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"Pack up & leave" - Cromwell Smith to BiWater

- says company is a fiasco
Smith has been a strong supporter of BVI Investment Club and Ocean Conversion. He is seen [front left] at a protest for the Biwater contract. Photo: VINO
Works were being carried out on the main Reverse Osmosis (RO) building at the BiWater site in Paraquita Bay in January 2012. The building will house the main RO units when completed. Photo: VINO
Works were being carried out on the main Reverse Osmosis (RO) building at the BiWater site in Paraquita Bay in January 2012. The building will house the main RO units when completed. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – With reports circulating that BiWater, a company hired by the previous administration to remedy water and sewerage woes on Tortola, has now submitted a new proposal to source water, one of its harshest critics has declared the company is a fiasco that has to go.

Speaking on his radio programme ‘Umoja” last evening, March 15, 2012, Cromwell Smith started off his remarks by saying, “I don’t want to say I told you so”.

BiWater had signed a Build, Own, Operate, Transfer (BOOT) contract with the then Virgin Islands Party (VIP) government on February 18, 2010 for a sea-water desalination plant.

However, Smith pointed out that two years and six week later “we ain’t got one drip of water from this company and sewerage still in the streets”.

He declared that when the VIP had announced its agreement with the United Kingdom company, several public spirited persons including himself begged the [VIP] Government to leave BiWater alone.

“...they had a track record all over the world with financial problems, selling off their assets, banks want their money...I didn’t know what else we could have said to point out that this company was going to be a fiasco in the BVI. We marched, we went on every talk show, we pleaded, we begged, show other proposals, talked to politicians, stroked their heads, and rubbed their backs. I don’t know what else could have been done,” the talk show host stated.

Smith said he had in his possession evidence of Biwater’s performances from the World Court Tribunal and showed it to the politicians – yet they went ahead with BiWater.

“And these people know that they don’t have any water at Paraquita Bay. Ocean Conversion had a study done years ago, spent thousands of dollars and tell them that they don’t have any water at Paraquita Bay much less 2.3 gallons per day. Them still got a company from Puerto Rico to come and look for water at Paraquita Bay, what are we going to do with these people?” the outspoken talk show host asked.

“What is happening to our leaders, who are they listening to? Who have their ears, to twist their minds and reasoning? They went looking for water at Brandywine Bay, East End aint got no water. We know where the water is...water up Bar Bay. Listen we would have already have water in every pipe from September last year. That sewerage thing would have already have been fixed from last September. We don’t have a water problem, we pointed that out. We have an infrastructure problem. The Water and Sewerage Department said we were losing 40 percent of the water we produce. That was a Government problem...Ocean Conversion was not responsible for the infrastructure, they took everything and blame OC. I remember the Minister for Communications and Works [Julian Fraser] saying OC was the worst thing on the face of the earth, ripping off the people and the water was the worst. But he didn’t tell the people that he was responsible for the water quality and for the pipes,” Smith charged.

So now that BiWater appears to be in a dilemma with no water source, Smith opined, “it wants to go through the pond bush to look for water way out in the ocean.”

He believes such an operation would have an impact on the reefs and mangroves and would affect the consumers. “Do you know how much money that would cost to convert that water into drinking water? And guess what we will be paying the electricity...they say they will get water by September 2012, I guess they mean September 2013!”

In light of this latest situation, the talk show host declared that BiWater is a fiasco.

“We don’t have to go nowhere to look for the fiasco. The fiasco is here with BiWater. With their own actions and behaviours they are a fiasco. The solution is for the company to admit it can’t produce the water at the price what they say, it is going cost the consumers too much money to pay for that water they are going to bring from outside of Paraquita Bay. They need to pack up their stuff and get on the barge and head back to the UK. We will give them something for the work what they have already done thus far. We will get our company that has an abundance of water. OC can produce the water, upgrade the plant, fix the infrastructure. We have the money, Government don’t have to have no money, there don’t have to be no contingent liability, OC can do it for a fraction of what BiWater is charging us to do it for. All that needs to be done is to give OC a similar time to get back their money they invested,” Smith charged.

And his advice for BiWater’s head, Adrian White, is to quit while he’s ahead. “Cut your losses.”

Virgin Islands News Online will seek to get a comment from Biwater officials on this matter.

