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Penn-Sallah lambasts NDP over tent schools, no library

-Says downright disgrace that nearly two years after Irma those issues persists
Former Deputy Premier of the Virgin Islands (VI) R. Dancia Penn-Sallah QC OBE, is lambasting the National Democratic Party (NDP 1) Government led by Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr The Hon. D. Orlando Smith (AL) over its inaction is key sectors of the Territory. Photo: VINO/File
“I think it’s a crying shame and a downright disgrace that nearly two years after Irma, we still have children, not in proper school buildings,” Ms Penn-Sallah told host Julio S. Henry and Kaream K. Pickering aka
“I think it’s a crying shame and a downright disgrace that nearly two years after Irma, we still have children, not in proper school buildings,” Ms Penn-Sallah told host Julio S. Henry and Kaream K. Pickering aka "Picko" during an episode of “Hard Talk” on Tola Radio VI on January 22, 2019. Photo: VINO/FIle
Further, the Former Deputy Governor spoke about the lack of a public library, an important institution lacking in the territory for over two years, “I don’t need to take time in this very limited setting to speak about the importance of a library,” she says. Photo: Internet Source
Further, the Former Deputy Governor spoke about the lack of a public library, an important institution lacking in the territory for over two years, “I don’t need to take time in this very limited setting to speak about the importance of a library,” she says. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Former Deputy Premier of the Virgin Islands (VI), R. Dancia Penn-Sallah QC OBE, is lambasting the National Democratic Party (NDP 1) Government led by Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr The Hon. D. Orlando Smith (AL) over its inaction is key sectors of the Territory.

A ‘downright disgrace’ is how Ms Penn-Sallah described the government’s management of sectors like education, public facilities and the maintenance of national records, two years after the hurricanes on 2017.


“I think it’s a crying shame and a downright disgrace that nearly two years after Irma, we still have children not in proper school buildings,” Ms Penn-Sallah told hosts Julio S. Henry and Kaream K. Pickering aka "Picko" during an episode of “Hard Talk” on Tola Radio VI, yesterday, January 22, 2019.

“We have children in tents… going to school under tents in Virgin Gorda, I think that is entirely unacceptable and irresponsible,” she said in lashing out to the administration.

According to Ms Penn-Sallah, “I think that it’s important that we get on with the physical reconstruction of our country.”

She says that it has been far too long for these issues to be persisting.

“One cannot find anybody in this country who is not concerned about the situation in which we find ourselves, my own view is that things were going downhill much before August 2017,” she told the listening audience.

No public library

Further, the former Deputy Premier spoke about the lack of a public library, an important institution not present in the territory for over two years. 

“We have not had a public library for over two years… we got our first public library in the 1940s... [and] we have never ever been in a situation in our country where we [did] not have a public library, since in the 1940s,” she uttered.

While a proposed Library some two-plus years later was to be housed at the old Clarence Thomas Building—which never came to past—a public library appears not to be a priority for the NDP Government.  

Every right-thinking person is concerned about how we will get the country back on track she said.

National Archives

“One of the things that the Virgin Islands Party Government, of which I was a member did in 2010... was to pass a law to preserve our archives and our records,” she said.

According to her, "people pushed hard for the law" and it is incredible that until now, the law was not brought into force.

According to Ms Penn-Sallah, “It hurts my heart deeply when I would drive past the old Red Cross building which was destroyed by Hurricane Irma and see our Executive Council Records just blowing away.”

