Persons openly disrespecting elected officials on Facebook- Hon Wheatley
The minister raised the issue during yesterday’s September 10, 2021, virtual sitting of the House of Assembly (HoA) under Other Business where he hinted that a generation gap might be responsible for these alleged behaviours.
“I grew up in a very different period from now, where persons acting with dignity and respect was an integral part of BVI society,” he said while highlighting some common greetings and salutations, including public etiquette practices.
“These things were not done because we thought anybody was better than us, these acts of respect are about us and how we feel about ourselves, because the way we feel about ourselves is the way we treat others,” he said.
The minister said on Facebook, he has observed persons casually disrespecting others and even taking it further to disrespect elected officials.
Disrespectful behaviour concerning - Hon Wheatley
“I never thought I would have seen the day when persons would openly disrespect elected officials the way I’m seeing it today, Mr Speaker, this concerns me,” Hon Wheatley said.
He further said that some persons would use excuses that officials are not behaving in an honourable way as such the disrespect is justified.
“No, I should never agree to that. Respect is an internal thing,” Hon Wheatley underscored.
He said when persons start to practice self-respect then they will begin to respect others. He called for an end to the behaviour as quickly as possible.
“In this age of social media where information is available to anyone even the smallest child, they have a smartphone and they can go on the smartphone and they look at anything they want to look at, so we must be very careful what we as individuals put out there and the behaviours that we put out there also,” he said.
35 Responses to “Persons openly disrespecting elected officials on Facebook- Hon Wheatley ”
Sue them r#$s like jw is doing
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A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
Considering this definition, Sir, and considering what has been revealed during the ongoing COI, do you believe you or your government colleagues are entitled to respect? I'm just asking.
However maybe if the people elected by the people actually worked for the people instead of throwing dirt in their faces they would get more respect.
So, then if I am a liar, a thief and a drunkard, I should have the expectation that this behaviour will be reflected back at me, after all, we only see reflected in others what we are ourselves.
Or is it that you want to have the good reflected back at you while you give out the bad to others?
Your expectation is not congruent with your reality.