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Parent attacks student; threatens to bomb private school

Information reaching Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) is that the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) is currently investigating an incident where the parent of a child at a private school allegedly attacked another child and then threatened to bomb the school. Image: VINO/File
The incident is confirmed to have happened on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, at the Seventh Day Adventist School and according to a source at the Public Relations Unit of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF),
The incident is confirmed to have happened on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, at the Seventh Day Adventist School and according to a source at the Public Relations Unit of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), "I can confirm that a report was made on 22/05/19, about an incident at said school. However, investigations are ongoing so we have no other information at this time." Photo: VINO/File
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI – Information reaching Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) is that the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) is currently investigating an incident where the parent of a child at a private school allegedly attacked a student and then threatened to bomb the school.

The incident is confirmed to have happened on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, at the Seventh Day Adventist School and according to a source at the Public Relations Unit of the RVIPF, "I can confirm that a report was made on 22/05/19, about an incident at said school. However, investigations are ongoing so we have no other information at this time."

Incident Stemmed from Bullying

A source familiar with the incident divulged that the episode began with two students having a fight when a bullied student allegedly delivered a beating to their bully resulting in bloodshed.

According to reports, the mother of the injured child turned up at the school and allegedly attacked the other student, putting them in a chokehold and allegedly hurling the bomb threats to the school’s management.

Following the incident, this news website understands that the school's management took the threat seriously and called a full search of the school’s perimeters, however, no bomb was found.

An emergency PTA meeting was called after other parents became concerned when news spread of the incident.

While the details are still sketchy, VINO will bring more information as it becomes available.

33 Responses to “Parent attacks student; threatens to bomb private school”

  • smdh (26/05/2019, 12:25) Like (52) Dislike (4) Reply
    Fine example this mother sets. Expel the child.
  • What!! (26/05/2019, 12:34) Like (26) Dislike (9) Reply
    Great behavior from children and parent from a private CHRISTIAN school !!!
    • @What!! (26/05/2019, 19:43) Like (8) Dislike (20) Reply
      Oh Please!