30 Responses to “"Pack up & leave" - Cromwell Smith to BiWater”

  • ooooo (16/03/2012, 07:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    leh cromwell cart he tail...why he dont pack up and leave again like what he did in the 70's?
  • crucial (16/03/2012, 08:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    every body knows cromweii crazy, he needs to go sit down, stop the criticizing
  • air wavies (16/03/2012, 08:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why the hick comwell do not pack up and move back to the states? Lots of us will be better off if he does that!
    • DarkVader (16/03/2012, 08:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why the heck allu dont tell BiWater to pck up and leave nd take Fazer with them..He is responsible for this financial mess we are in with that company. God dont sleep.
      • Crap (16/03/2012, 10:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Yes, take Frazer with them so that you, the NDP, and Ocean Conversion can finish us off. All the talk you people had about Biwater, how come you not doing what you said you were going to do? You going to end contract as soon as you got the government, it is now 5 months and only now Biwater kicking. Pure BS.
        • Man Down (16/03/2012, 12:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Biwater kicking? Do you realize this country took a turn for the worst as soon as Fraser announced Biwater coming here then when OC hand over the plant? Stop being dumb and blind! Fraser spent over $3mil on the plant and things have only gotten worst. Even Andrew now complaining about his District but he didn't complain when they were in. Ya'll need to open your eyes. If biwater were so good why didn't they realize that where they were setting up the plant dont have water? Does that make sense? You spend all this money drilling and setting up the plant to only afterwards realize you don't have water? Why OC didn't have that problem? Barbay has water, Pari doesn't, OC tried Pari years ago, spent money and realize it didn't have any water. Biwater supposed to be so professional and reputable and now looking like jackasses You all sayign NDP didnt stop the contract, don't be stupid. They can't just stop it, it has to be reviewed by AG and others. Now, NDP will sit back and watch them self destruct. The Government doesn't have to approve their new plans to disrupt our mangroves and now that will mean the contract will be breached. THEN we can get out of it. The contract said we pay them for water, if they don't have water why we need them here? LOL!! OC have plenty water up Barbay, tek dat! This is what happen when you do injustice to your own people! GOD DONT LIKE UGLY!!
          • Sick of Lies (17/03/2012, 21:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            Lies Lies Lies and more Lies, "Man Down" Frase spent close to $2 Million on the Baughers Bay Plant (Not over $3 Million like you are claiming), but the liar you are it dosent matter. The rwason you dont have water is that your NDP government is up to their usual dirty tricks, they wont maintain the plant, so when it fails they can turn it over to Ocean Conversion so they can get their $3 million in proffit each year off the plant. Imagin when Fraser left office in November, and up until they got rid of Ray George in December the Plant was producing 1 Million Gallons a day, now it is producing only 650 a day. Tell the NDP to do the necessary maintenance on the Plant, and may be, may be, Hon. Fahie will get water for his people in West End.
        • DarkVader (16/03/2012, 13:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Now you really talking like your name (Crap). NDP never said they were going to cancel any contract. They said they will look into the matter and see if there is a way out because trying to cancel that contract, especially with the contents and to what those fools signed to would probably sink us financially. They were just elected 5 months...those fools were in there 4 years and did NOTHING to solve this water and sewerage situaion but made it worst with Bi Water. You people who are for this BiWater mess are not from here...impossible!!!
        • big daddy Tom (16/03/2012, 17:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          "crap" for your own sake keep your anti self off Mr. Frazer..that is the new people's man and the country's liberator...the best of the rest. he does not have to catch a flight to Antigua or any place.
          • Crap (16/03/2012, 23:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            "Big daddy Tom" you obviously didn't read my post carefully. Look at it again and you will see that I am with you and Frazer. Power to you.
  • Real Fool (16/03/2012, 08:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This lunatic back on here with his propaganda, why doesn't he find himself another egg to suck. Biwater having to go to the sea to find water is their business, him coming on here trying to fool people into believing that this will cost government additional money for water is simply a lie, and malicious. Why VINO dont leave this crap it to Platinom to print, I don't know. VINO should never allow this fool to use them as a tool to further his ignorance. This fool has nothing to show over the years he been opposing this project where he has been of help to the people of the Virgin Islands. Just this morning the Representative for the First District was on the news appealing to Water & Sewage to get water to his constituents of the First District, and it is not going to get any better. Cromwell is no help to the people of the Virgin Islands.
    • faith of our fathers (16/03/2012, 10:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      i agree vino need to leave this topic to the NDP poperganda site Plintum! comwell so damm out of place....hear he now back in NDP meetings me wonder what he looking for?
  • Nonsense (16/03/2012, 09:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yes Cromwell you did tell us so! now the hens are coming home to roost! BiWater should never have been here in the first place. Now they need to go! let us cut our losses now and move on. We always like to bring down our own all the time! OC could have gotten the contract. Even the 2 comments here shows how much we don't like our own people. Hatting on Cromwell personally because of his message. Don't shoot the messenger!
    • Poor BVI (16/03/2012, 12:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      When people like you "Nonsense" could get up here and support the likes of Cromwell , it says that you are just another looser just like him. What has this man done to further the cause of this territory? What is his rant and rave about Biwater doing to solve the water and sewage problems of the territory? Where is he coming from here in March 2012 talking about Biwater having to go to the ocean for water, and how it is going to cost government money? First of all, this was known since testing was done as far back as August 2011, just check the Reports. Second, this is not government's concern, for it doesn't impact the cost of water. So who the hell cares? These people are just looking for a moment in the sun, and we are just as foolish to give it to them.
