enjoy PIR wouldn’t have their mother still working
  • Great News. (29/12/2024, 08:36) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Love it. More good employment...
  • candy (29/12/2024, 10:13) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Jean still there
  • King Ping (29/12/2024, 10:28) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    if a person want to look into a job there how to go about it please & thanks?
  • love it (29/12/2024, 13:08) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wonderful first class resort.
  • BuzzBvi (30/12/2024, 23:10) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Access to beaches illegally blocked?? First class guests and VIslanders 2nd class people.

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