Parent attacks student; threatens to bomb private school
The incident is confirmed to have happened on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, at the Seventh Day Adventist School and according to a source at the Public Relations Unit of the RVIPF, "I can confirm that a report was made on 22/05/19, about an incident at said school. However, investigations are ongoing so we have no other information at this time."
Incident Stemmed from Bullying
A source familiar with the incident divulged that the episode began with two students having a fight when a bullied student allegedly delivered a beating to their bully resulting in bloodshed.
According to reports, the mother of the injured child turned up at the school and allegedly attacked the other student, putting them in a chokehold and allegedly hurling the bomb threats to the school’s management.
Following the incident, this news website understands that the school's management took the threat seriously and called a full search of the school’s perimeters, however, no bomb was found.
An emergency PTA meeting was called after other parents became concerned when news spread of the incident.
While the details are still sketchy, VINO will bring more information as it becomes available.
33 Responses to “Parent attacks student; threatens to bomb private school”
Way worst than this is happening elsewhere!!!
In this case the mother was wrong because her child according to the story was the real bully if that’s even true since people in this place thrive on secrets lies misconceptions and rumors
If though this is true she needs to pay the price as this would explain why her child feels it is ok to display such behaviors
On the other hand should the school be off the hook
Obviously when there is a trend of misbehavior and bullying teachers ang other students and yes the principal is aware
What are they doing to ensure the children are safe
Are they informing the parents when each incident occurs or is that too much hassle for them
When parents are told and if they are not receptive or cooperative or choose to be bullies themselves based on their words and actions does the principal and ministry keep a record
I hope so
Cause some teachers are the issue
Some parents are the issue
Some students are the issue
But when the ministry fails to act they too are the issue
Always remember that the world is a CYCLE !