      • Man Down (16/03/2012, 16:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        If it is not Government's concern who's concern is it? They were contracted by Government to have water running by this summer. They had hiccups from the beginning and would've been in breach if they didn't get the Novation Agreement from their dear buddy Mr. Fraser. Secondly, Government is responsible for approving their new plans going through the mangroves, Government does NOT have to approve it. If they deny it on environmental grounds then what? The Government contracted them to solve a water problem not make it worst. If we have to wait another year for water you will blame NDP, not Biwater and VIP who brought them here, that's the problem I have. So, it is Government problem and all our problems. This doesn't have to be political! The real question is why they started buiilding at Pari without conducting proper testing? The rush was to get it done before elections and it backfired, that's all it is. Now you come here chatting rubbish?? This will turn out just like the Beef Island situation with environmentalists taking court action, getting stop orders etc. We will be waiting on biwater for YEARS, watch and see. Anytime they can't get water another way, contract breach, send them home.
        • Lunatic (16/03/2012, 23:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          "Man down", it is obvious that you haven't read the Agreement. First of all, the Novation Agreement has nothing to do with extensions to the contract, which was never needed. Second, you don't seem to know a dam thing about Governments role in the supply of / access to sea water. That is why people like you should do yourself a favor and read (educate yourself) before you open your mouth. Third, what election are you talking about, and what rush, when in fact this Agreement was negotiated since December 2008 (3 years before elections). You need to come clean and reveal your interest in this water mess, for only a poor soul with no knowledge of the facts, with a lot of interest could embarrass themselves by coming on here with this foolishness
  • good man (16/03/2012, 10:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bi water is here to stay so comwell may go long before them
  • old man (16/03/2012, 14:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The crazy man dem on the run this week first we had some dude with a machete, then some stupid dude shot up he x girl now you have comwell ranting and raving about biwater like a lonelytic what a week in bvi history!
  • Man Down (16/03/2012, 16:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    People are upset because it's Cromwell, nobody focusing on the actual message and the facts he's putting out. Can you dispute it?
  • Love conquers hate (16/03/2012, 17:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Edju en Ka speaks out because of love of country and people. The hateful remarks of the scornful can't stop the message. Love over hate! Good over evil!
    • Roy (16/03/2012, 18:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • two faced (17/03/2012, 18:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Comwell love what dam country? For god sake! He love power and attention. Just like that funny ball head one from antigua he aint love a damm country he love power, he ego as he just got in and treating the people who put him dey like dogs not even ah return call. He call me back with he rudeness but I must talk fast! Eh
  • ruff neck (16/03/2012, 23:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cromwell , Cline, Maduro and the other 20 or less protesters got the NDP government they they need to just crawl up under the pillow and keep the hell out of our faces until the next elections.
    • Truth Is (17/03/2012, 09:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Now Iknow YOU are not from companies must come in here, take avantage of our people and our people must just sit like mute slaves, accept all kind of bogus deals and say nothing!!!? Every other country look out for the best interest of their people but some of our own people seem to always want to accept the worst for ourselves. That BiWater deal is a financial down fall for our country but it's like some of us want to see our country fail..
  • robert bail (17/03/2012, 01:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    both comwell and biwater needs to go if you ask me! save us all the details someone
    • what to say (17/03/2012, 23:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      enough of this biwater crap the NDP government have not done anything in five months and they have not told us what they will talk that Mr. Comwell
  • Quiet Storm (17/03/2012, 08:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I do not know the details of the contract, But given that the BVI probably does not have enough underground brackish water to provide a constant source for any plant that the intake would most likely be from the sea. We do not have any rivers or streams or springs to draw from. Did I miss the boat? The public needs to get an update and the facts on the BI-Water issue. They need the truth, the facts. They are due the facts, not the partisan spin. It is either that the contract is valid or not. And if the contract is valid, it can be terminated. But if the contractor is meeting the terms and conditions, termination will come at a steep price. Of course if there is mutual agreement to do so, it can be done. Nonetheless, the BVI people have endured enough stress due to a lack of reliable water supply. The time is long past due to fix this problem. Regardless, if it is BI-Water or TRI-Water, or QUAD-Water, lets get it done. This critical issue is not about the ego of a few politicians, it is about the people, their quality of life, their standard of living, their peace of mind. It is about economic sustainability. A quality, adequate water and reliable water supply is critical to economic growth and dvelopment.
    • Neutralist (18/03/2012, 17:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      "Quiet Storm" you sure have missed the boat, but I still think you are trying your darkest to be as neutral and objective as possible and I can appreciate that. But this thing has nothing to do with RIGHT or WRONG, it is all about Ocean Conversion which is an NDP supported company getting the water business, (all the water business in the territory). When Ocean Conversion built their plant at Bar Bay they had no contract with the government to buy water, their water source turned out to be faulty for at first when people turned on their tap the water came out smelling like rotten eggs. The VIP government didn't say to Ocean Conversion, hey, we don't have a contract with you, and besides your water is bad. The VIP worked with them as they solved their problems. Now you have Biwater which has the right to pursue water supply under their Agreement, and the NDP government is making it an issue, or should I say, they are allowing their agents to make it an issue. So this thing is not about RIGHT or WRONG, it is all about Ocean Conversion.
  • taxpayer (17/03/2012, 23:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cromwell, you are beating a dead horse. No rational Government will deny the company the request in question as ALL the plants on the island depend on the sea as a sourse of water. I trust that this Government would continue to treat Cromwell's statements with the contempt they deserve.
  • better off (19/03/2012, 16:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The bvi will be better off with both biwater and mr smith gone

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