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Over $20K spent in 2 months to deport illegal persons– Hon Wheatley

- said illegal workers pose a threat to territory
Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) said the Government of the Virgin Islands spent at least $20,000 in the past two months to deport illegal persons from the Virgin Islands. Photo: GIS/File
Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9), left, was interviewed by Mrs Karia J. Christopher on a new edition of her programme, Real Talk, on Sunday, October 4, 2020. Photo: Facebook
Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9), left, was interviewed by Mrs Karia J. Christopher on a new edition of her programme, Real Talk, on Sunday, October 4, 2020. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) said the Government of the Virgin Islands spent at least $20,000 in the past two months to deport illegal persons from the Virgin Islands.

Honourable Wheatley was at the time being interviewed by Mrs Karia J. Christopher on a new season of her programme, Real Talk, on Sunday, October 4, 2020.

“It is my responsibility to do my utmost best to make the local persons feel comfortable in their own homes. And, if they are home sitting down watching an expat going to work every day and they can’t make a dollar it is going to create problems down the road,” he remarked.

Illegal work is costing Government!

Hon Wheatley said when someone comes into the territory and engages in illegal work, it is costing the government.

He explained: “Illegal work in this country poses a very, very serious threat to this country and local persons will more than anyone else understand that real threat. If you are working illegally, which means you are not paying any taxes. What happens when you get injured on that job? That means the Crown must pay for all your expenses because we cannot leave you to die; we are very compassionate people in this country. We are not going to leave you to die like a dog because you got injured working illegally on a job.”

To further drive his point home, Hon Wheatley said: “When you come into this country illegally we have to pay to repatriate you. We have spent nearly $20,000 in the last two months alone having to send illegal persons back out of this country. That is tax payer’s money that can be used in a time like now for so many other things. So the illegal worker is really stealing from the government in more than one way and we as locals we find that offensive.”

26 Responses to “Over $20K spent in 2 months to deport illegal persons– Hon Wheatley”

  • Agree (05/10/2020, 08:03) Like (17) Dislike (11) Reply
    Mr Wheatley you and your government is trying the best you can. It is the duty of us as citizens to help the government in any way possible to rid this island of illegals. Come on my people lets take out our phones and report matters that are affecting us . Pl
    • Go ahead! (05/10/2020, 10:19) Like (25) Dislike (9) Reply
      That's why all them houses going up for sale by the bank! the ones who paying your mortgage you throwing them out don't forget local have homes expat rents them!! watch out for the aftermath time will tell....
    • crazy (05/10/2020, 13:58) Like (5) Dislike (11) Reply
      every where in the world have illegal immigrants, they put in more to the economy than what you are giving back to them!remember they buy food,closthes,rent,rum ...ect.. the money they make 70% goes back in to the economy by consuming not saying is the right thing, but in this hard times exonerate them until December 31st you are investing money in them when the country economy is going down 100mph.. most of them came in legal the government could have millions but if you take money out every minute and don't put back in that's when you go bankrupt!!
  • Ghost (05/10/2020, 08:15) Like (19) Dislike (5) Reply
    You are very right Hon. Minister that it is robbing or raping our country; that is what it is so mega important to ensure that all of the checks and balances are done for persons entering for at times they enter just to visit but next thing they’re working “under the table” and remain for years illegally.. why it is important Hon. Minister to have your team on the ground “spot- checking” businesses to ensure that persons employed have the necessary paperwork allowing them to be employed.. Continued Vigilance is the key to minimizing this cost being placed on Government. Everyone has a right to be able to eat and live but it should be done in the right way - that’s all I’m saying ..
  • Lord o (05/10/2020, 08:51) Like (14) Dislike (14) Reply
    Bet its all black Caribbean people..They are not the only one over staying or working without approved work permit..I cry for my black people and the pressure they feel and suffer from the hands of their own....
  • josiah'sbay (05/10/2020, 09:27) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don't understand why this is such a problem because with today's technology it's not hard to track people or have them update their position to Gov.
  • Nad (05/10/2020, 09:39) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
    But look at Mr Wheatley. But illegal people costing the gov. Your guys looking blame expat for every nady choice you guys made evem the bad dollars VIP spend.
  • son of the soil (05/10/2020, 09:47) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    spend more and get them all outta yah
  • Im lost (05/10/2020, 09:50) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    I am not an expert all i have is a sound high school education but my 2 cents are 1. Why not let them pay for their own flight if they are working illegal look for their assets and seize it to pay for their deported fees.
    2. If a local working in an office under A/C and is laid off and see an expat going to clean house or yard tell me will they do it and stop creating problems down the road?
  • Mr. Minister (05/10/2020, 09:59) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    You cannot pleased the l9cals no matter what you do. They would jump from one job to the next to the next to the next yet they are not happy they have the priviledge to jump from here to there unlike an expat yet these locals would be vex down tge road if the see an expat staying at one job for years thriving. Im certain a lical was at that job before he jump to another and when an expat get it afterwards they locals still vex. The thing is is only their own caribbean blk brothers they doing this to let them check how many other nationals around the world have supreme high positions in the BVI work force and they are not vex with those nationals but their own caribbean people.
  • live online (05/10/2020, 10:03) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply

