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Over 360 households don’t pay for water- W&SD Director

- urges ‘straight-line’ households to rectify issue with no penalty
A water metre. According to the Water and Sewerage Department, some 365 households are receiving water from their water lines while not being connected to a metre. Photo: Internet Source
Director of Water and Sewerage Department (W&SD), Mrs Pearline R. Scatliffe-Leonard is urging straight-line customers to come to the department to rectify the issue, without facing any penalties. Photo: Facebook
Director of Water and Sewerage Department (W&SD), Mrs Pearline R. Scatliffe-Leonard is urging straight-line customers to come to the department to rectify the issue, without facing any penalties. Photo: Facebook
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- Director of Water and Sewerage Department (W&SD), Mrs Pearline R. Scatliffe-Leonard is urging straight-line customers to come to the department to rectify the issue, without facing any penalties.

While she did not explain the origin of how customers were able to have straight lines, she said the matter must now be resolved.

“A straight line [is a water line] without a meter and [customers] are receiving water,” she explained on the Honestly Speaking Radio Programme aired on ZBVI 780 AM on Thursday, December 10, 2020.

“We do have some issues in the field with straight lines that we are trying to correct. There is no penalty, just come in, let us know and let us correct the situation. So we are also encouraging customers and individuals who may know that they have a straight line or something in the field to please come in to resolve that situation.”

Over 300 straight lines

Scatliffe-Leonard also revealed that the figure for persons falling into that category is more than 300.

“We have so far, to date, come across 365 of them,” she stated.

According to her, some persons are coming into the department to right the wrong.

“We are not going to blast anybody, we just want to correct the system because at the end of the day, all of us are stakeholders and I always say to people if we don’t take care of what is taking care of us, we are all going to fall,” she pointed out.

“So come in and let’s all play our part in taking care of what’s taking care of us,” she added.

The Water and Sewerage Department has over 12,000 customers.