21 Responses to “Penn-Sallah lambasts NDP over tent schools, no library ”

  • 1 (23/01/2019, 11:58) Like (16) Dislike (22) Reply
    she speaking good
  • Slow boat to china (23/01/2019, 12:07) Like (37) Dislike (11) Reply
    Ummmmm Cornflakes or Cheerios? Let me think?
    20min later, I think I will have bread and tea.
    Cheese or Eggs, 1 hour later, I think I will have fruits.
    Running or not Running?
    This is how the people feel about you. We are tired of waiting for people who can’t make a simple decision.
    • rastaman (23/01/2019, 13:39) Like (12) Dislike (6) Reply
      Did you notice the color that she is wearing in the picture? Clearing that pic was taken before she decide not to run with PVIM. She looking for a party that will offer Deputy Premier if they win but she is not as valuable as she once was.
      • Well Sah (24/01/2019, 01:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        You all know how to spin things that is one thing. This is such an oolllddddd picture. You all like to degrade people, or try to, but God is in control. Do it to me today and it double Karma back to you. Ditches dug you are the one who usually falls way down in it. Keep it clean.
    • Jacperlance (23/01/2019, 13:54) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
      @slow boat to China, that’s the problem with us, never like to hear the truth, because we are so blindfolded by the NDP that we cannot see pass our nose. Get real, Dancia is well on point here.
  • One word (23/01/2019, 12:17) Like (14) Dislike (5) Reply
    Agree .
  • Dancia (23/01/2019, 12:27) Like (17) Dislike (32) Reply
    Are you running? We need help desperately. Please help us to help ourselves. I beg you.
  • I Tell you (23/01/2019, 12:55) Like (27) Dislike (6) Reply
    Way before the hurricane the NDP government has been paying thousands of dollars to Clearance Thomas for that building to put the library we the workers were placed in different government departments after the building up stairs Riteway in Town was unfit that same Walwyn man NDP got to go too much now over bareing
  • respect (23/01/2019, 13:36) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Yes Miss P. Don't care what they say, none of them can't touch you. You were compromised and undermined when you were elected some years back. Your committee and your party help to knock you down but they didn't knock you out. You are a woman of character and integrity unlike the majority now sitting and those looking to enter the race. It's all about them, but for you, it is all about all of us and our generations to come. I hope you announce that you running. I only responsible for my 1 vote and you got it if your name on the ballot. Next premier you are
  • Outlaw (23/01/2019, 14:00) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    Every right-thinking person is concerned about how we will get the country back on track she said. This is well said, “every right-thinking person”. I just cannot understand for the life of me, after all the NDP has done to us, why some people are still bent on seeing them back in power in this country. Something have got to be wrong. People wake up, wake up and face reality. In my opinion, those who are still supporting the NDP and working hard to see them get back in power under the leadership of MYRON V. WALWYN does not give a fuck about this country and the future of this country.
  • Political Obsever (PO) (23/01/2019, 14:18) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is no family feud here; it probably took much soul searching, consultation, prayer.......etc for Ms. Penn-Sallah to put the government on blast for still housing students in tents and lack of a public library for over two years. She is calling a spade a spade and presenting the facts (despite Rudy Guilanni nonsense, facts are facts). Dancia is on point in that the conditions on the ground (at the 30’ left level) had hit the doldrums and there were obvious chinks in the armour well before the September 2017 storms. True, the territory took a big hit with hurricanes Irma and Maria. Nonetheless, the government was slow off the mark in setting priorities to address the disaster. The priority should have been health, safety, education, economy, infrastructure, environment......etc. In regards to chiren still being in tents, there is/was a solution. Government could taken money from the unreserved fund and purchased/leased some portable buildings to put the students in. There is no good explanation for not having a public library for over two years unless government see no value in having a public library and thus it is not a priority. Dancia, my friend are you running or not. The territory is crisis in and at a crossroad and needs talented people to fix its challenges. Without talented people at the helm, it will splinter into pieces on the reef. If rumors are true, election may be in late March. Hoping to see you run either with a party or as an independent candidate. Furthermore, a coalition is looking more likely every day.
  • student (23/01/2019, 14:57) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    We the students of the Elmore Stoutt High School graduating class of 2017 are still waiting for the book scholarships which were awarded to us. Many businesses and private persons made donations towards this cause. Where did the money go? Also, parents who paid money for their children's sports uniform etc. in 2017 are not satisfied that they were asked to pay for those items a second time. What kind of example are you politicians and wanabee politicians setting for us young people,
  • Please no (23/01/2019, 16:41) Like (25) Dislike (6) Reply
    This lady is all talk and was tried and tested. Time to move on.
  • facts (23/01/2019, 16:41) Like (23) Dislike (4) Reply
    Dancia please hush. What have done as eight district Representative, Minister of Health and Deputy Premier. Only thing I can remember is health walks to and fro.

    You always about talk, talk talk...…………………… and no action
  • 2 grand (24/01/2019, 00:06) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    we had high hopes for you could have been first lady premare you failed us your time has come and gone. thanks tho for endorsing why we need to drain the ndp swamp it smells
  • strppps (24/01/2019, 00:53) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    What a waste of space she is. Absolutely useless.
  • TENT MAKER (24/01/2019, 01:34) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Concerning tents, I recall the students of Ebenezer Thomas Primary School being subject to studying under a tent for months when Andrew was Minister of Education. Not because of any hurricane or any other natural disaster, just ministerial/ governmental procrastination. I recall Fraser at a related PTA meeting advising parents that the VIP government ran up a bill of some $186,000 with Ports Authority to the date for storing the tent for over a year. Can we take this into consideration when we consider who our next premier should be? By the way where is that tent today? What did we do with the $10,000 air conditioning unit that was installed at that tent? Hmmm?
    • Jacperlance (24/01/2019, 08:55) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      @tent maker. When we blogged we must speak truth into life. You did not mention the reason why they were house under tent. They were because of flooding problems and remedial work on the school building and compound.
  • MyMy (24/01/2019, 15:21) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    I'm sick and tired of hearing these folks talked about schools and tents. We were hit with one of the worst hurricane in history of the Caribbean and we are still here complaining about SCHOOLS. The schools will be built and I hope when they get in there they do what they want done. we are a set of people that don't know what we want, don't give thanks.

    Everybody has these great ideas all of a sudden and they all were holdings seats for years. Talking and delivering is two different side of the coins.

  • @Jacperlance (25/01/2019, 14:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thanks for completing the report. Yes, it took Andrews administration over a year to erect a tent which was needed so that the students could be relocated whilst they added another floor to the West building. Flooding ( sewage actually) issues were rectified YEARS after.I also forgot to report that the PTA meeting ended in total darkness as that building (East wing) had unresolved electrical issues and so we had to peep in the darkness to see the two VIP government presenters ( Andrew and Fraser) as they wrapped up the meeting. Unfortunately these are the persons seeking to be premier. Was Dancia not part of that administration? Hmmm?

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