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Past Governors have been ‘playing chess’ with issues in VI – 'Heritage'

-Tola Radio VI Managing Director accuses Governors of putting their interests first
Popular Morning radio host Floyd Burnett aka Heritage of ‘Da Morning Braff’ radio show on Tola Radio 100.5 FM has accused past governors in the Virgin Islands (VI) of playing chess with issues in the territory. Photo: Facebook/File
Mr Burnett was at the time a guest of the January 28, 2024, episode of Real Time show with Karia J. Christoper aired on Flow Television and available on Facebook when he was asked to assess the relationship with ex-Governor John J. Rankin, CMG and the Government of Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7). Photo: Facebook
Mr Burnett was at the time a guest of the January 28, 2024, episode of Real Time show with Karia J. Christoper aired on Flow Television and available on Facebook when he was asked to assess the relationship with ex-Governor John J. Rankin, CMG and the Government of Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7). Photo: Facebook
PALESTINA ESTATE, Tortola, VI – Popular Morning radio host Floyd Burnett aka 'Heritage' of ‘Da Morning Braff’ radio show on Tola Radio 100.5 FM, has accused past governors in the Virgin Islands (VI) of playing chess with issues in the territory.

Mr Burnett was at the time a guest of the January 28, 2024, episode of Real Time show with Karia J. Christoper aired on Flow Television and available on Facebook when he was asked to assess the relationship with ex-Governor John J. Rankin, CMG and the Government of Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7).  

Never got to know John J. Rankin - Heritage 

According to Heritage, “To me, they had smooth times and they had rocky times. To me, like from day one the Governor [John J. Rankin] kind of came around COVID and I was kind of anti-COVID and I don't know... I never really got a chance to really get to know him,” Burnett said.

He said however, he managed to create a much better relationship with Augustus J.U. Jaspert during the Fahie administration.

“I never really get to feel out John Rankin,” he said in reference to understanding him and knowing him on a personal level while pointing to some possible communication gaps that may have prevented that. 

“But you know, everybody kind of playing chess, even if you go back to brother Jasper when you were saying, hey these issues are important, look into this for we."

"He never really did, it till you know him and Mr. Fahie had them little course [disagreement],” he added, in reference to the perceived contentious relationship between former Premier Andrew A. Fahie and Mr Jaspert as played out in the public.

Carts played to benefit Governors - Mr Burnett 

With a new Governor taking the seat in the person of Mr Daniel Pruce, many are looking to see how the relationship develops between him and the Dr Wheatley Administration.

“So everybody, I guess they use their cards when it's to the best of their benefit, but you know at at some point, we want to see the actions be done when it is time to benefit the people,” he added.

Already both the Governor and Premier have pledged to work with each other and to partner on the development of the VI. 

The Governor added that he looks forward to discussing and understanding the many issues that matter to the people of the VI including the cost of living, tackling crime as well as building a better future for VI’s youths.

28 Responses to “Past Governors have been ‘playing chess’ with issues in VI – 'Heritage'”

  • Josiahsbay (01/02/2024, 19:56) Like (11) Dislike (12) Reply
    When will we understand that governors don't come to understand and work on our agenda? They come with the UK's agenda.
  • 2024 (01/02/2024, 21:23) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    The UK have the power to takeover this Overseas Territory no matter what is said or how someone feels or even think

    governors been in and out of this territory from 1972 thats 51 years ago just recently this foolish level of talking began

    carelessly talk cause life because some of us pushing Buckingham to flex their muscles

    U want to see who is Boss
    • I know who is Boss… (02/02/2024, 12:15) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
      God is Boss!!! Not you devils on earth and not the UK! Even hell itself knows this! You better know this truth for your sake!
  • Well… (01/02/2024, 21:50) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    We better learn how to play the game better than all!
  • asura (01/02/2024, 23:14) Like (14) Dislike (5) Reply
    Tola must get rid of that crazy Cindy
  • Rhythm up.. (02/02/2024, 05:12) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    Heritage is not the same warrior, he is no longer the jungle Maroon, that once fight oppression and corruption, since his business doing well, he is become part of the club. He now rich and switch..All we have now is Cindy, I am certain that she too once get an opportunity and start making good money from the corrupt elites she too will switch,, The truth is, their fight is more about them, than us. The good Governor is only trying to make the multitude of wrongs right. The Gov knows a lot, lot more than we do. Allow the man to do his Job... Disappointed in heritage.. Maybe he is one who also thinks Andy is Innocent. Sad. Money really does change people...
    • FEO GOMEZ (02/02/2024, 08:52) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Jungle Maroon?! LOL That's a white boy you all easily mislead,
      • @FEO GOMEZ (02/02/2024, 13:11) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
        Exactly, Heritage is white. What ever race your father is, that is your race. His mom is black and his dad is white. My mom is black from Antigua and my dad is German.
        • FEO GOMEZ (02/02/2024, 14:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          I don't care bout all that if you lay with your oppressor I don't recognize you when it comes to black stuff.
        • please (03/02/2024, 11:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Tell that to Bob Marley… Tell that to white people. Heritage is a black man.
        • The strength of Africa (03/02/2024, 11:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          No matter where you coming from? If you’re an African, you’re a black man!
        • @ @FEO GOMEZ (03/02/2024, 21:00) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          So when they wiped and lynched the mixed race slaves I guess they forgot the slaves where white people?
    • @Rhythm up… (02/02/2024, 09:24) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
      Perhaps he is one that also thinks Andrew is innocent. When he is doing his intro on air he says FREE THE DREW. Exactly what is that for? It kind of makes you wonder right? I like seeing Cindy in the seat. CINDY PLEASE GET CUT DEEP UP AND RUNNING SOON.
      • @@rhythm up (03/02/2024, 08:00) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        No cct cut her deep plus she can't attract any sponsors because she is too toxic
  • Roger Burnett (02/02/2024, 07:38) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Floyd has made a valid point, but there has been exceptions. A notable one being the late Peter Penfold. He governed the territory during the early 1990's and did so without fear or favour, either to the UK government or to the island's legislators.

