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Peebles Hospital a comedian’s laughing stock

Griff was one of the comedians who seemed to have been successful at creating the laughter effect, unlike the much anticipated Majah Hype, as he focused his entertainment mainly on his VI experience as he said that he was on Island for a number of days leading up to the show. Photo: Internet source
It all took place at last night's stand up comedy show 'We Got Jokes'. Photo: Provided
It all took place at last night's stand up comedy show 'We Got Jokes'. Photo: Provided
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – While talking about the wonderful time he has been having in the Virgin Islands (VI) on the Island of Tortola stand-up comedian ‘Griff’ last night December 28, 2014 at the sold out show ‘We Got Jokes’ was not shy to point to two vivid topical issues: the Cruise Pier Development Project and the Peebles Hospital.

Griff was one of the comedians who seemed to have been successful at creating the laughter effect, unlike the much anticipated Majah Hype, as he focused his entertainment mainly on his VI experience as he said that he was on Island for a number of days leading up to the show, which was held at the Multi-Purpose Sports Complex in Road Town.

“I have been here long enough to know that you have issues with your cruise pier,” ‘Griff’ said in a burst of laughter which was also acknowledged by the audience who responded with their bursts of laughter and applause.

Then he found it really hilarious when he alluded to his visit to the New Peebles Hospital, “You got a hospital that took ten years to build! Ten years?" he said as he laughed uncontrollably for more than 30 seconds.

“You kidding me!” he exclaimed as he took to another round of laughter. What might have been the other side of the laughter would have been the remarks made by a patron sitting in the bleachers who tried hard to get the attention of the comedian but was shut out by the loud laughter.

The woman said, “The bigger laugh was that it took two governments, the NDP (National Democratic Party) begging the rich and the poor for money and the hospital ain't got half the needed stuff, is just a half done shell they officially open, if you know that you going drop dead with a heart attack from laughing.”

Her comment created a show all by itself. 

16 Responses to “Peebles Hospital a comedian’s laughing stock”

  • vex (29/12/2014, 10:19) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Jokes for soooooo
  • shutup (29/12/2014, 11:03) Like (30) Dislike (30) Reply
    They should have told him why he coming to our country to take our money for if he going to make fun of the coutry that put money in his pockets, a bunch of morans running behind 'green' dollars.
    • Hello..... (29/12/2014, 13:22) Like (27) Dislike (10) Reply
      It was a comedy show. Loosing up nuh!
      • hello (29/12/2014, 20:33) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
        I meant loosen....let me correct that before the internet police rip me apart.
    • Yes (29/12/2014, 13:33) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      something wrong with telling the truth that was my favorite one out of all of them,
    • vi (30/12/2014, 11:01) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      what money this country put in his pocket, shut your mouth, jokers all you be, he can see and everybody can see, dont go to the show if you cant take a joke, if he gave the same joke about a DOWN ISLANDS you would be rolling on the ground laughing, sick moomoo.
  • Hmmmm (29/12/2014, 11:30) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    i didnt go; was the show good or nah?
  • DON Q (29/12/2014, 11:38) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    At least they made money as it was packed
  • ..... (29/12/2014, 15:50) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    I was not there but that sounds like the lady for the 3rd, with the loads of kids....
    • @ ..... (29/12/2014, 17:28) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      funny man would have had to come on hear with some nasty thing...he hates the third but we finger wet and wating for him...we will chase him again like we did in scaliffe ally
  • Yes (29/12/2014, 18:18) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
    u noticed all the jokes was on the NDP and their bad polices and projects???? it must tell you something yall....
  • LetGo (29/12/2014, 22:24) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    This kind of response is the same reason we don't get good acts down here. It's a comedy show people what ever they feel to make fun of, as long as it gets results, what does it matter. The fact that they couldn't even present their acts properly, because we claim to be a "Christian Community", is what kill half the show anyway. The minute somebody say a bad word up on stage, church out, they ain't coming back here. Really?! Every single person in that auditorium have their quota of bad words for one day. What's the difference if someone from abroad does it. We all know they curse in their acts yet you want handicap the people and still expect them to deliver. There ain't no pleasing the BVI people. This is why they got better praise over in the USVI. If Officials don't want to let the people curse then they need not come to the show and let the people enjoy what they expect to get.
    • comic (30/12/2014, 06:34) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
      You can be funny without loads of profanity. People actually feel robbed because they didn't get to hear cuss words?? Wow, our society is really becoming a deviant one.
  • virgin gorda (30/12/2014, 08:08) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good show end of story!!!!!
  • ?? (01/01/2015, 01:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    How can you higher someone who curse for a living and tell them don't curse? only the legendary comedians can successfully pull off a show without cursing. SMH!! We can't invite people here to do what they do and still restrict them, that is sad.
  • We Got Jokes (07/01/2015, 12:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The show was great and the show will be coming back to the BVI in August. The comedian did a great job. They had to over come many problems with the sound system, the DJ not putting on the right songs to bring them out, and getting threaten by the official about the Bad words. When they was told "No Profanity" that killed there whole set, and they had to re-write there set just before the show. The VIP was great, the food was great. For the first time in the BVI Play 2 Win and Dollar and A Dream did a real good job. I personally looking forward for another great show in the future. We as a community need more act like these. The We Got Jokes Comedy Tour was great. That Guy Mike Yard the host is mad funny.

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