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Our people still don’t appreciate from whence we came – Eileene L. Parsons OBE

Former Minister for Education and Culture Mrs Eileene L. Parsons has challenged Virgin Islanders to be knowledgeable of where the country has come in just 70 years saying that these achievements go unappreciated. Photo: VINO/File
Parsons noted too that “sporters” like her were not ready to go home from the “rum shops” at the early hours of midnight, prompting laughter from the audience. Photo: VINO/File
Parsons noted too that “sporters” like her were not ready to go home from the “rum shops” at the early hours of midnight, prompting laughter from the audience. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Former Minister for Education and Culture Mrs Eileene L. Parsons OBE has challenged Virgin Islanders to be knowledgeable of where the country has come in just 70 years, saying that these achievements go unappreciated.

“Sad to say... very sad to say... our people still do not appreciate what we have become from where we were,” said Parsons while speaking at the launch of a revised anthology that she co-authored with respected and longtime educator Mrs Jennie N. Wheatley.

The launch took place on Thursday January 28, 2016 at the Central Administration Building in the presence of Premier Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith, Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources Dr The Honourable Kedrick D. Pickering, and Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn.

“It is amazing in the short 70 years or so what I personally have seen. Tortola [has] totally changed,” she said.

Parsons recalled when Road Town had one street and the street light went out at midnight.

She noted too that “sporters” like her were not ready to go home from the “rum shops” at the early hours of midnight, prompting laughter from the audience.

The publication entitled '150 Years of Achievement: 1834 – 1984’ compiles the history and cultural experiences of the Virgin Islands and its people from the earliest years following the abolition of the slave trade to the mid-1980s, when the territory looked vastly different than it did today.

21 Responses to “Our people still don’t appreciate from whence we came – Eileene L. Parsons OBE”

  • Tsotsi (02/02/2016, 09:29) Like (76) Dislike (5) Reply
    Ms. P has lost her credibility she spend all last year insulting our people calling us names to get the thieving NDP elected now she back here talking rubbish. The women need to go pray she has lost her credibility.
  • Compass (02/02/2016, 09:33) Like (40) Dislike (0) Reply
    We don't appreciate where we are going either.
  • any bets? (02/02/2016, 10:50) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply

    I bet she was t**ht?

  • rattie (02/02/2016, 11:51) Like (27) Dislike (0) Reply

    Could you believe she also try to insult Dr. Karl Dawson an outstanding Virgin Islander about his PhD? Shame on you, GO FROM HERE!!!

  • Hmm (02/02/2016, 13:10) Like (10) Dislike (29) Reply
    all yall fools who cant take mrs parsons seriously need to buck up. Who cares about who and what she is as a person?! listen to the god damn message, the woman has a point. i dont agree with her ways but she is an OLD WOMAN, everybody knows old woman is miserable and angry, especially when everything around them that they once knew and appreciated has either been updated, died or taken away. She is from a NO NONSENSE times when moral, discipline and stability was the norm. Now tortola adopt this sodom and gommorah life style like america with their lawlessness and she of course must be feeling sour inside to see her family (people of the VI) go under and sold out.
    • @ Hmm (02/02/2016, 15:39) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      the messenger must be credibable!!
      • Hmm (02/02/2016, 19:02) Like (0) Dislike (22) Reply
        @@Hmm if jesus christ came to you as he was described in the bible u would tell that hippy move aside and watch him wid a fowl face because his attire would not be deemed as credible. The sayin Let him that have ears hear goes a long way. (Listen to the message) if you were properly educated you wouldnt need to rely on someones credibility to understand truth when you hear it
    • Gov Map (02/02/2016, 15:42) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      She a setty fowl you say. Anyways you are speaking pure nonsense, when you constantly have to explain her behaviour what does it say about the behaviour itself? There are elderly women and men, out there embracing change, remembering those who have become blessed memories and are grateful to be alive. If she so sour inside then she should look at her affiliations to the NDP.
    • dog (02/02/2016, 16:23) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      I was not impressed with her on the campaign trail. But she, like Mr. Donald DeCastro have an interesting memory of the way BVI used to be. I agree with most of the comment from Hmm. BVI has lost a lot of character and youth don't really know about their own heritage or traditions. Having tall buildings and catering to cruise ships, fast cars, i-pads, chinese investors etc has changed our culture for good. This is not to say that we can't change, but why are we in such a hurry? If we do it, do it right. Unlike Vanterpool who is only now saying gee, we made mistakes... He was not qualified to begin with. We should hear more from older people and publish oral histories and stories before we lose these culturally wealthy citizens. History matters and once it is gone, it can not be replaced and we are doomed to repeat mistakes because we never learned from the past. AND SURPRISE!
      it will turn out to be a tourist draw as well.... historic preservation keeps the culture.
  • dem say (02/02/2016, 14:09) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    it is obvious that you are still in the rum shop and that we a re not going anywhere with the National Dose of poison!
  • run (02/02/2016, 15:11) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope she appreciate. It is easy to talk when you are taken care of by those who hold the power. The country has come a long way now it is being destroyed.
  • bvi (02/02/2016, 19:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • barbie (02/02/2016, 19:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Funny, listening to her and the NDP and their sidekicks and sheeple, I thought nothing was happening until they came to power. The way they talk would have anyone believe this.

    On another note. If you are going to criticize someone fo the job they are doing and then it is handed to you, you should do better than that person not the same and worse in some cases. That was for the NDP and those who like to criticize.
  • shark (02/02/2016, 20:02) Like (1) Dislike (17) Reply
    ayo needs to stay of miss Parsons.some of you all people just came to the British Virgin Islands when money is flourishing,45 years ago when we did not had anything here.Tortola British Virgin Islands have fed every Islands in the Caribbean,people here just down right have to appreciate it for what it is.our forefather's have worked tirelessly to build this great nation we have to see some these did-respectful people here mashing up our country,its very blatantly its very miss parson im with you 200 % u have to appreciate where u are today because it was a long hard tireless journey to get here where we at today.never take nothing for granted.
    • *Hmm (05/02/2016, 11:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The same "did-respectful people" mashing up the country are the very same bvislanders. How bout you take a good look at your gov, maybe that would clear stuff up for you a bit
  • Agree (02/02/2016, 22:18) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree 100% you are correct Ilene. One problem in the past 20 years our leaders have become too greedy and selfish. That put a dark cloud over all the progress
  • ausar (09/02/2016, 12:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thank you Ms Parsons for all you have done to preserve our culture. Indeed, many of us are not aware from whence we came and sadly many will never know. Young people are not interested in the past.

    It is great to know that a publication of sorts is available for all to read of our past and that you have played a major role in shaping its formation.

    Indeed, you are a lionhearted and fearless leader and our country will always be proud to have you as one of it's native daughters

    Thank You, MS P

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