      Way worst than this is happening elsewhere!!!
      • WHAT!!! (26/05/2019, 21:29) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
        Yes I’m sure worse happening elsewhere but the other placed are not “ christian” schools
    • @ What!! (27/05/2019, 14:44) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why you put Christian in caps, the lil monsters do not pick up their behavior in the schools private, public or Christian. They pick up their monster behaviors at their homes. He son was the bully and because he got a dose of his own medicine his mother choose to be the bigger monster that he learned his behavior from.
  • parent (26/05/2019, 12:59) Like (24) Dislike (3) Reply
    Bully in schools across the territory is rampant for whatever reasons. There is a serious problem at Bregado Flax High School for years and nothing is happening to correct it despite Principal and teachers knowing about it. I am not condoning any parent attacking any student but in some cases where you have exhausted all your resources that's what it will resort. No parent want to know their child is bullied and nothing is done about it until it gets to this point. It hurts terribly to know you send your child to school whether public or private and another child pounce on them. I am watching closely a like situation at Bregaado Flax and I could confidently say Heads will roll if the situation is not fixed.
    • Exposed (26/05/2019, 13:11) Like (38) Dislike (6) Reply
      In this case, the parents of the bully are also bullies as both parents have attacked students in defense of their little monster. The fact that this situation was allowed to get to this point says a lot about management (principal) and the school. Dirty secrets don't remain hidden indefinitely.
      • What a Statement! (26/05/2019, 19:46) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
        I agree with you that DIRTY SECRETS don’t remain hidden indefinitely!!!
    • True (26/05/2019, 13:27) Like (49) Dislike (1) Reply
      you need to go back to school and learn to read the child that got the beatibg form the other child was the BULLY it was the bullies mother that attacked the other child and so we know where the bully gets their attitude and example from
  • wize up (26/05/2019, 13:11) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    BVI gone wild: security should be straighten at schools: there is lots social and economic frustration in this territory: the social fabric of the territory have changed people are much more aggressive: no more conversation simply physical interactions
  • tola (26/05/2019, 13:15) Like (23) Dislike (5) Reply
    In some of these schools, the principals and teachers are bullies as well.
  • True (26/05/2019, 13:25) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Christans, pmsl
  • pat (26/05/2019, 13:55) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
    Much to do about nothing if you ask me
  • Jessica Jones (26/05/2019, 14:58) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Principal was supposed to make a report to the police and have her arrested.
    • Sunshine (26/05/2019, 17:09) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
      The principal seems to have been condoning the behavior. Pressure from parents cause this whole situation to be exposed or it would have probably gone on much longer.
  • Lord o (26/05/2019, 15:25) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    Crazy people.. Don't punish the child. Don't expel the child.. Punish the parent. Charge the parent. Who no better, better is expected from them.. Council the child... With the parent been arrested and charged by the police is enough punishment for the child...
  • Anonymous (26/05/2019, 18:39) Like (16) Dislike (5) Reply
    So they going to bomb a school and some of you roaches saying the premier don’t need security?
  • .. (26/05/2019, 19:59) Like (10) Dislike (8) Reply
    It’s funny how this school’s principal in particular is always quick to bash the public high school about “bad behavior “ but what actually goes down in this school is far worse !! Christianity as should be displayed IS NOT displayed by staff .
  • GG (26/05/2019, 20:15) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
    This school is supposed to be an Adventist CHRISTIAN school but for some reason it is not portrayed by the Principal and staff . Measures should be put in place where the conference of the school gets to know what is actually happening within the institution. Not only student bullying is an issue there but also management !!!
  • Realist (26/05/2019, 20:54) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    This bullying situation is real folks
    In this case the mother was wrong because her child according to the story was the real bully if that’s even true since people in this place thrive on secrets lies misconceptions and rumors
    If though this is true she needs to pay the price as this would explain why her child feels it is ok to display such behaviors
    On the other hand should the school be off the hook
    Obviously when there is a trend of misbehavior and bullying teachers ang other students and yes the principal is aware
    What are they doing to ensure the children are safe
    Are they informing the parents when each incident occurs or is that too much hassle for them
    When parents are told and if they are not receptive or cooperative or choose to be bullies themselves based on their words and actions does the principal and ministry keep a record
    I hope so
    Cause some teachers are the issue
    Some parents are the issue
    Some students are the issue
    But when the ministry fails to act they too are the issue
  • X-Man (27/05/2019, 06:54) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    Those are some of the people that want resident in this country. Bombing a school, deport her !!s before she do. That’s the mentality of someone that’s really trying to have a better life. Now tell me!!
  • Concerned Parent (27/05/2019, 07:43) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    For the money that this private school in particular is asking for , matters and concerns of parents is being sweep under the rug. Everybody asking what’s the principle doing in this matter , when he is a bully himself . Who cares about nothing but portraying a good image for himself. Everything done in the dark must come to light . It’s good to see that the public see the lack of management skills portrayed by principle Tobin . Sorry but my child will not be spending the upcoming year with that school.
  • 123BUN ‼️ (27/05/2019, 07:45) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Students getting suspended for wearing jackets in a air conditioned classroom, for hairstyles, etc. Tobin dont focus on what’s really important until it become really important because the situation could have been avoided from an earlier stage.
  • This what we want? (27/05/2019, 08:04) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Look at the society that exists in the BVI. We have armed robberies, gangster wannabee shoot outs, domestic violence, and now parents threatening schools. Add to that rampant discrimination against outsider who bring skills that the Territory can’t be bothered to teach, corruption at the highest level, and absolutely no accountability whatsoever. Yet, most people in church on Sundays....smh
    • wize up (27/05/2019, 09:49) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ this is what we want: testify my Idren & who vex, vex: when I am the supermarket with my family i now find myself looking left and right: while driving home you very curious: while operating my business i watching some people with suspicion: some of us older folks never Invision our beloved country spiraling in such a lawless direction but there is a high price to pay for progress: I honestly Believe there are far more good folks in the territory than bad so keep hope alive: remember the media tends to focus on negative vibration
  • KARMA !! (27/05/2019, 08:05) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
    Principal Tobin,

    Always remember that the world is a CYCLE !
  • WHAT HELL IS THIS (27/05/2019, 13:50) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Christian and non Christians attend the School so stop that BS. Children are children and will always fight and disagree. The matter at hand is what this mother did. I want to see how the Principal is going to handle this. She IS WRONG for putting her hand on that child and went as far as to threaten the school to BOMB it up....OH REALLY and these are the kind of people you want to give belongers status too. What else is on her mind???? I have to be living in my own country hearing this kinda BS. We all know THEY FAMOUS for BOMBING of course. This is a serious matter and should be dealt with as a serious.
  • Arrest, charge and prosecute he mother for attacking the child (27/05/2019, 21:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    That mother needs to be arrested. Nonsense!!! No wonder she child is a bully!! Damn!!
  • Law suit (27/05/2019, 21:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The parents of the student who the mother attacked need to sue that woman
  • Disgusted (14/06/2019, 14:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Heaven is a perfect place and Lucifer started sin up there. Everyone has their issues. The problem at the school is that a lot of parents land their children there after they realized that they are out of control and expect the school to reform them. You are the one who spoil your children,parents. Children live what they see. The homes need to step up and stop allowing the internet to raise their children. Seriously, have some of you parents take a look on what your children look at and play all hours of the night? This is what is affecting our children. Parents need to be parents to their children and don’t leave the jobs entirely to schools. The schools are designed to reinforce positive behaviors learned at home. Instead,teachers have to spend time helping children to unlearn the negativity from the homes. It is a sad reality!!
  • Fair (15/06/2019, 10:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think the problem with our school systems is that we bow to the pressure from parents. When we decide to be fair and punish and reward children according to the rules and consequences and not according to who their parents are or the mood we might be in at the time. Sometimes money,status and friendship talks when dealing with some students. Some do crap and are pampered and some just sneeze and get the axe. Treat every case fairly.

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