Parents, Teachers & Students upset over ongoing school mould issues!

Many parents and teachers called our news room yesterday May 8, 2013 to again complain about the situation that was affecting the health and safety of the students and staff at the school. They produced a letter signed by the school Principal Mrs Sylvia Adams addressed to Parents/Guardians of the school.
In the letter dated May 7, 2013 Mrs Adams warned stakeholders that, “at this time the problems have become even more severe and there is an urgent need for us to vacate our school campus once again.”
Mrs Adams told Parents/Guardian of the Isabella Morris Primary School that “we are in the process of finding a suitable location at this time…”
However, two parents were outraged by this ongoing situation and scoffed at the continued interruption of school and the scramble to relocate. One upset father with two students at the school told this news site that “Myron could have taken that hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) he used to honour the teachers and fix the mould problem at the school once and for all…it’s clear the students are not a priority.”
Another parent, speaking on condition of anonymity since she told this news site that she could not give her name because she was a civil servant, said, “we have had enough of this running from place to place…..students have Exams and end of term work yet no one seems to be taking this thing seriously and how it’s affecting both students and teachers and for me a working mother to find someplace to take my daughter at the last minute.”
Government’s Response to Mould situation at school
In two press releases issued by a Government Spokeswoman, Colene A. Penn, from the Ministry of Education and Culture, it was stated that school today, May 9, 2013 for the Isabella Morris Primary School would be relocated to the West End Community Centre and that the Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn had told the Government Information Service (GIS) that the “mould situation has resurfaced once again.”
Moments later another press release was issued by Ms Penn, this time announcing that students are not to report to the West End Community Centre and that there will be no school today Thursday May 9, 2013.
It remains unclear why the sudden change to what was earlier communicated, as no Officials from the Ministry or Department of Education could have been reached after the latest press release.
Minister Walwyn gives statement in Parliament on mould
Minister for Education and Culture Hon. Walwyn told the eight sitting of the second session of the Second House of Assembly (HOA) held on 25, April 2013 that, “the Department of Education and Culture became aware of a growing mould issue at the school early this year Madame Speaker.”
Minister Walwyn told the HOA that “upon learning of the issue, Madame Speaker, Corea’s Cleaning and Maintenance Services was contracted to provide immediate cleaning services at the school…with minor interruption of instruction.”
In a strange twist, the Minister said a new contractor was hired who reported that the problem will continue, if the roof of the school was not sealed and cleaned, as the mould was caused due to water dripping through the roof from unplugged holes during construction.
Most parents and teachers were confused that once the Minister had gotten the reasons for the mould analysed and told the HOA that “the contractor began sealing the roof yesterday [24, April 2013]” then why is the problem still according causing interruption to students, parents and teachers?.
A meeting is expected today May 9, 2013 at 8:30 A.M. with Minister Walwyn at the school compound with parents and teachers, according to the GIS press release, to “discuss an amicable way forward.”

29 Responses to “Parents, Teachers & Students upset over ongoing school mould issues!”
lord man you all gone crazy all the money the government spending what happen to minister Gaskin myron just give the w*t*h lake nearly 50000$ for decorating $h1t and can't fix the mould problem at the school come on gaskin step in save the children lord man save the children......
have mercy this myron failing greenland field,fail firing his st*pm*ther fail expensive speech writer can't even spell she from g t fail hiring bagion for recreation fail paul on the ball fail teachers gala fail expensive baughers bay tech school to aman what even cant read plans fail please continue on all he fail on new name Myron fail walwyn don't fogret another bath room job for cecil got it lock penn his wife gemin working for Fail Walwyn it look like all myron do in school is fail thats y the schools are failing we need the brown bomber back
This p...pal need to clean her office first and stop worrying about where she going to fry her food to sell to the students