    if the person came here to stay with someone and overstayed then that person should help with the cost

    if the persons was smuggled into the country the person that smuggled them should pay(if you find them)

    some folk residing here have so much deplorable things to chat;

    yet them smuggling just to live here and all the chatty chatty you can get some to leave

    the united states dollar have turned this once peacefully place into a lawless society

  • Steve (05/10/2020, 10:11) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    This message is for ANYONE who are here illegally...LEAVE! To Immigration, you have knowledge in your computers when people enter here. When that time is up and they haven't checked out, overstaying, You should put up a list of names and pictures alerting the public to tell if you know where they are. Many of us would be more than happy to help you, just to keep us safe and letting illegals know they just can't come in here doing what they want to do. The land owners should not allow illegals to hide on their properties either, or be hot with a stiff fine.
    • @ Steve (05/10/2020, 10:47) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      enforcement will continue to be the downfall of the territory the laws only apply to locals your NHI; Your Social Security; Your Inland Revenue must be in good standing however others in this place working 9 & 10 jobs while on their working permit. some of them holds a permit to work for james bond but all over the territory working making tax free income; government now getting back some of that tax free money when they sending it via money gram: have nothing against where a person hails from be he black or white but try comply with the laws of the territory
    • annudda2cents (05/10/2020, 11:49) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      that's actually a great idea. i'll polish that idea a bit. an immigration system should be in place where persons should be categorized as work permit holders, work permit exempt holders, dependents, visitors, temporary permit holders...essentially all categories that must go through immigration. such system should have an updated digital photo of all persons. if the person's time is expired, work permit is expired, or any immigration status is expired, and are not in the process of renewal, said digital picture should automatically show up on an on-line register in the form of a portal as somebody who is in the country illegally. such portal should be accessible by the public at large to assist in identifying perpetrators. you do this, and either one of two things will happen....illegals will either hide out and render there stay in the country useless as they cannot work illegally since all eyes will be on them by the public at large, or two, they will try to avoid the wall of shame by complying with the laws.
  • Remember (05/10/2020, 10:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    It’s the taxpayers who pay, so mainly legal expats as well as locals.

    the illegal work always seems to be arranged by Belongers to exploit cheap vulnerable workers with of course, minimal avenue to complain given their status.

    We lost way more than 20k in people moving business and selves away due to the problems here faced by legal expatriates and business in general.
  • VG (05/10/2020, 10:24) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    you ain't see or spend nothing yet. ayou too bright.
  • Locals hungry (05/10/2020, 10:30) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Give out rewards for illegal expats information and see how fast your problem solve. Ppl struggling!
  • concern (05/10/2020, 10:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Persons that are receiving persons in the country and seeing them overstay their given time , should also be deported or pay a find.
  • The TRUTH (05/10/2020, 10:45) Like (3) Dislike (12) Reply
    VIP has a hell of job to clean up the mess NDP created. I don't envy them.
  • Norris Turnbull (05/10/2020, 10:52) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I question that cost. Why? 1. Every visitor overstaying should have a return ticket. 2. Those overstaying entry permits should have a return ticket. 3. Did the governor sign deportation orders for any of th these people?4. For er ing and local need to respect the immigration and labour laws of the Virgin Islands. Conyinuev th o enforce the laws fairly. Expat persons need to realize that the government cannot entertain every one. Leave and return in the future.
    • answer (06/10/2020, 09:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      To your question to your question #1 . If the return ticket they came in on is for one year after the year that ticket is expired.
      • Norris Turnbull (06/10/2020, 13:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @answer. They have to upgrade the ticket. It's their responsibility not the government .
  • VG (05/10/2020, 11:20) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Go the cheapest way give them their work permit and charge them more than it cost done deal
  • RIDICULOUSNESS (05/10/2020, 14:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    People here hungry and roads need to fix and they spending money on nonsense. How many are up in the prison getting 3 meals a day, shower and comfortable bed while some mothers are here struggling. Where are the protocols in place for maters if this nature.

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