Our ‘Top priority’ is implementation of CoI recommendations- Premier Wheatley
The National Unity Government is being proposed as the alternative to direct rule, which was strongly recommended in the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) Report.
‘A new era of democratic governance’- Dr Wheatley
Premier Wheatley, whose grandfather Willard Wheatley once held the post of Chief Minister, said he was proud to lead this National Unity Government that reflects the hunger in our community for unity.
“This swearing in ceremony represents another important and necessary step in the process of renewing our cherished democracy and reforming our institutions and systems of government. It is my hope that this day will be remembered as the day that we began a new era of democratic governance in the territory,” Dr Wheatley stated in his first speech as Premier.
Dr Wheatley said the National Unity Government is looking forward to a “much stronger relationship” with the Governor in Cabinet as “we work together in the best interests of the people of the Virgin Islands and delivering on their priorities.”
The new Premier said there is a tremendous amount of work to do to begin embedding a new culture and better practises within local institutions and systems of government.
CoI Recommendations ‘top priority’
Meanwhile, Dr Wheatley disclosed that the implementation of the recommendations in the CoI Report will be the first order of business for the new government.
“Let me state unequivocally that the National Unity Government is fully committed to reform. For the avoidance of doubt, I want to be perfectly clear our top priority is the implementation of the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry Report within a framework of democratic governance and in close cooperation with the governor and United Kingdom, our partners.”
‘Implementation body’ to be created
He also reiterated that said implementation of the recommendations cannot simply be done within the existing structures of government and that an implementation body will have to be created to support and advance the work involved.
“…and there will have to be partnership between the Virgin Islands and United Kingdom to achieve the desired outcome of a model democracy whose institutions and systems of government are robust and whose economy provides opportunities for everyone to make a decent living.”
‘We are a willing partner with UK’- Dr Wheatley
The Premier also said he is well aware that a decision has not been made by the United Kingdom on the Report’s recommendation for a partial suspension of the constitution.
“Nonetheless, we will continue to engage the governor on how best the National Unity Government can work in the best interests of the people of the Virgin Islands to deliver reform.
“We are a willing partner and ready to take the process forward in partnership without delay,” Dr Wheatley stated.
28 Responses to “Our ‘Top priority’ is implementation of CoI recommendations- Premier Wheatley”
In the past the government was simply Virgin Islands Party
We now have NDP affiliates & we now PVIM affiliates under the new leadership of government business
It is a dam good strategic move because our people are fully capable to run these islands and putting aside political difference and form a combination government is a great move
Where is the former head of the port
Where is the former chief minister
Both of them sits in detention centers in USA and what are allegations against the 2 of them
Both parties used their post for personal gratification now they got apprehended wants the world to stop spinning
Now he's the Governor's best friend !
Sack them all.
Leopards don’t change their spots.
Governor, watch your back is all im sayin...and i.m saying it respectfully.
Moreover, the VI has an interim coalition government. However, it must not be a government just on paper; it must work in unison for the VI and the public good to right the VI ship that ran hard aground on the reef, leaning badly and taking on water. Members of the unity government must set aside their different political ideologies, competition, political ambitions, etc and work for the good of the country. It must be work horses, not show horses. Either way the annals of history will reflect on its performance. 16 billions eyes are on you, even the sight challenge.
The Unity Government led by Premier Natalio Wheatley (D-7, MoF ) must be clear-eyed and laser focused on the mission/vision. A weakness in VI institutions is effective planning; it must plan, organize, debate, decide and deliver. There will be disagreements among members of the Unity Government, but politics is the art of compromise. It must do the right things, not just do things right. It be both effective and efficient. The Unity Government will not keep everyone happy or satisfied, for no government can do that. All it can do is do the right things as best it can with available resources. It must communicate with, engage and inform the people.
In my last paragraph, I focused on government but the key player (s) in fixing the VI problems is the VI PEOPLE, not the politicians nor the UK. I will digress for a minute to say this. I’m not in the camp that believe that the only problem-solver for the VI’s problem is direct rule. The VI people must have some national pride, confidence, etc. Again, the current situation is a VI caused and the VI people must fix it.
Moreover, the VI is a democracy, ie, a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Thus, the people must own the problem and step forth and fix it. The VI has the knowledge, skill, ability, talent, etc to attack an fix its problems. It is do or die. All Virgin Islanders and VI residents must cooperative and collaborate on righting the sinking ship. It is an all hands on deck effort. Everyone must hitch themselves to the wagon and pull it. The VI people must get civically engaged in the territory’s affairs.
Finally, the VI is in crisis, the ship is sinking and if it sinks it is going down with every Virgin Islander. The VI has myriad of problems but to its to do list it must add a self-empowerment plan. It has to shed the dependency.
Bvis National Unity Government is political experiment meant to keep the so-called Colonialists at bay leaving us tomove forward ir slip backwards.
Days after the arrested of then premier and port director it Dark Clouds seem to have been overshadiwing iur Bvis for days. Gloom seens to have been overshadowing us. The feeling of shock disbelief and grief seemed to have engulfed us. The ckallenge ahead to shipright our Bvi homeland wont be easy not rapid. In the Holy Scriptures the search was to fine just one (1) Righteous man in order for God to spare the city of Sodom and Gomorrah
Voters when they go to the polls typically every four years to vote for members to form a new government don’t vote directly for Premier. Elected members determined who becomes Premier, the big dog and number one among equals in the HOA. But elevation to being a minister is another story. The Premier has almost unilateral power in deciding who are selected as ministers. Being a minister is a cherished position with power, status and influence. Some scurrilous scoundrels used their ministries as a passport, a vehicle, for personal gain. Some ministries become a government within a government. Consequently and regrettably, some ministers to stay in their position of power, status and influence avoid confronting wrongdoings. They go along to get along at the expense of the public good. This situation is not unique to the BVI; it is universal in both the Westminister and presidential systems. It is the unofficial rule, not the exception. The whole thing is warped, corrosive, and corrupt, creating an interdependent and parasitic relationship between politicians and constituents, and Prime ministers, Premiers, and Chief Ministers and their ministers. It is common place in the UK and in the OTs. The crown dependencies? Do they get the same scrutiny as Caribbean OTs? Are all OTs treated equally?
Agree with Ne Timeas that the post was sage advice. Wish the new Unity Government well and may it garner the full support of the people, the main cog in wheel of the rebirth and renaissance, and may it have fair and strong with at its back as it grapple with the Herculean task ahead.
Undoubtedly, the arrest of former Premier Andrew Fahie was an accelerant to suspending the constitution and implementing UK direct rule, though the Governor and other folks lied with a straight face claiming the one thing has nothing to do with the other. If you believe that bold face lie, I have some mineral rich land on Wickham Cay for sale at a low cost. Don’t trust what I say just look at the sequence of event. Prior to Fahie’s arrest, the Governor was deliberate doing a two-step dance on when, how and to whom the CoI was going to released. Then , as soon as Fahie was arrested, the CoI dropped to the public. Who is fooling whom.
Wasn't he the one last month speaking with UN about colonization and stuff.