    I quote from my book, "For the Sake of the Children"...

    "We were fortunate that Peter Penfold, a man of courage and high principles, was at that time the UK’s Governor of the territory. With the help of his aide, he ensured that we received fair treatment. It is interesting to note that after serving as Governor of the British Virgin Islands Peter Penfold was appointed High Commissioner to Sierra Leone. In Sierra Leone he was widely considered a hero for his controversial role in restoring Kabbah. While he was giving evidence to the UK inquiry, 20,000 people took part in a demonstration demanding his return to Sierra Leone, and upon his arrival he was appointed an honorary Paramount Chief."
  • tola (02/02/2024, 09:54) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Yes Floyd change big time money make people switch
    • Imposter (02/02/2024, 13:44) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      Mr. Imposter, anytime one takes a favor or blood money from a politician, they control you for a long time or the rest of your life. So Mr. Imposter( Heritage) take the crown off to continue your nasty business with the politicians…
      • @imposter (02/02/2024, 15:07) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
        All I can say is wowww, your comment is deep. Liiiike, I don’t know. You seem to be putting some heavy allegations out there. If you are trying to bring down or destroy the man’s business that would be some dirty, shady ratchet S on your part. Don’t you think? SCHONEN TAG.
  • GateKeeper (02/02/2024, 12:10) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    In 1946, after WWII, the UN reconstituted from the League of Nations, established a list of 72 Non-Self-Governing Territories with the goal of their attaining independence. The Virgin Islands (British) was on that of 72 and the UK was assigned as its ‘Administering Power’ with responsibility for assisting and guiding it towards a full measure of self-governing. Further, the UN established a Special Committee on Decolonization, ie, C-24. “ The C-24 annually reviews the list of Non-Self-Governing Territories to which the Declaration is applicable. It also hears statements from representatives of the Non-Self-Governing Territories at its annual sessions, dispatches visiting missions to Non-Self-Governing Territories and annually organizes regional seminars.”

    To the best of my knowledge, the UK stopped reporting to the UN consistent with C-24 declaration. The UK has demonstrated half-hearted measures/actions in guiding the VI towards a full measure of self-governing. It seems as if it wanted to keep the VI in a dependency mode. For example, the VI constitution is a dependency model constitution, which the powers granted can be easily reversed, ie, the constitution can be easily suspended and it inserting direct rule. Incidentally, the VI constitution is currently suspended based on the recommendation of a single commissioner of a CoI and is held in reserved, hanging over the head of the VI as the Sword of Damocles.

    Moreover, in 2017, the VI, along with other regional countries, was devastated by monster hurricanes Irma and Maria. The US, French, and Dutch provided grants/aid to their territories to help in rebuilding ; the UK offered the VI loan guarantee. Additionally, the UK provided the VI minimal assistance in responding to the Covid-19 pandemic.

    The UK-appointed government has unilateral power over the supposedly self-governing territory of the VI, ie, a) retained special powers, b) reserved powers, c) assent power, etc, and also chairs the Cabinet meeting. And when things go sideways, the UK-appointed governor washes his hand like Pilate, pleading ignorance and casting the blame on local government. It as if they want things to go sideways so they can make a point, moving in as the rescuer. The local government is not an innocent player in things going sideways and must also shoulder the blame.
  • Citizen (02/02/2024, 14:56) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Yes indeed with the help of Cindy.
  • WOW (02/02/2024, 19:02) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Pure jealousy against Heritage. Whether you agree with his views or not should he remain in a constant struggle? The man built his media company from nothing and now all anyone can talk about is that he has money? Do you see ppl starting businesses and hustling to do worst or better? You all are fucking sick!
    • @wow (02/02/2024, 21:09) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      That is how the majority here is. They will and have dragged people through the mud and have destroyed peoples lives out of jealousy. They get a kick and adrenalin rush. This is a dangerous place. If they don’t like you for whatever reason or jealous they will invent something on you. BVI LOVE? Y’ALL better stop fooling yourselves about BVI LOVE.
  • I knew (02/02/2024, 21:34) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    That it will only be a matter of time before the hemming and the hawing start on Heritage. I actually saw the interview from start to end and it was a good interview.
  • hmm (03/02/2024, 06:38) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Dude is just a paid mouthpiece now. Lost all credibility
  • Anonymous (03/02/2024, 08:07) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    King heritage do not mind the noise and the jealousy they can't stop you
    • Boo (03/02/2024, 17:50) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      He eat a good food from the Slow one hand. Now that food settle in his belly this sellout's tongue is no longer his own.
  • Fan on the outside (03/02/2024, 18:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Don’t listen or play into the jealousy and hate that is thrown your way Heritage. Tola Radio is large on the outside.if you ask me, Tola Radio is helping promote the BVI on the outside. Don’t you think? Ease up off the man already. Bless up Heritage, Cindy, DJ Phenom, DJ Wink, DJ Turbo and the rest of the Tola Radio staff for doing a wonderful job. If they the haters and jealous ones don’t appreciate you, you have people on that outside that appreciates you and the work that you are doing.

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