Pay up arrears by Oct 1, 2021 or face disconnection – W&SD Director

The reminder came from Director of the department Mrs Perline Scatliffe-Leonard who said that the department continues to work in COVID-19 and that it is necessary that various services are reinstated that would allow the department to cover its expenses.
“To this end, customers are advised that effective 1st October, 2021 the disconnection and reconnection services of the Water and Sewerage Department will resume,” she. said.
Mrs Perline Scatliffe-Leonard further indicated, “All accounts are considered past due and delinquent after 30 days, from the bill date, and are subject to having service discontinued.”
Disconnections to resume for all amounts due
The Director stated that disconnection will be executed for all amounts due, for water usage and sewerage services up to August 31. “Any service disconnected for non-payment will remain disconnected until all delinquent amounts, as well as a $20.00 reconnection fee, have been paid in full,” she said.
As such, customers are being urged to settle an account if a payment was not made to the department in over two months.
Mrs Scatliffe-Leonard further expressed appreciation to the Government of the VI for its foresight during the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically for the Free-Water period that was extended from March to June 2020.

21 Responses to “Pay up arrears by Oct 1, 2021 or face disconnection – W&SD Director”
Virgin Islanders like everything free! pay what is owed
Come on, they should have at least come leniency
Well water service has been poor!
What next oh Lord.
Time to get out of here people , home is better than yard.
You also should have a system in place that can determine when your system is leaking. Water pressure in some may arears are extremely high. Bursting pipes in people houses and on the roads.
How do you determine their is a legitimate problem when people come to paying their Bill's. Human error are sometimes evident and vendors can't get resolutions to their problems.
If persons dont know how to reconcile their account or accounts they may end up loosing a lot of money.
There seems to be a little better balance now prior to what has been happening in the pass. Striking the balance is what is necessary for customers and for the institution.