Peebles Hospital to be renamed in honour of Premier Smith

Further, the Dr Smith led rule will be remembered for financial mismanagement, no accountability, no transparency, having a Governor invoke direct rule on the Territory’s finances for the first time, contributing to a divided country and allowing the VI Financial services sector to be blacklisted.
However, with regards to Dr Smith’s medical career, he is regarded as one of the absolute best in the region. He is everybody’s Medical Doctor and has excelled in the arena so much, it has outshined his work in the political sphere.
Exemplar Medical Career
To this end, the NDP Government has taken the decision to cement Dr Smith’s name in history by renaming the Peebles Hospital to ‘The Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital’ and will move a motion at the Tuesday, January 15, 2019, in the VI House of Assembly (HoA).
The motion will be brought by Health and Social Development Minister, Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8).
See below the full motion:
The Minister for Health and Social Development to move the following motion:
WHEREAS the Ministry of Health and Social Development operates an initiative to dedicate the name of public health facilities to the honour of community stalwarts who have contributed significantly to the BVI health sector.
WHEREAS a Committee established to identify, consider and make recommendations for the re-naming of “Peebles Hospital” recommended that “Peebles Hospital” be re-named in honour of DR. THE HONOURABLE D. ORLANDO SMITH, OBE, in recognition of his pioneering efforts to improve healthcare for the residents of the Virgin Islands.
WHEREAS DR. THE HONOURABLE D. ORLANDO SMITH, OBE has served in several capacities at “Peebles Hospital” over many years, including the following: Medical Officer (1970-1971), Senior Registrar of Surgery (1975-1976), Surgeon (1995-1999), and Chief Medical Officer (1979-1995).
WHEREAS DR. THE HONOURABLE D. ORLANDO SMITH, OBE, together with his colleagues, found ingenious ways to deliver healthcare services to the people of the Territory despite the resource limitations.
WHEREAS DR. THE HONOURABLE D. ORLANDO SMITH, OBE a) continues to serve as a physician in a private practice mainly through “Pic Smith Medical Services” which was established in 1992, b) was named in the Queen's New Year's Honours List and was awarded an Order of British Empire (OBE) for his years of outstanding and dedicated service to the BVI community, and c) is known and well respected within the healthcare field and the entire Virgin Islands, and currently serves as Premier of the Virgin Islands.
AND WHEREAS Cabinet, in accepting the recommendation of the said Committee, decided that a) “Peebles Hospital” be re-named “Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital” in recognition the pioneering efforts of DR. THE HONOURABLE D. ORLANDO SMITH, OBE to improve healthcare for the residents of the Virgin Islands and that b) a Draft Resolution concerning the said re-naming of “Peebles Hospital” be introduced by way of a motion for approval by Members of the House of Assembly.

48 Responses to “Peebles Hospital to be renamed in honour of Premier Smith”
Legislators and their corrupt and biases ways have brought us to shame. It seems like "Master has been resurrected" May God have Mercy on Us!
What about fair and balanced reporting?
Where are his achievements?
Yes, he made mistakes, but so did other Chief Ministers & Premiers.
In time, he will be remembered as a great leader.
Moreover, as noted in my original blog, the Premier is well-deserving for being strongly considered for having Peebles Hospital renamed after him. Nevertheless, bringing the issue to the HOA at this time is at best poor. Bringing it to the HOA just days before an election, though well-intentioned, reeks of politics. It is politicizing and tarnishing a well-deserved honour. The honour can be attained on merit without the regrettable interjection of politics. The Premier has the power to hit the pause bottom and if I were here he, I would defer this action to another day. Doc exercise the leadership and do the right thing. If it is meant to be, it will be.
Further, on another note, this last minute rush to push to roll out major capital projects, ie, TBLIA extension....etc appear to be self serving and is not serving neither the NDP nor the territory well. The government had 8 years to make things happened. The NDP needs to make the case for another term to continue . its plan. Thus, at this juncture, it should be taking care of routine operations/emergencies; major projects, policies, ie consumer protection.....etc should be left to the next government. Doc, give the people a belated Christmas present, ie, dissolve the HOA, set an election date and let the people vote now. NOW!
I say, rename the CLINIC! As it is still named ROAD TOWN CLINIC.
Peebles is the original and this new building was built to "replace" it. The original Peebles should now have the title of Memorial added to it in my opinion and this new section be given a separate name all together.
So is the name Peebles being stripped from the original building as well??
leave the name alone!