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Patients to be monitored for fraud under NHI - Barry

September 12th, 2013 | Tags: NHI Roy Barry fraud medication monitoring addiction
Steps are being taken to prevent patients taking advantage of the medical system in any fraudulent way once the National Health Insurance (NHI) programme comes into being. This is according to Deputy Director of the Social Security Board, Mr Roy Barry. Photo: VINO/File
The NHI programme which was initially set to be implemented from August of this year, was taken back to the drawing board following consultations with the public. It is expected that additional consultations will be done with the public before the programme is finally implemented. Photo: VINO/File
The NHI programme which was initially set to be implemented from August of this year, was taken back to the drawing board following consultations with the public. It is expected that additional consultations will be done with the public before the programme is finally implemented. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Steps are being taken to prevent patients taking advantage of the medical system in any fraudulent way once the National Health Insurance (NHI) programme comes into being. This is according to Deputy Director of the Social Security Board, Mr Roy Barry.

Barry disclosed that details of the medical procedure performed and medication prescribed will be accessible by the National Health Insurance (NHI) office and will be seen on a daily basis for each patient in order to prevent fraud or to minimise fraud.

“Some persons might be addicted to a specific drug and they go from doctor A to doctor B to doctor C, trying to get that prescribed drug, but then we can flag that,” he stated on the Speak Out BVI radio show on September 10, 2013.

According to Barry, under this system patients can be told that they were given a prescribed drug for a one-month period and are trying to get the drug again from another doctor after a two-week period has elapsed.

“We’ll be able to monitor the system on a daily basis to ensure that there’s compliance,” he said.

He further explained that the computer system that will be in place will be a real-time system with a swipe card. Each registrant will have an identifier card similar to that of a credit card and when it is swiped at the provider’s office, the information from each provider will automatically be visible to the patient’s GP [General Practitioner] or specialised doctor.

The NHI Office, according to Barry, will be staffed with approximately twenty persons from the outset and will be funded from contributions by employees and employers under the programme as well as a contribution from government.

The NHI programme which was initially set to be implemented from August of this year, was taken back to the drawing board following consultations with the public. It is expected that additional consultations will be done with the public before the programme is finally implemented.

13 Responses to “Patients to be monitored for fraud under NHI - Barry”

  • qc (12/09/2013, 09:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    is this a surprise to any one? I will hope they monitor all for fraud even doctors....
  • chad (12/09/2013, 10:00) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    I honestly wouldn't mind if a 20-30 dollars would be taken out of my salary to pay for NHI but when you say 3.5% of my salary for NHI along with Tax, Social Security and Pension and my salary isn't increasing due to the current economic situation, what would be left from my Salary. That 3.5% that I was relying on to pay my apartment rent, Feed my kids, provide supplies that the schools are asking to give my kids...will no longer be there....and if i have to look for a second job to gather back that extra 3.5% to pay the bills I will not be able to take care of my kids with home work etc.....and they now become a pain to society because i can't afford to take care of them the way i should as i have to now work 2/3 jobs in order to pay my bills.....would you the Government tell me sorry or cast blame towards me
  • Well (12/09/2013, 10:18) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    So you are telling me these regular people (non doctors) in this office will know everything, personal details as to why you are going to the doctor? well I think I need a second insurance and i will be going to puerto rico or st. thomas. This is nonsense!!!
  • trrefdrfds (12/09/2013, 10:22) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Please do not hold your breath expecting things to be different if we get the NHI. Do not loose sleep, I beg you. Things will never change in our beloved hospital services. It is just more of the same.
  • CHUCKLE (12/09/2013, 11:16) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply

    Another NDP fraud so you can't believe anything he is saying. He is one of Orlando Smith behind the scenes advisors so be aware.

  • Ah saw (12/09/2013, 12:48) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    We paying another tax in NHI to make up for the wasted tax dollars in the construction of the hospital & poor management in health care.
  • . (12/09/2013, 15:54) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    I wonder if we will be given that same direct number that the crabbe lady uses in the radio ad?
    • Schuup (12/09/2013, 16:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ronnie announced his cell number on a radio talk show, so what is your point?
  • Nikka (12/09/2013, 17:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree. It seems like people rather beg when they or a family member get sick and desperately need medical attention. I am not a big fan either because I currently have insurance on my job, but I also realize that I am not going to be working their indefinitely. Remember we retire, resign and get terminated and it could be difficult to get insurance at a certain age or with a pre-existing condition. We need to stop thinking on the present only and see if we could think on the future as well. It is government's responsibility to look out for all of the citizen in a country. People need to stop being so self-centered and learn to prioritize. This insurance is well needed. Hopefully government will see it fit to increase the amount which is already tax exempted to say $20,000 to assist those of us who are already struggling to pay the NHI.
    • Hmm (14/09/2013, 17:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You can get insurance even when you retire. I think I deserve that choice.
  • wild goose chase (12/09/2013, 17:31) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Barry could pull a Myron and jump in front the camera every two seconds but he cannot beat Fraser BAM
  • foreigner (12/09/2013, 19:31) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have a question... If I were to get a baby here that child has no rights... If I were to go back to my country to get the baby I cannot use the insurance since it can only be used here or I have to get pre-approve... What use is the NHI to me.. I have a private insurance from my job, which company is going to pay for two insurances? On one hand you telling me know my place don't get my babies here yet you taking away my choices as to where I should born him/her.
  • chad (12/09/2013, 21:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I will not support this at all. Confidentiality will be a real problem here and that's Island wide that's a problem so let them just rest with non sense

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