25 Responses to “Over 360 households don’t pay for water- W&SD Director”

  • Ok now (11/12/2020, 11:27) Like (9) Dislike (11) Reply
    She is by far the best director W&SD had
  • Trump (11/12/2020, 11:28) Like (1) Dislike (18) Reply
    "lock um up"
  • LilyAnn (11/12/2020, 11:31) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    Lots of Cheating happened after hurricane. People were cut, and they removed the meter themselves and connected straight line!!!
  • hmm (11/12/2020, 11:43) Like (18) Dislike (5) Reply
    Yall out starving your self due to your own failure to create and administrate a working system 24 sqr miles and can't properly distribute and account for water... how useless can a group of humans be to not be able to properly provide a basic need such as clean running water in 2020
  • NezRez (11/12/2020, 12:02) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
    So who put those straight lines in for them? If you knew this, how come You didn't fix this problem? How long has this been going on getting free water, while you are killing the rest of us for being a few days late and shutting us off? Since we have been religiously paying our bills, why do they get a free pass with no penalties, unless it is your fault from the beginning, then you must eat crow and not publicly complain. Since you know who they are, just make the adjustments informing them that meters will now be installed.
    • ... (12/12/2020, 07:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Penalties and correcting the situation - with correcting the situation there’s a cost because paying for the connection is a must. Lines are being cut/capped and when in doubling back it is noted that the line is restored, there is record and penalties kick in then because there is a date to work with and relevant action can be taken. The issues must be fixed and paying for the connection is not eliminated. There would be a cost. The lines are being cut/capped and residents are coming and/or calling to resolve themselves.
  • mess (11/12/2020, 12:05) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    They have serious issues. They dont know when last they read a meter. Some meter are still working properly. Some big Bill's. ??????????? Sometimes you paid yet a big bill keep your eyes open people. If you loose your receipts sorry for you.
    • ? (12/12/2020, 07:12) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Payments are not lost in the system. They’re collected by the treasury and applied to accounts. You need a print out of your receipts on can get them.
  • D (11/12/2020, 12:31) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Hmm, so this is y I'm paying for me and others. You all just placing some outrageous bill on ppl whose meter not working.
  • Overcharged (11/12/2020, 12:52) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    I never get an accurate bill yet always overcharge. How can a household with 3 people frequently get water $250.00 and $300.00 per month when you complain they telling you that is what the meter reading is highway robbery .
  • Ghost (11/12/2020, 13:00) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    I agree with some of what “NezRez” have said.
    W&S have a lot of issues with their system..I for one can never understand their billing at times but I would still pay unless it’s some outrageous act for I would be tired of trying to get my bill rectified..That Todman guy from VG, he’s the one that was able to fix this billing system “somehow”. And this constant water being off and on especially in the moments you really need it is a nightmare.. it all just baffles me to be honest but hopefully God spare for 2021 a better system all around will be in place.. and Ms. Scatliffe is a lovely persons- Always willing to help and for her to let these straight-line users “ride” is very generous of her but I believe they should pay something even if not the full bill but something..
  • WEW (11/12/2020, 13:14) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    What type of meter arrangement is that ? Never have seen so much crap
  • resident (11/12/2020, 13:27) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Straight lines where connected after the hurricanes, land slides, debris destroyed meters, applied to water and sewage and said they had no meters.
  • tola (11/12/2020, 13:32) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    They need fix the problem tortola to small for that.
  • water (11/12/2020, 15:18) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    that department has erious problems a white couplepay their bill and when they weny yo pay they were given the same bill thank god they had their old recipt some thing is wrong insude there thank god that treasuary come to save people from their pssues WATER AND SEWRAGE DEPARTMENT NEEDS A PERSONELL CLEAN UP
  • Syrupes (11/12/2020, 15:21) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    How long have I asked for a meter? Your response is we don't have any. I have not had water since 2017. Thank God for the rain.
  • rewrsdffds (11/12/2020, 15:44) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    but many more like me pay for what they dont even consume. i was away but still had to pay a monthly fee
    • estimate (12/12/2020, 07:35) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are clearly being estimated. When you come in and advise that you weren’t there, the charges ,
      Except meter rent are removed (that’s something we can’t debate). If there’s an issue find the Head. Estimated meters are just about finalised out of the field. The ultrasonic meters that are going into the field now are exactly what we need in addressing receiving an on-time bill for water you use. No Mechanical parts on the inside - water/liquid prompts the reading.
  • My only comment (11/12/2020, 15:55) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
  • fix it (11/12/2020, 16:30) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    She is doing her best dispite lack of resources
  • y (11/12/2020, 18:30) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Paying for water is like paying d bank it's d longest June I ever see every time you go u get a bill it is for June
  • Hmm (11/12/2020, 19:54) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    People getting free electricity too! it start with the workers
  • mercy (11/12/2020, 22:14) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    And for the longest time they keep telling me my bill is not ready. Hope my bill is not "ready" when I do not have any money on me. Ridiculous!
  • Water taxt (12/12/2020, 08:56) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    In the first place water should be free. Soon we will have oxygen taxt.
  • Diaspora 3D/360 (12/12/2020, 10:09) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Of late, there has been a flurry of people calling for and asking questions on referendum, independence, and self-determination, including former legislator Kedrick Pickering, Hon Mark Vanterpool(R4), Hon Julian Fraser(R3), Talk Show Host(Honestly Speaking) Claude Skelton-Cline, blogger E. Leonard and a host of on line other “bloggers.” The debate, inquiry about and quest for more autonomy, self-governing, self-determination, including independence, ..........etc is healthy. It reflects growth and maturity; the same growth and maturity a child feels in leaving his/ her parent or guardian home. Like a child, a country/territory must be prepared and ready. As such, a country needs world class physical infrastructure, ie, water, sewage, electricity, telecommunications, roads, drainage, energy......etc to go independent. Well, the water infrastructure is a royal mess.

    Water is life and a critical infrastructure that is in need of urgent, holistic restructuring. How did water get in this poor deteriorated state? Poor planning and partisan politics. Why could such a critical resource and utility get so politicized, so cultural, so tribal? Again, politics. The by any means necessary political philosophy set the course. For example, BI-Water, a BOT agreement, was not perfect but a good start to providing a reliable, safe and quality potable water supply. Nonetheless, the former government tribalized it and rode it to victory in two elections. Instead of building on the start, it was treated with disdain, delay and indifference. Even with a change in government, it is still a royal mess.

    A bunch of cheaters, fraudsters are raping an already floundering system. The property owners and accomplices who made the straight line connections must pay a penalty. An average usage rate should be established and the cheaters should be charge for all time they bypass the meter. To do nothing will be a slap in the face to those customers who struggled but made their payments religiously.

    Moreover, in regards to Water and Sewage Department, it must do a better job maintaining, repairing and operating the system (production, transmission, distribution), accounting for water production and usage (water must be a 100% accounted for), billing and fee collection ( the electronic system being down is no excuse for not manually reading the meter and billing manually as needed), testing for water quality delivery...........etc. Government must invest more in water, set higher expectations and demand a higher performance level. The system is currently under performing. By the way, water management should be centralized under Water and Sewage Department with proper staffing. The current centralized/ decentralized approach is inefficient and ineffective.

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