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Outcry over “heat” in High Court, AC not working for weeks!

- Air conditioning system not working for upstairs of House of Assembly building where the HC currently sits
The upstairs of the building houses the High Court with the air conditioning unit not working for weeks. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The air conditioning unit for the High Court has not been in operation for almost three weeks with several complaints being made over the extensive heat in the building and has been described as a “demeaning condition” for anyone to be subjected to.

The Criminal Assizes is currently taking place in the said building, which is located in Road Town, with fans being used to help eliminate the heat and windows and doors are being left open.

During this new site’s coverage of court proceedings over the past week, reporters have also been subjected to the grueling heat.

On Friday June 9, the Criminal Assizes was temporarily relocated to the House of Assembly chambers, which is located at the ground floor of the building, but only because the civil court sitting was not in session which normally occupies that space.

In a letter submitted to the editor by a concerned member of the public who has been subjected to the conditions in the court room, calls have been made for urgent attention into the matter.

“The jurors, (public and staff alike) are subjected to sitting in the unbearable heat, with a few fans that are circulating heated air, while they ponder the fate of accused persons, whose life and liberty they hold in their hands. We also have, presiding over the assizes, a very distinguished, retired Court of Appeal judge in the person of Hon. Albert Redhead, and it’s very unfortunate that he too has to be subjected to such demeaning conditions,” the author of the letter states.

Registrar of the High Court Ms. Paula Ajare when contacted by this news site, explained that efforts are being made to fix the air conditioning unit as the parts that were needed had only recently arrived.

Up to last evening June 11, 2012, she said the technicians were working feverishly to fix the unit, however, up to publication time, it was still not working.

She said she is aware of the difficulty that everyone is going through and all efforts are being made to have the unit fixed in the shortest possible time.

Due to the current condition, a special sitting of the Court which is slated for today June 12, has to be relocated to the House of Assembly chambers.

18 Responses to “Outcry over “heat” in High Court, AC not working for weeks!”

  • voice-long bush (12/06/2012, 08:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    we have two BVI even in the court system. See most of the whites go to the commercial courts so you see that is a top rated facility with a white judge. But where the poor blacks and locals sits the air conditions have not worked for months, (and yes with a black judge) no space, and some weeks ago a police took ill under the heat. People wake up and start the revolution…
    • good morning BVI (12/06/2012, 08:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Lawd ah mussy see way ayo gone so early in the morning!! Struuuppps..ooppps bouy tis true!!!
    • Confucius (12/06/2012, 08:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You sound like Louis Farrakhan yelling discrimination all over the place with absolutely no basis for it! In case you hadn't noticed, we have a BLACK government with BLACK leaders in each constituency and the majority of our citizens are BLACK. Most of our lawyers are BLACK and most of our judges are BLACK. What in the world are you crying about? Are you actually trying to say that because the air conditioning unit broke down that it was somehow some sort of WHITE conspiracy? Lord have mercy! What will you find to cause melee about next? Revolution indeed! A stupid air conditioning unit broke. It happens! Get over it!!!
      • Sick (12/06/2012, 11:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        No, it's not because it is black it broke. It's because it is black it is not fixed yet. The commercial court ain't goin break, and if it break uaint goin hear because they goin fix it.
        • Crank Shaft (12/06/2012, 13:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          You have the right screen name, you're SICK indeed, SICK in your head. The staff at the Comm Court with the exception of the judge are BLACK. Many of the Lawyers dealing with cases there regularly are BLACK! The commercial court building is a new building hence you won't be hearing about this sort of thing, at least not yet. The other court is older but there's no excuse for the AC not functioning. It's just the usual Government bulls$$t, nobody responsible, they just show up to be paid. What so hard in calling in an AC company to fix it? What the hell does being black, in a country run by blacks and a Government with 95% black workers have to do with a simple thing as the AC? Jesus Christ man!
          • Sick (13/06/2012, 19:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            Jack a$$ you don't understand, being black has everything to do with it. If the blacks complain the blacks like your a$$ will say the want government to do everything, and oh how them too pusshy. And the black gowermet don't care becaues them black. But if them white them won't have to complain because uncle toms like u will be saying let me fix it for masa before masa stop do business In oh for BVI. So there u have it mr crack shaft
    • Crank Shaft (12/06/2012, 09:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      So then the question is, why doesn't our ALL BLACK Government fix it? You sound like a bumbling ....! How hard is it to call COOL Air or Todman in on a weekend to deal with the problem?
    • LOL (12/06/2012, 10:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why must you bring race into everything? a white person having to appear at the high court would be subject to this heat, as it says the commercial court is a commercial court and hears completely different matters that are of a commercial nature. Stop with the nonsense rascist comments all the time and use your head!
    • candyapple (12/06/2012, 14:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are aa sad A**** person you sound too foolish
    • lawyerboy (12/06/2012, 18:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      So true. What a shame???
  • ooooo (12/06/2012, 08:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    couldnt happen under vip
  • Inefficiency at its Highest (12/06/2012, 08:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    "Registrar of the High Court Ms. Paula Ajare when contacted by this news site, explained that efforts are being made to fix the air conditioning unit as the parts that were needed had only recently arrived." Give me a break. This problem has been ongoing since January when the Court of Appeal had to be relocated to the Commercial Court because the units were malfunctioning. They were also relocated when they sat here in April, because of the same issue with the units. This is a problem that should have been fixed several months ago, but I guess because the Registrar is not directly affected, she could care less about what is happening in the Court Room.
    • xray (12/06/2012, 13:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      i agree some of deeds people do not care about others...
    • The truth and nothin but the truth (12/06/2012, 19:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You all need to stop. I know for a fact that it is a member or members of the Court who wrote this comment. Lies, lies, lies and more lies. God is watching you. STOP IT.
      • Food for thought (13/06/2012, 00:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        What difference does it make who wrote it? The point is the 'inefficiency at its highest' is correct. The court of appeal has been sitting at the commercial court for the past five sittings it was here. Also judges sitting in civil court have sat there themselves for the year. Since you, 'the truth and nothing but the truth' seem yourself to be a member of staff, why don't you enlighten the public as to why this is occurring ?
  • school children say (12/06/2012, 10:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The solution is simple either relocate the court to a more comfortable building or postpone the cases until the problem is fixed... see how easy that was? And you all saying we school children stupid
  • insider (12/06/2012, 19:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    who cares about the poor court workers???? not a man.

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