Pet dogs allegedly hanged for killing chickens in Anegada

The two dogs, Rasco and Rico, allegedly made their way out of their owners’ yard on Wednesday October 21, 2015 and reportedly killed some chickens in a neighbour’s yard.
Mr Kenny Francis told Virgin Islands News Online that shortly after 6:00am on the day in question his family was awakened by a loud knocking on the door and upon checking he was met by a young boy who reportedly told him that a man had hanged his dogs because they killed his chickens.
“The first thing that struck me when we heard the knocking on the door was the dogs were not barking and that is strange because no one can enter this yard without those dogs barking,” he related.
“When I come to the door there was this young kid telling me some man hang my dogs because they eat some fowls and I owe he six hundred dollars.”
Mr Francis said that on receiving the information and not seeing the dogs in their usual place in the yard he immediately made contact with the police and informed them of his dogs being missing and what was told to him by the boy.
“I didn’t go to the man house (name called) because I know myself. I would have tripped, I done had too many run-ins with the police and I don’t want to get myself into no trouble,” Mr Francis said.
He alleged that much to his surprise he was told by the police that there was no grounds for them to lay any charges as it related to the hanging of the dogs. “But I am pursuing this. This was clear cruelty to animals and more than anything my boys crying every morning before they go to school because it’s their dogs.”
The boys, Kehlon Francis and Kenyon Francis, are 9 and 10 years of age respectively.
Francis also said he strongly believes his dogs may have been deliberately taken out of the yard as when he went out to the road there was a dead chicken on the road and not in the accused yard.
“I tell my children stay away from that man’s children because if anything happen I will flip,” he said.
Meanwhile, Police Information Officer Diane Drayton confirmed that the RVIPF has received a report of the dogs being hanged and that investigations are ongoing.

38 Responses to “Pet dogs allegedly hanged for killing chickens in Anegada”
Seems like your neighbour reached a boiling point and put an end to your arroganct ignorance.
By the way, letting your dogs run loose is the cruelest of neglect.
So good luck, take care of your children responsibly and teach them by example.
In civil societies where a dog ravages another life, be it human or otherwise, the dog is euthanised.
In this case two dogs left unattended,running amok,no leashes . Their victim could have been a child or even an adult but they have demonstrated that they are not domesticated and a danger to civlians.
I know some people don't like equating animals to humans and think we're in a different rank (I think so too) but this is another life. I don't like life to be lost for selfish and cruel reasons and this was selfish and cruel. Those dogs didn't have to die. We can do better than this and by condoning these actions, we are just allowing for things like this to keep happening.
The truth about human nature is that they are like all animals. They instintcively and immediately react in a manner that would put a full stop to a killer of one of their own.
When your animals are destroyed while trespassing on someone else property, YOU are the problem.
Pleease.. America/Europe have strict laws against pitbulls and their owners. They have been there and took action. They protect their folks. In the BVI, folks are forced to protect themselves.
Well I hope that I Do Not see you down Rock spurring any more fighting cocks or attending anymore pittbull fights .You were always the Loudest at these events. Return the Trophies you won for the Quickest Kills.
Why aren't they in pics hugged up with the so-called 'family ' pets. The guy with the chickens has kids too, younger than the dog owner's kids . People wake up!! The chicken owner has the right to protect his property, kids and animals ... To the dog owner .. You escaped the law once or twice .. Best you stay quiet , maybe try cats as pets instead of dogs