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‘People are working hard’ to implement CoI recommendations in VI- Gov Pruce

- says experience of working with colleagues on CoI has been a positive one
With the final gauntlet now laid out for the Virgin Islands (VI) to meet a new August 31, 2024, deadline with regards to implementing the Commission of Inquiries (CoI)recommendations, Governor Daniel Purce has shed a positive light on the work done thus far to meet those recommendations and by extension, the new deadline. Photo: GIS/File
The Governor said, however, equally those involved are committed to achieving what we they set out to achieve with regards to implementing the CoI recommendations by the end of August 2024 as the new deadline. Photo: BVI CoI
The Governor said, however, equally those involved are committed to achieving what we they set out to achieve with regards to implementing the CoI recommendations by the end of August 2024 as the new deadline. Photo: BVI CoI
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– With August 31, 2024, being the final deadline for the Government of the Virgin Islands to implement the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) recommendations, Governor Daniel Pruce has shed a positive light on the work done so far.

The comments came during Governor Pruce’s first CoI Quarterly Review published on May 24, 2024, when he shared plans to request a final extension of the deadline for the full implementation of reforms from May 31, 2024, to August 31, 2024.

“The experience I've had of working with colleagues on the CoI has been a positive one. People are working hard to get around problems, get around delays,” he said.

“Of course, there's a sense of disappointment that we haven't yet achieved the deadline that was set before us at the end of May and I think all parties involved in this feel that as professionals that are committed to achieving what we set out to achieve. It would be misleading to deny that,” he added 

The Governor said, however, equally those involved are committed to achieving what they set out to achieve for the end of August as the new deadline.

Mutual Evaluation Report

Meanwhile, in wider areas relating to the financial sector, the Governor commented on the Mutual Evaluation Report of the Virgin Islands by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) and added that it is an area where he has seen a lot of work and a lot of engagement being put in place to respond to the recommendations of that report and to address the points raised by it.

He said a final assessment of progress should take place after August, with a clear overall conclusion on whether the CoI recommendations have taken root.

While a new August deadline has been set, the quarterly report also left options open for additional powers to the Governor and recourse to the reserved Order in Council to suspend the VI Constitution if necessary.

7 Responses to “‘People are working hard’ to implement CoI recommendations in VI- Gov Pruce”

  • We need help. (30/05/2024, 11:54) Like (25) Dislike (69) Reply
    People are suffering badly things are hard, Victimization left and right...Mr. Governor you are obviously talking to the wrong people. The few you are talking to are painting this nice, wonderful picture for you to look at....Seems like you buying what they are selling..
  • Reply (30/05/2024, 13:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The uk plot working let you all stuff
  • AI (30/05/2024, 14:50) Like (12) Dislike (7) Reply
    Mr.Gov.enough is enough the BVI is in a deplorable state and beyond.Let's see some real action getting us back on track from this clown act of leadership.Don't wait until August because they want more time ,just dissolve this lunacy of GOVT.NOW
  • Norris Turnbull (30/05/2024, 18:29) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    What happen to the consent of the Governed?
  • Citizen (30/05/2024, 22:04) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    The governor's position is a win for our tourism and business sectors, and especially for our tourist who frequently travel here
  • Josiahsbay (31/05/2024, 09:32) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Coi was justified when it was a recommendation but now it's a colonial edict and anti-self-determination.
  • swag (31/05/2024, 09:53) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Do your thing Gov...these people don't want to better the place

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