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Peter Haycraft T10 Tournament bowls off Sept 15

The annual Peter Haycraft T10 Cricket Tournament is set to bowl off September 15, 2024 at the Greenland Recreation Ground. Photo: BVICA/Facebook
Members of the cricket community have been coming out in full force to participate in the crucial effort to ready the grounds, ensuring a seamless start to the highly anticipated event. Photo: BVICA
Members of the cricket community have been coming out in full force to participate in the crucial effort to ready the grounds, ensuring a seamless start to the highly anticipated event. Photo: BVICA
GREENLAND, Tortola, VI- The annual Peter Haycraft T10 Cricket Tournament is set to bowl off September 15, 2024 at the Greenland Recreation Ground.

The British Virgin Islands Cricket Association (BVI CA) has been busy engaging in getting the playing venue prepared.

Members of the cricket community have been coming out in full force to participate in the crucial effort to ready the grounds, ensuring a seamless start to the highly anticipated event.

President of the BVI CA, Mr Neil Hayes, highlighted the importance of this initiative, emphasising the Board's commitment to making sure that all necessary preparations are completed ahead of the tournament. "It is our responsibility to ensure that the grounds are in top condition for the players and spectators alike. This tournament is an important event for our community, and we are dedicated to doing our part to make it a success," stated Mr Hayes.

More details to follow.

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