Peebles Hospital performs its first Pacemaker Insertion Procedure
A pacemaker is an electrically-charged medical device that is implanted under the skin to help manage irregular heartbeats. This procedure is critical for patients with cardiovascular issues; and this successful procedure performed at the Peebles Hospital on March 13, 2018 is a milestone achievement.
While sharing this exciting news, Chief of Medical Staff, Dr June M. Samuel stated that “Healthcare services for patients with cardiovascular conditions (heart disease) in the Virgin Islands have taken a giant step forward.”
She reported that, “Heart disease remains the number one leading cause of death in our population which also has a high prevalence of diabetes and hypertension.” Dr Samuel said “Cardiovascular disease is a natural complication of these comorbidities and it is imperative that as part of controlling the cost of health services or just keeping cost down, the Health Services Authority expands into the provision of services such as these locally.”
The procedure was performed by Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Dr Roger L. Miller who has over eight years of experience in cardiothoracic surgery. As a member of the BVI Health Services Authority’s medical staff, Dr Miller currently leads the team tasked with the development of cardiothoracic services at the Peebles Hospital.
In his comment on the procedure and the Cardiac Services Initiative; Dr Miller, stated “the procedure was done in the operating room under local anaesthesia with some sedation. Electrodes were passed through large veins and secured on the inner aspect of the heart with the use of x-rays to visualize the procedure in real-time.”
The surgery was a success. Dr Miller shared that “after the procedure, there were no visible mechanical parts and the procedure was so seamless that the patient was able to return home within 24 hours after implantation and following observation.”
In further commenting on the prognosis of the patient Dr Miller said; “The risk of complication from this procedure is very low once adequate precautions are taken. These devices can last for many years before being depleted and is largely dependent on how much the patient requires it. If adequate follow up is maintained, then replacement can be done close to the time of depletion.”
“I am very happy to be leading this initiative at the Peebles Hospital. We look forward to continued pacemaker placement and monitoring as well as introducing other devices, such as implantable cardioverters and defibrillators (ICDs),” Dr Miller added.
The Cardiothoracic Surgeon was assisted by a team of Nurses and Anaesthetists at the Operating Theatre of the Peebles hospital.
The BVI Health Services Authority, in addition to the provision of cardiovascular implant services also provides pacemaker clinics on a weekly basis. It is expected that there will be ongoing expansion of the services to the residents as part of its overall strategy and vision towards the delivery of comprehensive healthcare services on island.

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Well Done!
Your World Class Credentials are obviously well deserved! :)
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